<br /> fuli �f ai� sums secured by this Security Instrument. Howe�er, this opt��t� shall not be exercised by Lender if
<br /> �xerc�s� �s prohibited by federal lav�as of the da���f�his Security �nstrumen�.
<br /> If Lender e�cercises this aption, Lender shal� �ive Borr�v�er no�ice �f a�ce�eration. The no�ice shal� pro�ide a
<br /> periad of n�t less than the minimum number af days establ�shed by Applicable Law fro� �he da�� the not�ce �s
<br /> del��ered ar mailed withiri wh��h B�rrower must pay all surns secured b� �his Se�ur�ty Ins�rument. If Barr�wer
<br /> fa��s ta pay �hese su�x�s pr�ar ta �he exp�ra�ion af�his per�od, Lender may in�ol�e any remedies permitted by thxs
<br /> Secur��y Instru�nen�����haut fur�her notice ar demand on B�rravver.
<br /> Borrower's Righ� t� R�ins�a�e. If Barrower r�eets certain conditians, B�rrower shall ha�e �he ri�ht ta ha�e
<br /> enfarc�ment of this Securi�y Instrument discontinued at an� �ime prio�to �he ear�ier of: �a) 5 days �or su�h other
<br /> period as Appl�cal��e Law may spe�ify for rexns�atement�before sale of the Property pursuan�ta any power flf sale
<br /> c�n�ained xn �hzs Secur��y �nstrument; or �b} �nfiry t�f a judgm�nt enf�rczng �h�s Se�uri�y Ins�rument. Those
<br /> condi�i�ns are that Borrower: �a} pays Lender all sums wh�ch �hen wau�d be due und�r this Security Instrument
<br /> and�he��ntrac�as if no acce�era��on had occurred;�b}cures any defau��af any o�her ca�enants or a�r�em��.ts; ��}
<br /> pa�s a�l expcnses incurred in enforcin�thrs Security�ns�rum�nt, in��udin�,but na���mi�ed to,reasonab�e at�orneys'
<br /> fees to �he exten�permitt�d by lav�; and �d� �akes such acti�n as Lender may reasonably reauire to assure�hat the
<br /> 1�en af this Security �nstrument, Lender's r��hts �n�he Proper�y and Borrower's�b�ibat�on t�pay�he sums se�ured
<br /> by th�s Securi�y �nstrument shal� continue uncha��ed. Upon re7i.ns�atemem� by Borrower, �his Security Instrument
<br /> and the ob�i�ations secured hereby shall rema�n fu1�y effectx�e as �f na accel�ratian had o�curred. Howe�er, this
<br /> ri�ht t� reins�ate shall n��app�y in the case of acGe�eration under the se�tion t��ied Transfer of the Proper�y or a
<br /> Be�ef�cial Interest�n Borrower.
<br /> Hazardaus SubStancQS. Barra�er shall not cause or permi��he presence, use, d�spasaI, starage, �r reiease of any
<br /> Ha�ard�us 5ubs�ances on or in the Property. Borrower shall no�do,n�r a�low anyone e�se�o do,anyth�n�affect�n�
<br /> the Property that is in vioiatian of any En�ir�nr�ental Lavv. The preceding two sentences sha�l n�t appIy �o the
<br /> p�esen�e, use,or s�ora�e on the Proper�y of sma�i quan�ities�f Hazardous Substances�hat are�eneraI�y reco�nized
<br /> t�be appropria�e to r�orma�resident�al us�s and ta maintenance of�he Propet~ty.
<br /> Borrower sha�� pr�mp��y�i�e Lender writ��n n�ti�e of any �n�esti�ati�n, claim, demand, lavvsu�t�r o�her ac�ion by
<br /> any �o�ernmental nr re�ulatory a�e�acy or pri�ate party �nvaIvi.ng the Praperty and any Hazardous Substance �r
<br /> En�iranmen�al Lavv of which Borro�er has �.c�ua� knawled�e. If Borr�wer Iearns, ar is natifed by any
<br /> �o�ernmental or r��ula�ory au�hori�y,tha�any rez-no�a�or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affec�xn�
<br /> �he Prap�rfiy is necessary, Borrower shall promp��y take a�� necessary remedia� actions i� accordance vvith
<br /> EnvirQnmen�al Lavv.
<br /> As used �n th�s para�raph, "Ha�a�rdous Subs�ances" are �hose subs�ances defined as �oxic or hazardous substances
<br /> by En��ronmenta� Law and �he following subs��.nces; �asQ��n�, keraser�e, other flammable or �ox�c pe�roleum
<br /> pr�ducts, �ox�c pesticides and herb�c�des, Wo�ati�e soIven�s, ma�erials c�nta�ning asbestos or formaidehyde, and
<br /> rad.�aac��We ma�er�ais.As used in�his para�raph, '�En��ronmen�al Law" means federal laws azad �aws of�h� state of
<br /> N�braska tha�rela�e t�hea�th,safe�y or en��ronmen�a�pro�ect�an.
<br /> Acc��erat�on; Remedz��. Lender shall g�ve no�ice to Borrower pr�or �a acceI�ra��on fo��owinb Borrower's
<br /> breach of any cavenan��r agreemen��n �hi�S�cur�#y InStrument vr t�e Contrac� under which acceIeratxon
<br /> i� permi�ted �but not pr��r tfl accelerati�n under the sec��on tit��d Transfer of the Property or a Benef�cza�
<br /> �nt�rest in �3orrower, un�es5 App��cab�e Law prov�des atherwise�. The not�ce sha�l specify: �a} the d�fauit;
<br /> �b� the a�ti�n requ�red tfl cure �he defaul�; ��} a da�e, not less �han th� minirnum numher of da�s
<br /> es�albl�shed b�Appli�able Law fr�m the da�e t�.e notice is given �� B�rrower, by wh�ch the default must be
<br /> cured; and �d} �ha� failure to �ure the defau�t on or ��fare the date �p�cif�ed �n �he not�ce may resuit in
<br /> acc��eration af the sums secured by �his Se�urity InstrumQn� and �aIe of the Property. Tfl the extient
<br /> permi��ed b� law, �he no�iee sha�l further infflrm Sorrower of the righ�t� reins�ate after acceleratian and
<br /> �he ri�ht to brxnb a court ac�ion to a�ser��h�n�n-existence af a defaul�or any other d�fense af�vrrovv�r to
<br /> aceeierat�on and sai�e. Zf the default �s no�cur�d �n or before fhe da�e specif�ed in the notice, Lender at ��s
<br /> opt�an may requ�re immed�a�� payment in fu�I af a�l sums secured by this Security �ns�rumen� w�thou�
<br /> fur�her dem�.nd and may inv�ke the power of sa�e and any o�her remed�es permit�ed by App�i�able Law.
<br /> To �h� ext�n� permi��ed by �aw, Lender sha�l be ent�t�ed to c�lIe�t a11 exp�nses �n�urr�d �n pursuing �he
<br /> renr�ed�es prov�dQd �n �h�s Sect�on, inc�uding, b�� not��mited t�, rea�or�ab�e attarneys' f�es and costs of��t�e
<br /> e�id�nce.
<br /> �f t�ie power af Sale is �n�oked, Trus�ee shal� re�ord a no�ice nf defaul� �n ea�h coun�y �n which any part of
<br /> the Praper�y is Iocafed and sha�l maii��op�es of su�h no��ce in �he manner prescribed by Appiiea��� Law �n
<br /> Barrower and to �he ��her persons prescri�ed by ApPiicable Law. Aft�r the ��rne requ�r�d by Appl�cable
<br /> Law, Tru�tee sha�l g��e Publie natice of saie to the persons and in the manner pr�scr�bed by App�icable
<br /> Law. Trus�e�, wi�hou�demand on �3orrower, shalx sell the Property at public auc��on to �he h��h�st bidder
<br /> a���ae time and p�ace and under the�erms designat�d �n th�no��ce of�ale �n one or mar�parcels and �n any
<br /> vrder Trust�e determ�n�s. Trus�ee may postpone sale nf alx or any par��l of �he Proper�y by pubiic
<br /> announcement at the�ime and piace of an� �re��ou5�y schedu�ed sale. Lender�r rts des�bnee may purchase
<br /> the Property at any�a�e.
<br /> Upon r�c�ip� of payment of the pr�ce bid, Tru��ee sha�� de�i�er �o the purchaser Trustee's de�d �on�eying
<br /> the Pr�perty. The r�cx�ais in �he Trus�ee's deed sha�l be pr�ma fac�e evidence of the�ruth of�he s�a�emen�s
<br /> mad� �here��. Trust�� sha�� apply the proceeds of #he sale �� #he foliaw�ng order: �a} to a�l cos�s and
<br /> �xp�nses of exer�xsing �he power of�a�e, and the saIe, �nclud�n� the payment of�he Trustee'� fees actually
<br /> Q 2���-24i 3 Cvrnp€'sance Systems,Inc.SEB3-FEC3-2�13L2.0.E1,71'?
<br /> Cons�mer ReaI Estate-Security Ins.rument DL2a36 Pa�;e 4 v€'S www.campliancesysterr�s.�Qn�
<br />