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��14�3575 <br /> con�inue to pay to Len�.er�he am�un�of the separat�ly des�gnated payxnents�hat were due when the <br /> insurance��verage ceased��be in effec�. Lender will acG�p�, use and re�ain�hes�pa�men�s as a <br /> non--refundable lass reserve in l�eu of Mor�gage Insurance. Such lass reser�re shall�e non-refunda�le, <br /> no�withstanding�h�fa��that the Laan�s u���ma�eiy paid�n fu��, and L�nder shall no�be requir�d to pay <br /> Borrnwer any interest�r earnings�n such�oss r�serve. Lender Can no longer requ�re�oss reser�e payments <br /> �f Mor�gage�nsurance c���rage�in�h�am�unt and for th�per�ad tha�L�nder requires}pro�ided b�an <br /> �nsurer s��ected by Lender aga�n b�com�s a�ai�ab�e, �s nb�ained, and Lender requires separate�y designated <br /> �aymen�s t�ward�he prem�ums f�r Mor�gage�nsurance. �f L�nder required Mor�gage�nsurance as a <br /> cond��ion�f making�he Loan and Barrav��r was requ�red��make s�para�e�y designated pa�ments�ov�ard the <br /> premiums for M�rtgage�nsuran�e, B�rrow�r shal�pay the prem.iums requ�red to main�ain M�rtgage <br /> �nsurance in effec�., ar ta pro��de a n�n-r�funda��e�ass reserve, unt�� Lender's requirement far Mor�gage <br /> Znsuranc�ends in accardance v�r�th an�wri�ten agreement b�tween Borravver and Lender prov�ding far such <br /> t�rminat�on ar unt�l terminatian is requ�red�y App��cab�e Lavv. Na�hing �n this Sec�ion ��affe�ts <br /> B�rrower's obliga�ion to pa�interest at�he ra�e pro��ded in the Note. <br /> Mflr�gage�nsurance r��m�urses Lender�or any enti�y tha�pur�hases �he Note} far cer�a�n�asses ��may incur <br /> if Barrower does no�repay�he Loan a� agreed. B�rrower is not a party�o the Mor�gage�nsurance. <br /> Mor�gage insurers evaluate�heir�o�al risk on all such�nsurance in force from time to t�me, and ma�enter <br /> �nto agreem�nts with oth�r par�ies tha�share or modify their risk, or reduce�osses. These agr�ements are on <br /> �erms and c�ndit�ons �hat ar�satisfactary�o fhe mortgage insurer and�he fl�her party�or par�ies}to these <br /> agreements. These agreements may r�quire th�mar�gage insurer�a mak�pa�rmen�s using any source of funds <br /> that the martgage insurer may ha�e a�a�Xable�v�rhich may include funds ob�ained from Mor�gage Insuranc� <br /> prena�ums�. <br /> As a resu�t of�h�se agreemen�s, I..�nder, any purchas�r of the Not�, an�ther�nsurer, an�re�nsurer, any o�h�r <br /> enti�y, or any af���ate of any of�he foregoing, ma�recex�e�directly or�nd�rectly} amnunts�hat der�v�from <br /> �or nugh�be character�z�d as} a por�ion of Barro�er's pa�men�s fnr Mor�ga�e Insurance, in��char�.g�for <br /> sharing or m�dify�ng the mor�gage insur�r's risk, or reducing �ass�s. �f such agreemen�provides�ha�an <br /> affi��a�e�f Lender�akes a s�are�f the insurer's risk in exchange for a share of the�remiums paid�o�he <br /> insurer, the arrangement�s of�en termed "capti�e r�insurance." Fur�her: <br /> �a 3 Any such agreemQnts will not affect the amaunts that Borrower has agreed to pay for 1Vlortgag� <br /> Insurance, or any other terms of the Laan. �uch agreements w�ll not�ncrease the amount <br /> Barrower wv��l�►w�f�r�Vior�gage Insuranc�, and they ►w�ll not entit�e�orrower to any refund. <br /> t b� Any such agreemen�s wil�nvt affec�the r�ghts Borrower ha�-if any -►�vi�h respect ta the <br /> 1VI�r��a�e Insurance under the I3omeowner�Protec��on Act of 19�8 or any ather law. These rxgh�s <br /> may include the r�ght to rece��e certain di�c�a�ures, to reques�and obta�n cance��ation of the <br /> Mortgag�Insurance, to have the Mortgage Insurance terna��na�ed autvnlat�ca��y, andlor to rece�ve <br /> a refun.d of any Mor�gage Insurance premiurn�.s that were unearned at the txme of such <br /> canc���at�on or�ermination. <br /> 7�. Ass�gnment af N1�sce��aneous Proceeds; Farfe�tu�e. Ali M�s�ellane�u� Pro��eds are hereb�r ass�gned�o <br /> and shai�be paid to Lender. <br /> �f th�Prop�r�y �s damag�d, such Misce�lane�us Pra�eeds sha11 be applied�a restoration ar r�pair of�he <br /> Proper�y, if the res�ara��on or repair is economica�iy feas�b�e and Lender's secur�ty �s not lessened. During <br /> such repair and res�oration period, Lender sha�l ha�e t�.e r�gf�t to ho�d such Misc�llaneflus �ro���d�u�ti� <br /> L.�nd�r has had an oppar�uni���o �nspec�such Pr�per�y�o ensur��he�vork has be�n completed�o L�nd�r's <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami#y-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUM�NT Farm 3Q28 71a9 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�N�f[i 3D�y <br /> Walters Kluwer�ir�anciat Ser�ices Page 9 of 17 <br />
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