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��14�3575 <br /> B�R.RU'�VER C�VENANTS that B�rrawer is�awfu�Iy seised of the es�ate her��y con�eyed and has the right t� <br /> grant and conv�y the F'ropert� and that th��'r�perty is unencumbered, e�cept far encumbrances��re�ord. <br /> B�rr�w�r warrants and wi�� defend g�n�ra�ly th�ti��e�a �he Proper�y agains�al���a�ms and demands, sub���:t to <br /> any encum�rances af rec�rd. <br /> T��S�E�UR�TY�NSTRUMENT c�mb�nes un�form cflvenants f�r nationa�use and non�uniform covenants v�ith <br /> limi�ed var�at�ons��jurzs�iict�an to c�ns��tute a un�f�rm security ins�rument covering real proper��. <br /> Unifvrm Cc�rrenants. B�rrower and Lender ca�enant and agree as follows: <br /> �. Payment vf Principa�. Inte�rest, Escrvw Items, Prepayment �harge�, and Late Cnarges. Barr�v�rer <br /> shall pay wh�r�due th�princ�pa� of, and int�rest�n, the d�bt ev�denced by�he N'ote and any prepaym�nt <br /> charges and late charg�s due und�r the Nate. B�rrawer�ha�� a�so pay funds for Escrow �tems pursuant to <br /> Secti�n 3, Pa�ments du�under th�No�e ar�d�his Secur�ty �nstrument sha�l�e made in U.S. �urrency. <br /> ��wew�r, zf any check or oth�r ins�rument r�cex�ed by Lender as paymen�under�he No�e�r this�ecurity <br /> Instrument x�return�d to Lender unpaxd, L�nder ma�r requir�that any or a�l subsequent payments du�under <br /> t�e Nate and th�s S��urzty �nstrument�e made�n�ne or more of the fo��ow�ng forms, as s��ected by Lender; <br /> �a} �ash; �b}rnoney order; ��}cer��f�ed check, �ank chec�, �reasur�r's check or cashzer's check, provided any <br /> such check is drav�n upon an instz�u�ion whose deposits are insured by a f�d�ra� agency, instrumental�ty, or <br /> �nt�ty; or�d} Electronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Paym�nts ar�de�med re�ei�ed by Lender when r��eived a��he�ocation designa��d in�he No�e or at such <br /> �th�r�o�a�i�n a�may be designated by L�nder�n accardance with the no�ice provisinns zn Sect�an �S. <br /> L�nd�r may r��urn any paymen�ar part�a�payment �f the payment�r partial paymen�s are�nsuff�c�ent to <br /> br�n��he L�an current. Lender may ac��pt an�r paymen�or par�ial pa�men�xnsuf�czent to bri�g the Loan <br /> curren�, vvithau�waiver af any rights hereunder or pre�udice to its rzgh�s to refuse such paymen�or par�ial <br /> payments in the future, �u� Lender is not�bligated to apply such payxn�nts at the time such payments ar� <br /> accepted. If each Per�adic Paym�n�i�applied as of��s schedu�ed due date, th�n Lend�r need nat pay �nterest <br /> an unapp�ied funds. Lender ma�hold such unapp�xed funds until Bo�r�wer makes payments to bring the <br /> L�an curren�. Xf Borrawer does not do so�ithin a r�asonab�e p�riod of t�me, L�nd�r shail either apply such <br /> funds ar re�urn them to Borra�ver, If no�applied earli�r, su�h fun�.s wi��be applied to the outstanding <br /> principal balan�e under�he No�e immed�atel�r pr��r to forec��sur�. N�offset ar c�airn which Borro�ver might <br /> have no� or�n the fu�ure against Lend�r sha�� re��eve Borrower from mal�ing payments du�under the No�e <br /> and�h�s Secur�ty�ns�rument or perf�rm�ng�h�cavenants and agreements secured by th�s Securi�y <br /> �nstrument. <br /> �. Ap�li�ation �f Payments �r Pr�ceeds. Ex�ep�a�o�herwzse described in this Se��ion 2, a��paym�n�� <br /> acc�p�ed and app���d by Lender sha��be app��ed�n�he f���owing order�f pri�rxty: �a} zn�erest due under the <br /> Note; �b}pr�nc�pal due under the Note; �c} amaunts due under Section 3. Such paym�nts sha�� be app�ied�o <br /> each Periodic Payment in�he order in which �t�ecame due. Any rema�n�ng amaunts sha�I be app��ed�rst�� <br /> �a�e charges, secand to any other amaunts due under�his 5e�urit� �ns�ruxn�nt, an��hen ta reduce th� <br /> principal�a�ance af the Nate. <br /> If L��der rec�iwes a payrnent from Borrower for a de��nqu�nt Periadic Payment wh�ch includes a suf��ien� <br /> am�unt�o pay any�ate charg��.ue, th�paymen�ma�r be appl�ed to the deiinquent paymen�and th��ate <br /> c�arge. �f more than one Per�odi� Paym�nt�s outs�and�ng, Lender may app1�any payment received fram <br /> Borrflvver t�the repaymen��f�he Per�odz�Pa�ments �f, and to the ext�nt th�.t, each pa�rm�nt ca�be paid in <br /> fu��. T��h�e�.tent that any e�.��ss ex�s�s after the pa�rm�nt is applied to the fui�paym�n�of�ne�r mare <br /> Perxad�c Payments, su�h excess may be app�ied to any �a�e charges due. Vo�untary prepayments sha�l be <br /> app�ied f�rs�to any prepaym�nt charges and�hen as described in the Note. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingl�Fami�y-�anni�MaelFreddie Ma�UNt��RM iNSTRUMENT Fvrm 3Q28 11�i <br /> VMP Q VMP6{NEy��3��y <br /> VIIDI��!'S K�i1W�T�lCt�f]Cl�I S@CVEC@S Page 4 0#17 <br />