<br /> in the Praper�y and rights under this Security Instrument; and �d}�ak�s su�h ac�ion as Lend�r ma�
<br /> reasanab�y requzre�o assure�hat L�nder's interest in the Prop�r�y and rights under�his Se�ur�ty Ins��rumer�t,
<br /> and Borraw�r's obl�gat�on to pay the�ums secured by�his Secur��y Instrumen�y shall �ontinue unc�Zanged.
<br /> Lender�may requ�re that Borrower pa�r such r�instatemen�sums and expenses �n on�or more of�he foi�awing
<br /> forms, as se�ected by Lender: (a} cash; �b} maney ordery ��� �er�if�ed check, bank�heck, �reasurer's chec�or
<br /> cash�er's�heck, prov�ded any suc�check�s drawn upon an�nsti�utian vvhase depos��s ar�insured�y a
<br /> f�deral ag�n��r, �ns�rumen�ality ar en��ty; �r�d} Elec�r�n�c Funds Transfer. Upon rein�tatement by Borrower,
<br /> �his Securi�y �ns�rument and obliga�ions se�ured hereby sha�i r�main ful�y effec�iv�as �f no ac�exeration had
<br /> occurr�d. Hovwever, ��.xs right to reinstate sha��no�apply in the case of acc�lera�ion under Sect�an �8.
<br /> �C�. Sale of Note; �hang� of Loan Serrricer; Notice of Grierrance. The Note or a par��al in��r�st in the
<br /> Not����gether with this Secur��y �nstrumen�}can be sold one or n�ore times withou�pr��r notice to
<br /> Barrower. A sa�e might result�n a change in�he en��ty �kn�wn as�he "Laan Servicer"� �hat���lec�s Periodic
<br /> Paymen�s due under�he Note and th�s Secur�ty Ins�rument and performs other mor�gage Iflan servic�ng
<br /> ob��gat�ans under��e Note, this Securi�y Znstrumen�, and Appl�cable Law. There also m�gh�be on�or amore
<br /> changes�f�he Loan Servicer unre�ated�o a sale�f�he No�e. �f there is a change of�he Loan Ser�vi�er,
<br /> Borrow�r wiii be gi�en wr���en no�ice of the change�hich wil� state�he name and address of the n.ew Loan
<br /> Serv�cer, the ad�ress�o wh�ch paymen�s shou�d�e nlade and any o�her�nfvrmat�on RESPA r�quir�s in
<br /> cflnnect��n w�th a not�ce�f transfer of servic�ng. �f the No�e is sold and�hereafter��L.oan is serviced by a
<br /> Loan Servicer o�her�han.the purchaser of the�o�e, the mor�ga�e loan servicing ob��ga�ions�o Borrower wil�
<br /> rema�n with�he Loan Serv�cer or be�ransferred to a successor I.�an Ser�v�cer and are n��assumed by the
<br /> No��purchaser unless o�herv�ise pro�r�ded b�the Na��purcha��r.
<br /> Ne��her Borrov�er nar Lender may��rnnaence,join, or be joined t� any judicia� act�an�as e�ther an
<br /> ind�vidualli�igan�or�he rn�ember af a class} �ha�ari�es fr�m the�ther party's a�tions pursuan��a this
<br /> S�cur�ty �ns�rument or�hat a��eges�ha�the�ther par�y has�rea�hed an�prov�ision of, ar any duty owed by
<br /> reason af, �his Secur�ty Instrument, unti� such Borrower or Lender has notified�e other par�� �wi�h sucY�
<br /> nat�ce gi�en in compl�ance v�r�th the r�quirem�ent�of Seetion �5}of�uch al�eged breach and afford�d the
<br /> other par�y heret� a r�asonable period af�er�he g��xng af su�h not�ce t�take c�rrect��e ac�ion. �f App�ica��e
<br /> Lavv prov�des a t�me periad wh�ch must e�aps�before cer�a�n ac�ian can be taken, tha�t�me period w�ll be
<br /> deemed to be reasanab�e far purposes of�h�s paragraph. The rio�ice of accelera�ion an�appor�unity t�cure
<br /> given to B�rrawer pursuan��fl Sect�on�2 and the na�iG�of acce�eration g�ven to Borro�ver pursuant to
<br /> S�c�ian �S sha11��deemed to sa�isfy the n���ce and appor�unity�o tak�corrective action provisions of this
<br /> S�c��on�D.
<br /> Z'I. Hazard�us Substan�es. As used in�h�s Sec�ion��: �a} ".�'azardous 5`ubstances"ar�those substances
<br /> d��ned as toxic or hazardaus subs�ances, po��utants, or was�es�y En��ronmental Law and the follaw�ng
<br /> substances: gas�line, k�rosene, ather flammab�e nr tox�c pe�raleum produc�s, taxi�pes�icides and herb�cides,
<br /> .
<br /> �o�at�le s��ven�s, ma�erials con�ain�ng asbesfos or f��maldehyde, and radioa�t��ve mater�a s;
<br /> "Envir�nmental Lc��v"means federa� laws and Iaws�f the jurisd�c�ion v�rhe�re the Proper��r�s locat�d�hat
<br /> r�la�e to�eal.�h, safe�y or environm�n�al pro�ection; �c} ".E'nvirortm�nta� ��eanup"�nclud��any resp�nse
<br /> ac�ion, rem�d�al ac��on, or remo�al act�on, as defined�n En��ronm�nta� Lavv; and�d� an ",�nvironmentar
<br /> Co�tdi�i�n"means a condi��on�ha�can cause, cflntribu�e to, or otherwise tr�gger an Environmental ��eanu�.
<br /> Barr�wer sha��not cause or permit th�presen�e, use, disposal, s�orage, �r re�eas�of an.y �azardous
<br /> Subs�ances, �r threa�en to release any�iazardous Subs�ances, on or�n�he Property. Borrower sha�� not d�,
<br /> nor a��o�v anyone e�se�o d�, anything affec�ing�he Proper�y ta} that is �n�io�at�on�f an�En�rirflnmental
<br /> Lav�r, �b}wh��h�rea�es an Env�ronmen�a��ondition, or�c} wh�ch, due t�the presence, use, or rel�ase of a
<br /> Hazardous Su�s�ance, crea�es a candition tha�ad�erse�y affec�s the va�ue flf�he Proper��. The prec�ding tv�o
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Famity-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNI�QRM INSTRUMENT �orm 30Z8 11�'�
<br /> VMP[� VMPfi�NE}{��p2y
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser��ces Page i 3 vf 17
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