<br /> fu�l ❑f a1� sums secur�d �by this Security �ns�rument. H�wev�r, �his opti�n shall not be exercised by Lender if
<br /> e�ercise is pr�h�bited by federal 7av�as vf the da�e of�his Secur��y�ns�rum�nt.
<br /> If L�nder exercises �his op�ion, Lender sha11 g�ve B�rrower no�i�e of a��elera�ion. Th� notice sha�l pro��de a
<br /> per�od �f not �ess �han �he minimum number of days estabi�sh�d by Appli�able Law from �he da�e the no�ice �s
<br /> d�li�ered or mai�ed �n���hin �vhich Borrflw�r mus� pay al� sums seGured by th�s Se�urity �ns�ru�nen�. If B�rrower
<br /> fails �o pay these sums prior ta �he expirat��n of�his �eriod, Len�.er ma� invoke any remedies �ermi�ted by th�s
<br /> Secur�ty�ns�rumen�v�rith�ut further n���ce or d�marid on BorrQ�ver.
<br /> �Bnrr�wer's R�ght �a Reinstate. �f Borrower m�et� ce�rtain ��ndi�ions, B�rr�v�er shall ha�e the right �o ha�e
<br /> enforcemen� af this Secur�ty �nstrument d�scon��nued a� a�y ti7ne pr�flr��the earl�er�f �a} 5 days �or such other
<br /> periad as Appl�cable Law may spec�fy for reinsta�ement�befare sa�e�f�he�'roper�pursuan�to any povver�f sale
<br /> c�nta�ned in this Securi�y �ns�rume�t; �r �b� ent�ry of a �uelgmen� enfarc�ng �his Se�urity �ns�rumen�. Tho�e
<br /> cond��i�ns ar� �hat Borr�v�er: �a� pays Lender al� sums which �he�. �ould he due under this Security �nstrumen�
<br /> and the��ntra��as if n�acce�era�io�had occurred;�b}cures any defaul��f an�ather c��enants or agreements;�c�
<br /> pays a�1 expenses�ncurred in enforcing�his Secur�ty Instrumen�,lI7C�ZIC�1n.�,but n�t Iimi�ed to,reasonable attorne}�s'
<br /> fees�fl the exten�perm��ted by �aw; and�d�takes such ac���n as Lender may reasonably require to assur��hat the
<br /> ��en of this Security�ns�trumen�, L�nder's r�gh�s in�he Property�.nd Barro�av�r's obl�ga�i�n t�pay the sums secured
<br /> by this Security �nstrumen� sha�l continue unchanged. Up�n r�instatemen�by Borrov��r, �his Security �nstrumen�
<br /> and�he obliga��nns s�cured h�reby sha11 remain ful�y effec�ive as �f na a�ceXera�i�n had occurred. Ho�e�er, �his
<br /> r�gh�to reins�ate shail nat apply�n�he case of acce�era��nn under�h� sec�ion����ed'Transfer vf the Prvper�y ar a
<br /> Bene��ial Interest ir�Borrower.
<br /> Ha�ardous Substances. Borrower sha��not cause or per�ni�t�ne presence,use, disposa�, ��orage, �r re�ease�f any
<br /> Hazardaus S�bstances on�r in the Froperty.B�r��vt�er shali no�t do,nor al�ovv anyone e�se ta da,anything affe�t�ng
<br /> the Propert�y �ha� is in v��1a��on of any En�ir�nnzental Law. �'h� precedin�, two s�nt�nc�s shal� no� apply to �he
<br /> prese�ce,use,or s�orage on the Property�f sma�1 quan�:ities of Hazardaus Sub�tanc�s tha�are genera�ly re�ognized
<br /> ta be apprapriate to n�rmal residentia�uses and�a maintenanc�of th�PrQper�y.
<br /> Borrawer shal�promptly gi�e Lender wri�ten nfltice af an�inv�s��ga�ion,��aim, der�and,lawsu�t or other a�ti�n by
<br /> any ga�ernm�ntal or regulatory agen.cy or priva�e par� in�vlvi�g �he Pr�per� a�d any �3a�ard�us Substance ar
<br /> Envir�nmen�al Law of �rlvh�ch Borro�er has ac�ual l�awi�dge. If B�r�ovc�er learns, or �s natifed 1�y any
<br /> g��ernmen�al or regu�a�ary au�horifiy,�ha�any rerno�al ar o�her remed�ati�n�f any Hazard�us Substance affe���ng
<br /> the �raperty �s necessary, Borrower sha1l pr�mptly take al� necessary remedial ac��ons �n accordance with
<br /> Environmenta�]Law.
<br /> As used in th�s paragraph, "Hazaxdous Substan�es" are those subs�ances defned as�ox�c or hazardous su�stances
<br /> by En�iranrrien�al Lav�r and the f�llavving subs�ances: �asol�ne, ker�se�ne, o�her flam�mable or �oxic pe�roleum
<br /> produc�s, �oxic pesticides and. herbicides, vola�i�e sol�en��, materials ca�n�a�n�ng asbes��s or forma�deh�de, ar�d
<br /> rad��ac�ive ma�er�als.As used in this paragraph, "EnW�ronmen�al La�v"means federai.laws and Iaws af the state of
<br /> Nebraska that re�at���hea�th,safet�flr env�r�nmenta�pro�ecti�n.
<br /> Acce�eration; Rer�e�ies. Lend�r sha�l give no�i�Q to Barr�wer prior �o �cceleration following Borrvwer's
<br /> brea�h of any cn�enar��ar agreement in this Securi�y I�strumer�t ar the Con�ract und�r wh�c�i acce��rat�on
<br /> is permitted �but not prior#o acc��erat�on under�he sectio� ti��ed Transfer of�he Property ar a Benef��ial
<br /> Int�rest in �arrov+ver, unl�ss .�ppl�cab�e Law pr��ide5 otherwis�). Th� notice shal� specify: �a� the dQfault;
<br /> �b} the acti�n req�ired to cure th� default; �c� a date, n�t less than th� rnin�mum �umbe� of days
<br /> �stab�ished by Appl�cable Law from �he date the no���e is given tv BUrr�wer, by vvhich th�defauit must be
<br /> cured; and �d� tha� fa�ture tu cure th� defau�t �n �r befo�re th� dat� specif�ed fn the notice may resu�t rn
<br /> accelera�ion af the sums s�cur�d by �his Se�urity I�str�ment and sale nf the �roperty. Ta the exten�
<br /> permi�ted hy �aw, the n��ice 5ha�1 further inf�rm Sorrow�r of the �i�ht tv rein5�at� after accelerat�on and
<br /> the right to bring a �our�acti�n to assert th��on-exis�en�e of a�efaulf�r any other dQf�nse❑f B�rrawer�o
<br /> acce�eration and sale. If the d�fau�t �� n�t cured on nr b�fore t�� da�.e sp�cif�ed in the notice, Lender at its
<br /> opti�n �ay requ�r� immediate payment in full of al� sun�s se�ured �y this Secur��y Instrument vv��hout
<br /> further demand and may invake �he povver nf sale and any other r�medies permi�ted by Applicable Law.
<br /> To the extQnt permitted fay l�w, Lender shal� be ent�t�ed �a c���ect a�� expens�s i�curr�d in pursuing the
<br /> rem�d�es pr�vided �n this S�c�ion, includ�ng, but no�I�mit�d ta, reasonable at�arne�s' fees and costs af title
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If th� �ower of sale is invaked,Trustee shali record a no�ice�f defau��t in each caunty in v�hich any part of
<br /> the Propert� is lacated and shal� mai�c�p�es�f such r��tic�in the �manner pr��cribed h�Appl�cab�e Law to
<br /> Borrawer a�d ta the ather persons pr�5cribed by App�icabl� La�v�v. After the time requir�d by Appl�cable
<br /> La�v, Trustee sha�l give pubi�c notice of sale tv the pers�ns and �n the manner prescribed by Applicab�e
<br /> La�v. 7C'rus��e,w�thout deman� on Bvrrowe�,�ha�l sell the Pr�perty��pub�ic auc�i�n��the highest b�dder
<br /> at the time�nd pla��and under the terms d�signa�ed in the n���ce vf�ale in one flr xnore p�rcels and�n any
<br /> order Trustee de�erm�n�s. Trustee may �os�pane sale of a�l vr an� parc�� vf the Property by pub�ic
<br /> announ�ement at th�tirr,e and plac�af an�pre�iously schedul�d.sa��.Lender�r its designee may purcha�e
<br /> �he Proper��at any sale.
<br /> Upam r�ceipt of payment of the pr�ce bid, Trustee �hall deliver ta t�e purchaser Trustee's de�d c�n�eying
<br /> �he Praperty. The re�itals in th�Trustee's deed sha�l be p�ima �`a�ie�u�idence of the truth of the statement�
<br /> made �here�n. Trustee shal� app�y the prnce�ds �f the �a�e �n the fa�lawir�g vrder: ta} to al� cost� and
<br /> expenses vf�xercising �he po�er af sa�e, and the sa�Q, includ�ng th� gayment�f th� Tr�st�e's fees actually
<br /> Q 2�04-2013 CarnpiiancE Systetns:�nc.9F9G-2AD6-2a 13X..2.0.721
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2�35 Pa�e 4 af 5 wvvw.�ampliancesystems.c�m
<br />