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<br /> Home Federa�Sa��ngs&L�an Ass�cia��on of Hame Federax Sa�ings&Loan Assoc�a�inn�f
<br /> Grand Is�and �rand IsZand
<br /> 2�1 Sou�h Lvcust Street Z21 SQuth Lvcust Stre�t
<br /> �Space Ab��e This Line For Recnrding Data}
<br /> L�AN�RiG�NAT�R NAME: �isa Mayer
<br /> NMLS C�MPANY�DENT�FIER: 445443
<br /> NMLS�R�G�NAT�R IDENTIF�ER: 494669
<br /> : DE�D ��' �'�UST
<br /> BY'�'IIIS I�EEI] �)�` Tl�iJST}
<br /> TH�S DEED�F TRUST�"Security�nstrument"��s made an May 1Z,2U�4. The gran�vr is R�chard KoSmicki by,
<br /> M�kQ �i�eale, Trust Uf�cer f�r F��e Po�nts Bank, as Canser�a�ar f�r Rlchard Kosm�cki, an
<br /> Incapacitated and Protecte� Persvn, �hose address is l.4 VIA TR�V�LI, GRAN�] ISLANU, Nebraska
<br /> 58843��S37 �"Borrawer"}. Borrawer is no� necessari�,y �he same as �he Pers�n or Pers�ns whfl sign �he Home
<br /> Equ�ty Line af Cred�t Agreement,dated May 12,ZO1��"�an�ra��"�. The obliga�i�ns af B�rr��vers vvho did no�
<br /> sign �he �on�rac� are exp�a�ned fur�her �n �he sect�an �itIed Successors and Ass�gns Baund; Jo�nt and Se�era�
<br /> L�ability; Accommada�ivn S�gner�. The trus�ee zs Arer�d R. Baack, Attorney whas� address is P.�. Bflx 79�,
<br /> �rand Island, Nebra��a 6SS0� �T'Truste�"�. �`he b�nefc�ar� �s Home Federal Savings & Lnan Assocxat�nn of
<br /> Grand I�Iand,wh�ch is�rgan�zed and existing und�r the�.a�s of the Un�ted Stat�s�f America and whose address
<br /> ���Zl Sauth Locu�t S�ree�, �rand Island,Nebraska fi8841 �"Lender"}. R�chard Ko�m�ck�by has entered xn�o a
<br /> C�n�ract vvith Lender as of May l�, �4�4, under fhe terms of�vhi�h B�rro�uer may, firam time to ��me, �bta�n.
<br /> advances na� t� exceed, at any �xme, a �x�MA��NIUM P�IN��PAL AM�UNT �EXCLUDIN�
<br /> PR�TECTIVE ADVANCES}xY* of F�f�y Th�usand and D�IlUU Dailars �U.S. $SO,�QU.UD� �"�red�t L�mi�"}.
<br /> Any party rnterested �n �he de�ai�s reXa�ed t� Lender's cant�nu�ng ob�iga�i�n �a make advances to Borr�v�er �s
<br /> ad��sed ta�ansu��d�rec�Iy v�i�h Lender. �f no�paid earlier,the sums av�ing under Sorrawer`s Contrac�w��h Lender
<br /> �il� be due an May 15,Z��9. Thi� Secur�ty�nstrumen�se�ures�o Lender: �a�the r�payment of the deb�under�he
<br /> �ontract, with in�eres�, �n��uding fu�ure advance�, and a1� renev�a�s, ex�ens�ons and modif cat�ons of�he C�ntra��;
<br /> �b}�he pa�men�af a�X other sums, w��h xnterest, ad�anced �o pr�tec�the secur�ty of�his Secur�ty�ns�rument und�r
<br /> �he pravisi�ns of�he se�tion titied Protec�ion �f Lender's Rights in �he Property; and �c} �he perf�rman�e of
<br /> Barrower's co��nan�s and agreements under�his Secur�ty�ns�rument and the Contrac�. For�his purpos�, Barrnv�er,
<br /> �n consideration af�he deb�and �he trust herein �rea�ed, �rrevocably grants and conveys to Trus�ee, �n�rus�, w��h
<br /> power�f sa�e,�he fa���wing described proper�y�acated�n the�UUNTY of HALL, State of Nebras�a:
<br /> Address: 14 Via Trivol�, Grand Is�and,Nebraska fi8$43-1537
<br /> Legal Descr�pt�on: L�T TEN �10) BL��� [�NE ��.) IN C�NTINENTAL GAI�DENS, IN THE �I.TY
<br /> T�CETHER W�TH a�l �he impra�ements novv ar hereafter erec�ed an the pr�per�y, and ail easements,
<br /> appur�enances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. A�� rep�ac�men�s and add���ons sha�l a�so be
<br /> co�ered by th�s Secur��y �nstrument. Ail of �he forego�ng is referred �a in this� Securi�y �nstrumen� as �he
<br /> "Property."
<br /> B�RR��]VER��V�NANTS that B�rrovver is �awful�y seised of th�e es�a�e hereb� c�nve�ed and has the r�ght ta
<br /> grant and con�ey �he Property and tha� the Proper�y is unencumbered, except �or encumbrances af rec�rd.
<br /> B�rrower warran�s and wi�� defend genera��y the ��t�e �o th� Praperty agains� aX� c�aims and demands, su�jec� ��
<br /> an�encumbrances�f record.
<br /> Borrav�er and Lender covenant and agree as fallo�s: �
<br /> Pa�ment Qf Pr�nc�pal and Interes�; Uther�harges. Borro�er shal�pramp�ly pay when due the pr�n�ipa�of and
<br /> �n�eres��n�he debt owed under the Con�ra��and�a�e Gharges�r any flther fees and�har�es due under the�ontrac�.
<br /> �2Q44-2Q 13 Corr�p��ance Systems,inc.9Fgf�-2AJ]d-��t 3L2.0.721
<br /> Consu�ner Real Estate-Security Insttument DL203f Page 1 af 5 www.complian�esystems.cam
<br />