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��14�357� <br /> Tr�nsfer of the Pr�per�y or a Beneficial �nter��t �n Borr�vver. If all or any par�flf�h� Prop�rty or any �nteres� <br /> in it is so:�d or transfe��-ed �or if a beneficial �n�erest in Borraw��- �s sold or transferred and Borrower �s no� a <br /> na�ura� persan} v�ithout Lender's �rior written consen�, Lender may, at its op�ion, ��auire immed�ate paymen� in <br /> fu�� of ail sums secured by this Security Ins�rument. Hovvever, this option shall no� be ex��rcised by Lender if <br /> exercise �s pr�h�b�ted by federal law as of the da�e of�his Security Instrument. <br /> �f �end�r exercises �his opt�an, Lender shali �ive Borrawer no�ice of a�ce�erat��n. The notice shali provide a <br /> pe�riod of not less t�.�.n the minimunl number of�ays established by App�zcable Law fr�m the da�e the no�ice �s <br /> deli�ered or ma���d w��hin which Borr�wer must pay ai1 sums s�cured by this Security Instrurnent. If Borrower <br /> fa��s �a pay these sums prior�a the e�piration of�h�s per�od, Lender may in��ke any remedies permitted �}� �h�s <br /> Security�nstrumen�iv��hau�further natxce or demand a�Borrflwer. <br /> Bflrrower's Right to R��nsta�Q. If Barrower xnee�s certain conditions, Borrawer shal� have the ri�ht to have <br /> e�forcemen� of�his Security Instrumen� discontinued at any �xm.e pr�or to �he earlier�f: �a� 5 days �or such a�her <br /> period as App��cable Law may specify for re�nstatement�bef�re sale of�he Praper�y pursuant to an�power af sale <br /> co�.tained ir� this S�curity Ins�rurnent; ar �b� en�ry af a judgment enforc�nb �his Secur�ty Instrument. Thnse <br /> condi�ions ar� that Borrawer: �a� pays Lender alI su�ns which �hen wou�d be due under this Security Ins�ru�nent <br /> and the�ontra�t as if no acce�era��on had accurred;�b}�ures any defau��of any o�her co�enan�s or a�reemen�s;�c� <br /> pays ali expenses�ncurred in enf�rcin��his Secur�ty Ins�rument, �n�lud in�,but no� limited�o,reasonab�e at�arn.�ys' <br /> fe�s to the ex�en�p�rnni�ted�y �aw; and �d� �akes such ac�i�n as Lender nrzay reasonably require tfl assure�ha��he <br /> ��en of this Securi�y �nstrumen�, Lender's r��hts �n�he Property and B�rrovver's ob���ation�o pay�he sums secured <br /> by this Securi�y Instrumen� shal� con�inue unchan�ed. t]pan reins�ate�nent b� B�rrowe�r, this Secur��y Instrument <br /> and �he obli�ations secured hereby shal� remain fu�ly effective as if no acc�lera�ion had occurred. Hawe�e�-, this <br /> rX��t to reins�ate sha�l not apply�n�he case of accelerati�n under the sec��on ti�led Transfer of the Property or a <br /> Senef�c�a��nterest�n Borr�wer. <br /> Ha�ardous Substances. Borrav�er shall not�ause or permi�the presence, use, disposal, stora�e, �r re��ase of any <br /> Hazardous Substances fln or in the Properry. Barro�er sha�I no�d�,nor al��w anyone e�s�to do, any�hin�affec��n� <br /> the Praper�y tha� is �n �io�ation of any Env�ranmenta� Law. The precedin� two sen�ences shall no� apply �o the <br /> presence, use,�r storage on�he Property of sma�l auan�ities of Hazardous 5ubs�ances that are�eneral��reco�nized <br /> �o be appropr�a�e�o norma�resxden�ial uses and to mainte�.ance of�he Property. <br /> Barrower sha��promptly�i�e Lender writ�en no�ice of any in�est��ation,c�aim, demand, lawsuit or other a�t��n by <br /> an� governmen�al or r��ula�tory agen�y or pri�at� par�y �nvol�ing the Proper�y and any Hazardous Subs�ance �r <br /> Envxranmen�ai Lav� of which Borrower has a��uat knowledge. I f Borrflwer learns, ar is na�ified by any <br /> go��rnmenta�ar regulatory authori�ty,tha�any removal or other rem.ed iati�n of any Ha�ard�us Subs�ance affec�in� <br /> th.e Praperty �s necessary, Borrovver sha�I prompt�y �ake all necessary rem�dial actions in accordance vvz�h <br /> Environmen�al Law. <br /> As used in th�s para�raph, "Hazardous Substan�es" are those subs�ances defned as toxic �r hazardous subs�ances <br /> by En�ir�nmenta� Law and the f�l�av�inb substan�es: gasoline, �erasene, other flarnmable or tox�c petro�eum <br /> products, �oxic pesticides and herb�c�des, �olatile salven�s, materials con�aininb asbestos ar formaldehyde, and <br /> rad�aac�ive r�aterxa�s.As used in�h�s paragraph, "Environmen�a�Lav�" m�eans federal Ia�vs and laws af the state of <br /> Nebraska�ha�re�ate ta heal�h, saf�ty or en���a�pra�ection. <br /> Ac�e�era�ron; Rem�di�s. Lender shal� give n�t�ce to Borrower pr�or �o accelerat��n f���awxng Borr�wer's <br /> �reach of any ca�e�ant ar agreement xn this Securi�y �nstrum�n�or�he Contract under which acce�era�zon <br /> is p�rm�ttQd �but n�t prior�o acceleration under�he section ��tled Transfer ❑f�he Property or a Benef���a� <br /> Int�re�t �n Borrow�r, uniess App��cabie Law pr���des other�r�v�se�. Th� notice shal� 5pec�f�: �a� �he defau��; <br /> �b� the ac��on r�qu�red to cure the default� �c} a date, n�t tess than the m�nimum numbQr af days <br /> �sf�bl�shed by Appl�cable La►�v fram the date�he not�ce is gi�en to Borraw�r, by wh�ch th�d�fault must be <br /> cur�d; and �d� �hat failure �o �ure the defau�t on nr before �he da�e spec�f�ed in �he notice may result in <br /> acce�eration of th� sums 5ec€�red by this Se�urity Ins�rument and �ale of �he �roperty. Tn the ex��n� <br /> per�nitted by law, the notice sha�l furth�r inf�rm Borrower of the rxght to reinsta�� after acceleratxon and <br /> �he righ�to bring a cnurt aetion to a5ser��he non-ex�st�nce�f� default or any oth�r defense of Borrower t� <br /> accelera��on and sa�e. �f the dQfaul� is nn�cur�d on or befor� the date specif�ed in the no�i�e, Lend�r a� ��s <br /> aption may requ�r� immed�ate payment �n fuli of a�� 5ums securQd by this Secur�ty Ins�rument w�thout <br /> fux°ther demand and may �nWake the pav�ver af sa�e and any o�her remedies permitted by Appl�cab�e Law. <br /> To the extent permitted by �aw, Lender shal� be �n��t�ed to co��ec� aI� expenses �ncurred in pursuing �he <br /> rerx�ed�es pravided �n �his Sec�zon, includ�nb, but nfl� �xm�ted �o, reasonab�e a��orneys' fees and costs of�itle <br /> ��iden�e. <br /> �f the pov�er of sale xs �nvokedy Trus�ee shal� record a natice of defaul� in each coux�ty �n whi�h any part of <br /> the Property �s Ioc�ted and shail rnai� co�ies of such no�zce �n the mannQr prescr�bed by Appli�able Law �o <br /> Borrovver and to the o�her persvns prescribed by Applicab�e Law. Af�er the time required by AppZ�cabi� <br /> Lavd, Truste� shal� gi�e publi� no�ice of sa�e to �he persons and in �he manner prescribed by App�icable <br /> Lar�v. Trus���,w�th�u�demand on Sorrower,�hall sell the Praper�y at public auc��on �o the highest �idder <br /> at�h�time and place and und�r�he�erms des��na�ed xn �he no��ce vf saIe in oa�e ar mare parce�s and in any <br /> �rd�r Trustee de�ermines. Trus�ee may pos�pone sale af all vr any parcel of the Praperty by publi� <br /> annauncement at�he tiime and p�ace of any pr��ious�y schedu�ed sale. Lender or its des�gn�e ma� purchase <br /> the Propert�at any sa�e, <br /> Up�n rece�pt of pa��mQnt of the price b�d, Truste� shal� dei��er �o �he purchaser Tru��ee's deed ca�veying <br /> the Propert�. The r�ec�tals in �h�Truste�'s deed sha�l be prima fa�ie e��dence of th��ru�h of the s�a�emen�s <br /> 0?�04-Z�13 Campliance 5ystems,Inc,9�9G-DCD2-Z�]3L2.4.721 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security�n;trument DL203G Pa�e 4 of 5 www.campliancesysEems.corr�t <br />