<br /> Transf�r of the Pr��erty or a Benef�cia� xn�er�s� �n Sorrovr�er. If a�1 or any par��f the Property o�any interes�
<br /> Yn i� is sa�d or transferred �or zf a b�nefcial in�erest �n Bnrrower is sold or transferred and Borrov�er is n�t a
<br /> na�ura� person} wYthour Lender`s prx�r vvrit�en c�nsent, Lender may, at �ts flp�ion, r�9u�re immediate payment in
<br /> ful� af a�l sums secured by th�s Securi�y Instrument. Hawev�r, th�s �pti4n shall nat be �xercised by Lender if
<br /> exerc�s�is prohibitec�by federal lavv as of the date of�h�s Security Ins�z-u��ent.
<br /> If �,ender exercises this opt�an, Lender shall gi�e Borrawer no�ice of a�ceieration. The no�ice shali provide a
<br /> perx�d of not tess than the minimum nurnber of days es�ablished by Applicabl� Law from the date the natice zs
<br /> deliver�d or mailed v��th�n which Borrawer n�.us� pay al� sums secured by this Securi�y Ins�rumen�. If B�rrflwer
<br /> fa��s �� pay �hese sums pr�flr tn �he exp�ration of th�s per�od, Lender ��nay invoke any remedies per�nit�ed �by �his
<br /> Seeurity�nstrument��ithou�fur�her no��ce or denzand an Borrower.
<br /> Sorro�ver's Right t� Reinstate. �f,Bor�r�wer mee�s certain �o�.di��ons, Borrower shall ha�e the r��ht to ha�e
<br /> �nfarcement of�hzs Security Instrurnent d�s�onti�nued at any tim� prxor to �he earlier af �a� 5 days �or such other
<br /> p�riod as App��cab�e Law may speczfy for reinstatemen��before sa�e of the Property pursuan�t� any pov�er of sa�e
<br /> contained zn th�s Security Instrumen�; nr �b� en� of a �udgn�.ent enforcin� this Securi�y Znstrumen�. Those
<br /> cond�����s are that Borrower: �a� pays Lender aI� sums which then would be due under this Securi�y �nstrument
<br /> and�he Con�ract as zf no a�celera��on had occurred;�b}cures any defau lt of any�ther co�enan�s ar a�reemen�s;�c�
<br /> pays alI expenses�ncurred �.enfor�in�this Security �nstrument, inctuding,but nflt limited to,r�asonab�e at�orn�ys'
<br /> fees�o the ex�en�permit�ed by �a�v; and �d�takes such actxon as Lender may reasanably re�uire ta assure�hat the
<br /> ��en af�his Securi�y Instrum.en�, Lender's rights xn�he Prapet-�y and Borrower's obligati�n to pay�he sums secured
<br /> by this Securi�y Ins�rumen� shal� con�inue unchan�ed. [�pon rei.ns�a�ement by Borrower, th is Securit� �ns�rument
<br /> and �he �b���ations s�cured her�by shall remain fuliy effec��We as if no acce�era�ion had �ccurred. Howe�er, �his
<br /> ri�ht�o refnstate sha�I not app�y in the case�f accelera�ion under the sect�tin�i�led Transfer of the Property or a
<br /> Be�ef�c�a�Interest�n Borrawer.
<br /> Hazardous�ubstances. Borrower shal�n�t cause or perm�t the presence, use, dispasal, s�nra�e, or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Subs�amces on or�n the Property. Borrower sha��not do,n�r a�low anyone else t�do, anythin�affec��n�
<br /> �he Property �ha� is �n �iola��on of any Environmental La�v. The preced�n� �wa sentences shal� no� app�y �a the
<br /> presence,use,or s�a�age on�he Pr�perty of smal�quant�t�es of Hazardous Subs�ances that are�enerally reca�nized
<br /> to be appropr�ate to norn�a��residen�iai uses and to ma�n�enance of�he Prflperty.
<br /> Borro��er shai�pra�pt�y�ive Lender wrxt�en no��ce of any�n�es��bation, c�a�m, demand, lavvsu�t ar other ac�ion by
<br /> any gavernmenta� or re�ula�ory a�ency or pr�va�e party in�olving th� Praperty and any Hazardous Substance or
<br /> Er�vironm.�ntal Law of which Borrow�r has a�tual knowled�e. �f Bo�rotiver learns, or is no��fed by any
<br /> bo�ernmental ar re��.latory authari�y,�hat any remava�o�r other r�med�ati�n of any Hazardous Substance affec��n�
<br /> the Property is necessary, Borrovver sha�l prompt�y take a�� necessary remedial actions in accflrdance w��h
<br /> Environmenta�Law.
<br /> As used in �his paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are �hflse subs�an�es defined as tox�c ar hazardous substances
<br /> by Enti�ironmen�al Law and �h� f�I�awing substances: gasol�ne, kerosene, other flammable �r toxzc petra�eu�m
<br /> produc�s, �oxi� pesticides and herbicides, �oiat�le soiuen�s, materials contain�n� asbes�os or forma�dehyd�, and
<br /> radiaact�ve r�.aterials. As used in th�s para�raph, "EnW�ronmental Law" means federal lavvs and laws �f�h�state of
<br /> N�braska�h�.t relate t�hea�th,safety or en�irtinm�n�ai protection.
<br /> A��e�eration; Rem�d�e5. Lender shal� g�ve notice to Borrawer prior �o a�ce�era���n fo�lowing Sorrower's
<br /> breach af any covQnant ar agreement in th�s Se�urz�y �n5trument or�he�antract u�der which acceleration
<br /> �s p�rmi��ed �but n�t pri�r to acce�erat�on under�he sectian t�tled Transf�r of the Proper�y ar a �3enefc�a�
<br /> Intere�t �n Borrow�r, unIess App��cab�e Law pro�ides otherw�se}. The r�oti�e sha�l spec�fy: �a} fhe default;
<br /> �b} �he action r�quired to cure the defaul�9 �c} a da�e, not less �han �he minimum number of days
<br /> e�ta���shed by Applicable Law from the date�he nv��ce�s gi�en to Borrovver, by wh�ch the default mus� be
<br /> cur�d; and �d} tha� fa��ure to cure the defau�t vn or before �he date speczf�ed in the r�a��ce may resu�t �n
<br /> acce�eration of th� sums secured by th�s Se�uri�y Instrument a nd saie of the �roper�y. Ta �he �x�ent
<br /> perx�r��tted by IavW, �he nati�e shal� further �nfvrm Barrower of the r�gh� ta reinstat� after acGe�eration and
<br /> th�r�ght to br�ng a court act�on �o ass�rt the non-ex�stence�f a default or any fl�her defense of Borrow�r to
<br /> acceIera��on and sale. If�he default is no� cur�d on or before �he dat� spec�f�ed �n �he na�ice, Lender at �ts
<br /> option may requir� immedxa�e payment in fu�� of all sum5 5ecured by �his Security �ns�rument without
<br /> further denr�and �nd may inv�ke �he power a�'sa�e and any other remedie5 p�rrnitted by App�xcable Law.
<br /> To �he �xtent perm�tt�d b� Iav�v, Lender shal� be enti�led to coliec� a�� exp�n5es incurred �n pur5u�ng the
<br /> remed�es pra��ded in this Sec��vn, �nciudir�g, bu� no� �imi�ed ta, reasonable attorney5' fees and �osts of title
<br /> e�iden�e.
<br /> �f�he power af 5a�� �s invoked,Trus��e shal� re�ord a notice af default in ea�h cflun�y in which any Par� of
<br /> th� Prop�rty is lacated ar�d s�ta�� ma�� cop�es of such no��ce in �he manner pre�cr�b�d by Applicable Lavv�o
<br /> gorra���r and to �he other persons pres�r�bed by Applicab�e Law. After th� �xme required by App���able
<br /> La►�, Trustee shal� g��Q pub�ic not�ce of sale to �he persons and in �h� manner prescr�bed by Applicabie
<br /> Lavv. Truste�,w�th�u�deman€i on gorra��r, �hal�sell the Proper�y a� pu��i� auctivn to �he h�gh�s� bidder
<br /> at�he��me�nd pZace and under�he terms des�gnat�d in �he not�ce of sale in one or more paree�s and �n any
<br /> ard�r Trus��e determ�nes. Trustee may pqs�pone sa�e of al� or any parce� of �he Praperty by pub��c
<br /> annaun��ment a��he t�me and place of any pr�viously sch�dul�d saie. Lender or its design�e may pur�ha�e
<br /> �he Propert�a�any sa�e.
<br /> Up�n receipt af pa��m�n� of�he price b�d, Trus�e� shali deliver �o �h� pur�has�r Trustee's d�ed con�eying
<br /> the Property. The reci�als �n the Trustee'S deed shall be pr�ma fac�e ev�dence of th��ru�h af the s�atemen��
<br /> �200�-2013 Coznpiiar�ce Systems,Inc.9F9�-1�9C-�O13L2.0.721
<br /> Consumer Read Estate-Securzty Ir�strument DL2��6 Pa�e 4 of 5 www.corr�pliancesystems.cam
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