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EXHlB!i "A" <br />TRACT 11 <br />201403524 <br />A tract of land being part of Tax Lot 27, part of Tax Lot 28, and part of the <br />Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 1, Township 9 North, Range 13 <br />West of the 6th P.M., Buffalo County, Nebraska, more particularly described <br />as follows: Referring to the Southwest corner of the Northwest 1/4 of saig <br />Section 1 and assuming the West line of said Northwest 1/4 as bearing N 00 <br />01' 30" W and all bearings contained herein are relative thereto; thence N <br />00 01' 30" W a distance of 86.4 feet to the ACTUAL PLACE OF BEGINNING, said <br />place of beginning being on the North right -of -way line of Highway No. 30; <br />thence continuing N 00 01' 30" W and on the West line of Tax Lot 28 (if <br />extended) a distance of 1334.08 feet to a point on the centerli of Wood <br />River; thence downstream and on said centerline of Wood River S 32 01' 30" E <br />a distance 8f 11.81 feet; thence S 50 53' 23" E a distance of 168.46 feet; <br />thence S 71 29' 07" E a distance of 176.87 feet; thence N 74 40' 24" E a <br />distance of 105.9 feet; thence N 49 ° 41' 16" E a distance of 327.01 feet; <br />thence N 03 32' 39" E a distance of 203.41 feet; thence N 11 15' 49" E a <br />distance of 182.77 feet; thence N 20 19' 23" E a distance of 143.96 feet; <br />thence N 34 34' 27" E a distance of 179.74 feet; thence N 49 54' 50" E a <br />distance of 156.85 feet; thence N 65 57' 48" E a distance of 161.79 feet; <br />thence N 88 07' 21" E a distance of 93.67 feet; thence S 08 11' 22" E a <br />distance of 1143.15 feet; thence S 01 59' 08" W a distance of 150.0 feet; <br />thence S 89 20' 40" W a distance of 200.0 feet; thence S 00 19' E a <br />distance of 644.37 feet to a point on the North right -of -way line of Nebraska <br />State Highway No. 30, said point being 200.0 feet northerly from the <br />centerline of the Union Pacific Railroad; thence S 70 14' 56" W and orb the <br />aforesaid North right -of -way line a distance of 610.85 feet; thence S 81 33' <br />14" W a distance of 712.54 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 48.860 <br />acres, more or less. EXCEPT a tract of land being part of the North half of <br />S':ction 1, Township 9 North, Range 13 West of the 6th P.M., Buffalo County, <br />Nebraska, more particularly described as being all that part of Tax Lot 27 <br />lying West of the centerline of the Wood River as determined by the thread of <br />the stream, AND EXCEPT a tract of land containing 0.20 acres, more or less, <br />deeded to The State of Nebraska, Department of Roads by Warranty Deed <br />recorded April 10, 1998 as Inst. 98 -2430. <br />TRACT 12 <br />A tract of land being part of the North half of Section 1, Township 9 North, <br />Range 13 West of the 6th P.M., Buffalo Countre Nebraska, more particularly <br />described as being all that part of Tax Lot 27 lying West of the centerline <br />of the Wood River as determined by the thread of the stream. <br />✓ HALL COUNTY <br />The Southeast 1/4 of the. Southeast 1/4 (SE1 /4 SE1 /4) and the South Half of <br />the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 (S1 /2 NE1 /4 SE1 /4) of Section 4, <br />Township 9• North, Range 12 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, <br />EXCEPTING THEREFROM a tract of land containing 1.369 acres, more or less, <br />deeded to Hall County by Deed recorded May 13, 1992 as Document No. 92- 104123. <br />
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