<br /> L7EE� �F T�UST
<br /> Loar� Nv: �D'127�7�]4 �C�n���1u�d� �a�� 5
<br /> C�N�EI111NATl�N. The followin� pro�is�ons relating�fio candemnation proceeclin�s are a part oi`this D�ed a�Trust:
<br /> Pr�c��dings. lf any prviceeding in candemna�ian is filed, Trustor shal� promptly notify Lender in writing, and
<br /> Trustor shali pramp�Ey take such steps as may b� ne�essary tv defend �he action and obtain �he award. Trustor
<br /> may be the nominal party in such pra�eeding, but L�nder shall b�entitled to participate in�he pro��eding and to he
<br /> represen�ed in the proceeding by counse� af its own choice, and Trust�r w�il deliver or cause ta �e de[iver�d ta
<br /> Lender 5L1Ch instruments and documentation as may be requested by Lender from time �o �ime �o permit such
<br /> participati�n,
<br /> Applica��an vf Net Prviceeds. If a�1 or any part of�he Proper�y is cvndemned by eminen�domain prviceedings �r by
<br /> any proceeding or purchase in lieu of condemnatian, Lender may at its ele�tion require tha�all or any portion af the
<br /> ne� proceeds of the award b� applied �o �he Indehtedness or the repair vr �estaration of th� Pr�per�y, The net
<br /> prac�eds of th� award sha11 mean �he aWard after payment �i a11 reasonable costs, expenses, and at�orneys" fees
<br /> incurred by Trustee or Lender in connectian with the condemnation.
<br /> �MPaSIT�ON �F TA�ES. FEES AND CHARGES BY G�VERNNiE1VTAL 1�►►UTH�R�T1E5. The f��lowing provisi�ns relat�ng
<br /> #o go��rnmental taxesf �ees and charges are a part�f this Deed ❑�f Trus�:
<br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon re�uest by Lender, Trustar shal� execute such do�uments in addition ta
<br /> this De�d vf Trust and take wha�e�er oth�r ��t�on is request�d by Lender to perfect and con�inu� Lender's lien an
<br /> the Rea! Prvperty. Trustar shall r�imburse Lender far a�l taxes, as described below, together with all expenses
<br /> incurred in r�cording, p�rfec�ing or continuing this C]eed of Trust, including without �imitation all taxes, fees,
<br /> dvcumentary stamps. and other charges for recording nr registering this Deed af Trus�.
<br /> Taxes. The falfowing shall consfiitute taxes �o which this s�ction appli�s: {'#} a specific tax upan this type of
<br /> Deed of Trust or upon a�� �r any part o� the Indebtedness secured by this ❑��d o� Trus�; ��} a spe�i�ic tax on
<br /> Trustor which Trustor is authoriz�d vr required to deduct from payments on �he Ind�btedn�ss secured �y this type
<br /> o� D��� of Trust; �3� a tax an�h�s type o� Deed of Trust charg�abl� against th� Lender or the halder a�the Note;
<br /> and �4y a speci�ic tax on al� or any portian of the Indebtedness vr on payments o� principal and interest made �y
<br /> TrustQr.
<br /> Subsequen� Taxes. Ef any tax t❑ which �his se�tian applies is enac�ed su�sequent t� �he date of this Deed �f
<br /> Trust, this e�ent shal� ha�e the same effecfi as an E�ent v� Defaul�, and Lender may ex�rcise any ar al1 of i�s
<br /> a�ailable r�medies fior an E�ent �f De�ault as �r��ided below unless Trusfor ei�her �1} pays the tax befare i�
<br /> becomes delinquent, �r ��} contests the tax as pro�ided aba�� in th� Taxes and Liens section and deposits with
<br /> Lend�r cash�r a sufficient cvrparate surety bvnd or a�her security satisfa�t�ry�o Lender.
<br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT: FIN�4NCING ST�TEII�IENTS. The following pra�isians relating t� this a�ed of Trust as a
<br /> s�curity agreement are a par�o�this Deed vf Trust:
<br /> Security Agreement. This instrum�nt shall consti�ute a 5ecuri�y Agreement ta the exten� any vf �he Pr�per�y
<br /> cvnstitu�es �fix�ures, and Lender shall ha�e ai1 ofi�he rights a� a secured party under the Uniforrn C�mmercial Cod�
<br /> as amended from time ta time.
<br /> 5ecurity lnter�st. Upon request by Lender, Trus�or shal[ �ake wha�ever ac�tion is requested by L�nder to per�eGt
<br /> and continue Lender's security infi�r�es� in the Personal Praper�y. In addition to record�ng this Qe�d of Trus� in the
<br /> rea! prvpert}� records. Lender may. at any time and wi'�hout further au�horizatian from Trustor, fi�e executed
<br /> cvunterparts, �opies or reproduc�ions of this Deed of Trust as a financing statemen�. Trustar shall reimburse-
<br /> - -- Lerider-f�r al� expenses incurred in pe�fecting a� con�inu�ng this se�urity interes�t. LJpon�de�atal�, Trustor shall not �
<br /> remo�e, se�er ar de�ach �he Persvnal Prvperty from �he Property. lJpan de�Fault, Trustor shail assemble any -
<br /> Personal Pr�perty not af�Fixed to the Property in a manner and a� a pla�e reasonably conWenient to Trustor an�
<br /> Lender and malce Et a�aila�le tv Lender within �hree t3} days af�er receipt vf wri�ten demand fram L�nder to the
<br /> �xtent permifited by applicable �aw.
<br /> Addr�sses. The maiiin� addresses �f Trus�or 4dehtory and Lender �s�cured par�y} from which informa�ivn
<br /> concerning the security interest grant�d by this Deed af Trust may �e obtained �each as required by the Uni�orm
<br /> Commercial Code� are as s�ated on the firs�page af this Deed of Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSUR►4NCE5: ►4TT�RNEY�IN-FRCT. The �a�lovUing pro�isions rela�ing to further assuran�es and
<br /> attorney�in-fact are a part of this Deed a�Trus�:
<br /> Fur#her Assurances. A�any time, and from time t� time, up�n requ�st of Lender� Trus�or will make, execu�e and
<br /> deliWer, or wilf cause to b� mad�, executed ar de[i�sred� to Lende�or#o Lender's desi�n�e, and when �equested by
<br /> Lend�r, cause ta be filed, rec�rded, re�iled, �r r�r��orded, as �he case may �e, at such fiimes and in such ofrfices
<br /> and places as Lender may de�m appropriat�, any and ali such mortgages� de�ds af trust, secu�i�y deeds, security
<br /> agreements, �inancing statements, continuation s�atemen�s, ins�ruments o�F further assurance, cer�ifiica�es, and
<br /> oth�r documents as may, in the sole �pinian of Lender, be necessary�r desirable in order t� ef�ec�ua�e, c�mplete,
<br /> perfect, continue, ❑r preserve ��� Trustor's obligations under fihe Nafe, �his ❑eed o� Trust, an�l the Re�ated
<br /> Dvcuments, and {�� the liens and securi�y infier�sts created �y this Deed �f Trust on the Property, whether now
<br /> owned or hereafter acquired by Trus�or, Unless prahibited by law flr Lender agrees �o the cantrary in wri�ing,
<br /> Trustnr shall r�imburse Lender�vr all costs an� expenses incurred in c�nne��ion wifih the matters re�erred to in this
<br /> para�raph.
<br />