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��14�3531 <br /> DEE[� �F T'�l��T <br /> Laan Na: ��1�7�7�4� {���lt�nued� Page Z <br /> �F BE�iNN�N�, <br /> T'he l�ea� Property or its addr�ss is cQmm�nly kno►uun as '1�3� S GREENUIl1CH ST. GR►�ND <br /> . 15LAIUD, h!E �$S�'I-�7�1. <br /> FUTURE A�VAN�ES. ln addition�o�he Na�e, this Deed o�T�ust secures all future ad�ances mad� by Lender�a Trus�or <br /> whether vr not the ad�an�es are made pursuant t� a commitment. Specificaily, without limitation, this Deed o�Trust <br /> secures, in addi�ion �a the amoun�s specified in th� Note, aIl futurs amounts Lender in its discre�ion may loan to <br /> Trustor,t�gether r�rith all in�erest�hereon. <br /> Trustor presen�fy assigns �a Lender {alsa known as Benefi�iary in �rhis Deed of Trust� a1i of Trustor's right, �itlef and <br /> interes�k in and �o a!I present and �u�ure leases o�F the Prvper�y and all Rents from the Pr�perty, ln additivn, Trustor <br /> gran�s�o Lender a �lniform Commercial Code securi�ly interes�in the Persvnal Property and F�ents. <br /> TH1S DEED DF TRUST, INCLUDIN�THE ASSIGNIVIENT' �F RENTS AND THE SECURITY �NTEREST �{V THE RENTS AN❑ <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTY, f5 G�VEN T� SECURE tA� PAY�UIEIVT �F THE 1NDE�TEDNE55 AND �B� PERFC]RfVIAN�E �F <br /> ANY AND ALL DBL1�ATl�NS UNDER THE N�TE, THE RELATED DDCUMENTS. AN❑ THIS DEED DF TRUST'. THIS <br /> DEED aF TRUST IS GIVEN ANQ ACGEPTED �N THE FDLLaWING TERMS: <br /> RAYI�lIENT AND PERFaRMA1VCE. Except as �therwise provided in this ❑eed of Trust, Trustor shall pay �v Lender all <br /> am�unts s�cured by this ❑eed of Trust as they become due, and shal! stric�fy and in a timely manner perfarm all o'� <br /> Trust��'s obligatians under the Note, #his Deed of Trus�f and the Related D�cuments. <br /> P�S5E5S1�N AND MAINTEIVANCE �F 'THE PRQPERTI�p Trustor agrees tha�t Trustar's possession and use of the <br /> Proper�y shall be go��rned �y the fol[awing provisians: <br /> Possessian and lJse. Untii the �ccurrence of an EWent of De�aulfi, Trusfior may 4�} remain in passess�an and <br /> control af the Praperty; ��y use, vpera�e or manage the Pr�p�rty; and �3� �ollect the Rents fram�h� Property. <br /> �uty ta IVlaintain. Trustor shall maintain �he Property in good cvndi�ian and prvmptly perfiarm al[ repairs, <br /> repiacements, and maintenance necessary to preser�e its�a[ue. <br /> CBmpliance VIli�th EnWironment�l La►rvs. Trust�r r�presents and warrants to Lender that:, �1� During the perivd ofi <br /> Trus�or's ownership a�the Property, there has been no use, generation, manufacture, st�rage,treatment, disposal, <br /> release ar threa�ened releas� af any Hazardvus 5ubstance by any person an, und�r, abaut or from the Property; <br /> [�f Trus��r has no knawiedge vf, or reas�n to be�ieve that�here has been, �xcept as pre�iously dis�losed to and <br /> a�know�edged by Lender in writing, �a} any �reach �r Wiolativn of any Env�ranmenfial Laws, �b� any use, <br /> generatian, manufac�ure� storage, �reafiment, dispasal, release or �hreaten�d release of any Hazardaus Substance <br /> on, un�er, about vr firom the Property by any prior owners ar accupants of th� Pr�per�y, or �c} any ac�ual or <br /> threatened litiga�ion or claims o� any kind by any person relating to such matt�rs; and �3� Except as previaus�y <br /> disclosed to and acknowled�ed by Lend�r in writing, ta} neifiher Trus�or nar any t�nant� con�raGtor� agen��r vther <br /> authorized user of the Proper�y shali use, generate, manufa�ture, s�vre, treat, disp�s� of ar release any Hazardaus <br /> Substance on, under, about vr from the Prvperty, and �b� any such ac�i�ity shall be cvnducted in compliance with <br /> all applicable federal, s�at�, and local laws. regulations and ardinances, incfuding withou� limita�ian all <br /> Environmenfal Laws. Trustar authorizes Lender and ifs agents to en�er upan the Pr�perty �a rnal�e such <br /> inspections and tests, at Trusfior's expens�, as Lender may deem appropriate tQ determine compliance of the <br /> Proper�y with �his section �f the Qeed o� Trust. Any insp�ctions or �es�s made hy Lender shafl-be_for Lender's <br /> purpases only and sha11 not be cons�rued t❑ create any rsspons'rbili�y❑r liabifity on the par�of Lender to Trustar or <br /> tv any other person. The representatians and warranties can�ain�� herein are based on Trus��r's due_diligence in � _ - <br /> in�es�igatin� fihe Property f�r Hazardous Substances. Trus�or hereby �1 y �eleases and wai�es any�uture ciaim$ <br /> against Lend�r for indemnity or con�ribution �n the even� Trustor becames �iable for c[eanup or other costs under <br /> any such laws; and ��} agrees to indemnify, defend, an� hold harmless Lend�r a�ainst any and af[ claims� loss�s� <br /> liabiliti�s, damages, penai�ies, and expenses which L�nder may directly or indirectly sustain or suffer resulting fr�m <br /> a breach of this section ofi the �eed �f Trust ar as a consequence �f any use, generat�on, manufacture, st�rage, <br /> disposal, release or�hreatened r�lease occurring prior to Trustor's awnership or inter�st in the Prop�rty, wheth�r�r <br /> not �he sam� was ❑r should have been known �o Trustor. The provisians of this sec�ivn of the Deed ❑f Trus�, <br /> in�luding�he vb�iga�ki�n to indemnify and defiend, shall survi�e the payment vf the lndebtedness and the satisfa�tian <br /> and recan�eyance of�he lien af this De�d of Trust and shall nat b� afi��cted by Lender's acquisi�ion of any interest <br /> tn th� Property, whether by farecl�sure or otherw'tse. <br /> IVuisan�e, 1Nas��. Trustor shall nat cause, canduct or permit any nuisance nor ��mmi�, permit, ar suf�er any <br /> stripping af �r waste on or ta the Pr�perty or any portion of the Proper�y. 1Nithaut limiting the generality af the <br /> foregoin�, Trustor will not remov�, ar�rant to any other party th� righfi to rema�e, any�Ember, m�nerals {in�luding <br /> ❑i[and gasy. coal, c1ay�scor�a, svil, gra�el or rock proc[ucts withvu�Lender's prior written consent. <br /> R�mvval v�lmpro�emenfis. Trustar shall not demo�ish or remov�any ImpraWemen�s�From the Real Prvperty►ivithvu� <br /> Lend�r's priar written �flnsenf. As a condition t�the removal af any lmpra�ements, Lender may require Trustor to <br /> rnake arrangements sa�is�fa�tary ta Lender �o replace su�h lmpro�ements with Impro�emen�s of at least equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Right#v Enter, Lender and Lender's agents and represen�ka�ives may enter upon the Real Properfiy at all <br /> r�asonable times to att�nd to Lender's in�erests and to inspe�� the Real P�-operty for purposes of Trustor's <br />