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y tr ,f r ��14�351� <br /> i <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> � � <br /> In c�nsideratian vf the rnutual promises and agreements exchanged, the parties hereto agree as <br /> follows�nvtwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Nvte�r Security Instrument}: <br /> �, As of, FEBRUARY 1, ZU14, the amount payable under the Not� and the Se�urity Ins�rument�the <br /> "Unpaid Principal Balaxace"} is U.S. $69,814.Z9, consisting of the unpaid amvunt�s}�oaned to <br /> Borrawer by Lender plus any interest and ather amoun�s capitalized. <br /> 2. Borrower promises to pay#he C,.]npaid Principal Balance, plus interest,t�the order of Lender Interes# <br /> will be charged vn the Unpaid Principal Baiance at the yearly rate of 3.754�°/0,from FEBRUARY 1, <br /> ZU14. Borrow�r promises to make monthly payments of principal and intere5t of U.S. $ 323.32, <br /> beginning on the 1ST day af MARCH, 2014, and continuin� thereafter on the same day of each <br /> succeeding month until principal and interest are paid in fu11.The yearly rate of 3,7544°/o wi�l remain <br /> in effect unti�principal and interest are pa�d in fu11.If on FEBRUARY 1,2444�the"Matur�ty Date"}, <br /> Borrawer stilt owes amoun�s under �he Nat� and the Security Instrurnent, as amended by this <br /> Agreemen#,Bonrower will pay these amaunts in fu11 on the Matur�ty Date. <br /> 3. If a11 or any part of the Property or a.ny interest in the Prflperty is so�d�r�ransferred�or if Borrower is <br /> nat a natural p�rson and a benefi�ial interest in Borrower�s sold or transferred}w�thout Lender's prior <br /> wri�ten consen�, Lender may require immediate payment in fu11 af a�I sums secured by the Security <br /> Instrument. <br /> if L�nder exercise� this optian, Lender shall gi�e Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall <br /> pro�ide a periad of not less than 34 days from the date�he notice is deli�ered or mailed within wh�ch <br /> Barrower must pay all surns secured by the Security Instrument. Zf Borrower fails to pay these sums <br /> prior to the expiratian of this period, Lend�r may in�oke any remedies permitted by the Security <br /> Instrument without further ntitice or demand on Borrower. <br /> 4. Bflrrower also wi11 comply �vith a11 other co��nant�, agreements, and requirements �f th� Security <br /> Instrument, includ�ng without limitation,Bvrrower's covenants and agreements to make a11 payrnents <br /> af taxes, insurance prem�ums, assessments, escrow items, impaunds, and a11 o�ther payments �hat <br /> Borr�wer is obligated to rnake under the Security Instrument; hvwe�er, the fvllowing terms and <br /> pr�visions are forever canceled,nu11 and�oid,as❑f the date specified in paragraph No. 1 abo�e: <br /> (a} all terms and pro�isions af the Not� and Security Instrurnen# �if any} pro�iding for, <br /> implementing, or relating to, any change or adj ustment in the rate of in#erest payable under the <br /> Note, including, where applicabie,the T�mely Payment Rewards rate reductian, as described in <br /> paragraph � of the Time�y Payment Rewards Addendum to Note and paragraph A.1. of the <br /> Timely Payment Rewards Rider. By executing this Agreement, Borrower waives any Timely <br /> Payment Rewards rate reduction to which Borrower may have otherwise been entitled;and <br /> ��} all terms and pro�isions of any adjustable rate rider,or Tirnely Payment Rewards Rider,where <br /> applicable, or other instrument or dacument that is aff xed ta, who�ly or partially incorporated <br /> rnto, ar is part of, the Note nr Security Instrument and that contains any such terms and <br /> pro�isions as�hose refer�ed ta in�a}abo�e. <br /> 5. If the Borrower ha5,since inception of this loan�ut priar to this Agreement,recei�ed a discharge <br /> in a�hapter 7 bankrup�ey,and there haying been no�alid reat`firmation of the under�ying debt, <br /> by entering into this Agreement, the Lender is not attempting to re-establ�sh any persanal <br /> liability for the underlying debt. <br /> FHAIVA HUD-HAMP Laan Modification Agreement�2192414_11 I WD1210b.1 99U24Z7150 <br /> First American Martgage 5ervices Page 2 <br />