<br /> fu�l af d�l sums se�ured by th�s Secur��y �nstrumen�. Howe�er, �his �ption shal� not be exer�ised by Lender if
<br /> � e�ercise is prohibited by federa��av�as af the date of�his Security�ns�rument.
<br /> If Lend�r exer�ises �his vp���n, Lerider shall gi�e Barrower na��ce of accel�ra�ion. The natice shail pro�ide a
<br /> period �f not �ess �han �he minimum number of da�s estab�ished by Applicable Law fram the date the no�i�e �s
<br /> de�ivere� or �nailed �ithin which B�rrower must pay al� sums se�ured by th�s Security Instrument. �f Barrov�er
<br /> fails to �ay�hese sur�s prior ta �he exp�ration of this p�ri�d, Lender may in�oke any rernedies permit�e�by this
<br /> Security rns�rumen�v���hou�further n�ti�e or demand on Borr�wer.
<br /> B�rrower's l�ight t� Reinsta�e. �f B�rr���r meets certa�n cand���ans, ��rrovver sha�i have �he r�ght �� ha�re
<br /> enforcemen��f this Security �ns�rumen�discont�nued at any�im�prior ta�he earlier of: �a} 5 days �ar such other
<br /> peri�d as App�icable Lav�r may specify for reins�a�ement��efore sa�e of the Property pursuant�o any p�wer of sale
<br /> ��n�ained �n th�s Secur��y 7nstrument; or {b} entry af a judg�.ent enforcing �h�s�Securil.y �nstrurr�ent. Those
<br /> c�nd����ns ar� that Borro�er: �a} pays Lender al� sums which then w�u�d be due under this Securzty �ns�ru�nen�
<br /> and the�an�ract as if n�acce��era�ion had occurred;�b}�ures any default of any��her covenants�r agreements;�c}
<br /> pays a�1 expenses incurred�n�enfor��ng th�s Se�urity Instrumen�, inciuding,bu�n�t l�rri��ed t�,reas�nable a�torneys'
<br /> fees to�he ex�en�permitted by�avv; and�d��akes su�h action as Lender may reasona�bly requxre�o assure�ha��he
<br /> X�en�f this Secur��y�ns�rumen�,Lender's righ�s �n�he Proper�y and Borrovver's obliga�ian to pay the sums secured
<br /> by this �e�urity Instrum�nt shall continue u��hanged. Upon reins�a�ement by Barravver, �his 5ecur��y �nstrument
<br /> and�he vbl�gativns seGured hereby shall remain fu�ly effec�i�� as if na acce�era�ion had oc�urred. Ho�tnre�er, th�s
<br /> right to reinstate shal�na�apply�n the case�f ac�elerat�on under the sec��on titled Transfer of the Praper�y or a
<br /> Beneficia�Interest i�Borr�wer.
<br /> Ha��rc�ous Substanc�s.Bvrr��er shal�na�Cause�r p�rmit the presence,use, disposa�, storage, or release�f any
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances an or i��he�'rflperty.B�rr�vver s�al�not d�,nor a11�vt�anyone e�se to dfl,anything affec�ing
<br /> the Pro�erty tha� is in v��latian �f any Environmenta� Law. The prec�d�ng tw� sentences sha�1 no� apply to the
<br /> presenc�,use,�r s��rage an�he Pr�perty of�ma�l quant���es of Hazardous Subs�ances�ha�are generally recognized
<br /> to be a�pr�priate to norma�residen�ial uses�.nd��maintenance af�he Prop�rty.
<br /> B�rrov��r sha11 pr�mptly gi�re Lender writ�e�n��ice flf any investiga�ion,c�a�m,dernand, �av�suit or ather a�tion by
<br /> any gowernmen�al �r regu�atory agenc�r or privat� party inWol�ing the Pr�perty and any Ha�ardous Subs�ance �r
<br /> En��rar�rr�enta� Law �f which Borrov�rer has actua� knovvledge. I.f BarrQv�er learns, or is no�if�ed b}� any
<br /> go�ernrnental ar regulatary au�hor��y,that any rer���a�or other remediativn of any Hazardous Subs�ance affecting
<br /> �he Prc�per�y �s ne��ssary, Borrov�er shall pramptly take all ne�essary remedial ac�i�ns in acc�rdance with
<br /> Enviror�ment�l Law.
<br /> As usec����his paragraph, "Hazardaus Subs�ances" are those subs�an�es def�ned as toxic or hazard�us substances
<br /> by Env�ron�nen�al Law and �he fo��owing subs�an�es: gaso�ine, k�rosene, o�her flan�.mable or taxic petro�eu�n
<br /> pradu�ts, to�i� pes�icides an�. herbicides, va�atile solvents, ma�eria�s contain��g asbes�os �r f�r�maldeh�de, and
<br /> radioac�ive ma�erials.As used�n this paragraph, "Environmental Lavv"�r�.eans federal,iar�vs and�aws of the s�ate af
<br /> Nebras�Ca�ha�rela�e�o heal�h,safe�y or en�ir�nmenta�pr�tec��on.
<br /> Acc�le�a#ion; Rern�dies. L�nder shal� gi�e notice tn �orrav+�er priar to acc�ie�rat�vn following B�rrower's
<br /> breach of any cov�nant or agreement in this S�curity In�trument or the�ontract�nder wh�ch acceleratian
<br /> is perm�tted �but not pr�or to acceleratinn unc�er the se�t�on titled Transfer of the Pr��erty ar a Ben�f�cfa�
<br /> In�erest �n ]Bvrr�w�r, unless A�piicable Law prov�ides ❑therw�se�. The nvtice sh�a�l specify: �a} th� defau��;
<br /> (b} the act�an r�quired to cure the defau�t; �c} a da�e, nat �ess than the r�in�mum number of days
<br /> e�t�blish�d by Applicab�e Law from�the dat�the not���is gi�en to�orrower, by which the default must be
<br /> cured; a�d �d� that fai�ure to cure the d�fault on or before the dat� specif�ed in the nat�ce may re�u�t in
<br /> acceleration vf �he sums s�curQd by �his Se�ur�ty Tnstru�nent and sale of the Prap�r�y. To the ext�nt
<br /> perm�t#ed �y law, the not�c� shall furthQr inf�rm Borr�wer uf the right to r�instate after acceleration and
<br /> the rig�t t�br�ng a court act�on t�assert the non-exis�ence�f�defaul�nr any���er defense�f Borrawer to
<br /> acce�eration and sale. If the defau�t �s na�cur�d nn �r �efore the date�pec��ed in t��e notice, Lender at its
<br /> vpt�on n�ay requ�r� �mmed�at� pa�ment in fu�l of a�� sums secur�d by this Security Instrument without
<br /> further den�and �nd may in�vuke �he pav�er of 5ale and an� ather remedies permitted hy App�icable La�.
<br /> To the extent permit��d by �aw, L�nder sha�� be en�i�led ta cflllec� ali exp�nses in�urred in pursuing the
<br /> remedies pro�id�d in this Section, �nc�udir�g, �ut not Iimited to, reas�nab�e attorney�' fees and cnsts❑f title
<br /> eviden�e.
<br /> If the power of sale is�nvo�ed,'�`rustee shali rQcard a �.atic�of default in each county in which any part vf
<br /> th�pr€�pert�is lac�ted and shall mail copies of such notice in �he ma�ner prescribed by App��cab�e Law to
<br /> Borro►��er and t� the o�her pers�ns pre5cr�b�d by Appl�cab�e Law. After �he time requ�r�d by Appl�cable
<br /> Lav�, �rust�� shall g��ve pu�b�ic notice af sale t� the p�rsons and �n the mannQr pres�rib�d by Applicahl�
<br /> Lar�v. 'I'ruste�,v��thflu�demand on B�rrowv�r�shall 5e��the�roperty at pub�i�auct��n to thQ highest hidder
<br /> at�he�ime and�la�e and und�r the�errn�des�g�at�d in the not�ce�f�ale in one or more parcels and in any
<br /> �rd�r 'Trustee det�r�nines. Trustee may pastpflne sa�e of a�� or ar�y parcel af the Property by pubiic
<br /> annou�cem�nt at the time anc� plac�vf any�re�i�usly sche�uted sa�e.Lend�r�r it�d�signee may purchas�
<br /> the Praperty at any sale.
<br /> Upon re�eipt�f�aymeat of the price b�d, Trus�ee sha�l d�l��er ta �he purchaser'I`rustee's deed con�Qying
<br /> the�'roperty. The �-ecitals in the Trustee's deed �hail be prima facie e�iden�e af the truth of the statements
<br /> rnade �herein. Trustee shall ap��y the proceeds of the sale in the follaw�ng vrder: (a) t❑ all c�sts and
<br /> exp�nses of exerc�sing th� �ovvQr af sa�e, and the saie, including th� payme�t of the Tru�tee's fees actua�ly
<br /> C 2004-2�13 Complaance Systems,Inc.9�'96-F868-2013L2.0.721
<br /> Cni�sumer F�eal Es#a�e-Security Ir�stn.�ment DL203d Page�of 5 wv�r�v.cornpliancesysterns.com
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