. '
<br /> , � ��14�3475
<br /> �U. Saie of I�ate� Chan�e af L�an Ser�ic�r�; '����� of Grie��r�ce. The Not� or a�ar�ial �n��r�st in �he �at�
<br /> {to�e�her vv i���his Se�uri�I�is�r��menfi}can b�sold o�e�r m�r�t��.es���hau.��r�or na��ce�o B�rraw�er.A sale�ight
<br /> r�sul.t in�.c�an�e�n�h�e�ti�y��z�o���.as�h�"Loan��rvicer"}�h.a�co�le�ts Fer�odic Pa�xnen�s d�.�e u��der�h.e N�t�a��d
<br /> this S��uri�y i��5�run�en�and p�rf��rrr�.��ther���or��a���o�.n s�r�ric�n���Ii�ati.o��s und��•�l:�e�ote,�his S�curit��nstrum���t,
<br />" and�.ppl�cab��:La�.There a�so�rni�h�bc c�n�a�m�re changes of�h�Loan�erv��cr c�nrel�,ted.�o a sal��f th�;�otc. I�'
<br /> �h���is a�h�.nge��'the Lo�Servicer,��rr��er�i�l be����en v�ri�t�n nati��c�f th�change��hiGh�il�s�ate the nam�an�i
<br /> a.ddres��f��e nevv x.,oan�ervicer,�he addr��s to whi.ch pa.�r��nts shoul�be rnade an�.any�ther�nformat�on R.ESPA
<br /> requires i��onn�ct����wi�h a�otic�of tr�.nsfer����r���in�.�.�'�h�Note is sold anc��her�aft�r�he.Lc�a,n�s s�r��ic�ed�y a
<br /> Loan Ser�x��r o�her tha.n th�p�archas�:r�ft:he Not_e,t�i�rnortgage loan s�r�icing o��igatrons�:o Borrov��r wi��rema�n wi�.h
<br /> th� Loan Ser��ic�r or be ��ansf��red to a suce�ssor L�an S�r�i��r an�.�.�-�not assun��d ���he Note�u.�chaser un�ess
<br /> ath�r�ise pr.o��ded byr�he�o��e pu�-�haser.
<br /> N�it�cr�orro��•er nor I�e��d�r����y can�.n��nce,��in,�r��j�i�.ec��c�any ju�.ic�al ac:tian����i�.er an indi�idua���ti��.nt
<br /> ar�h�m�xn��r of a class}thax ar����from the o�her�a�y's�.c�i�ns��s�an�:���his Securi���n�trumen�or�ha�alleges�ha�
<br /> the �ther�arty h�.s bre�che� any prt��isia� of, ar �.n�r �.u�r �v�ed by reason of, �his S�curi� lnstrumen�, �nt�I such
<br /> Lorro�er o.r L�nde�-h.as n�tifi.ed th�other�ar�y��ith such.n.atice giti�en in cc�:mplia��.ce��i.th the requ�r.ements of�Section
<br /> ��}�f.such a�lle��d breach�.��d aff.ard��.the o�hir��.rty h�r�t��a.rea5on�.ble��r�ad after the�;�vin��af��.ich nU��ce�c��ak�
<br /> c�orr�c�i���a��:io�.�f��plicab���av�pravid.es a�:zm�perio��vhi�h must�1a�se�bef�re e�r��.in action�ax��e tak�n,�:�at
<br /> �ii�n���ri�d.��vill�e de�en�e�i to��r��.sonabl�far purposes of this paragraph.Th�no�ic�of ac�e��ra�i�n a��d opp�rtunity�t�
<br /> cure���•en t�Bar.ra�xer pursuant��a�e�t�o��.�2 ar�d tihe�.otic�afac���erat�.�n�i.��en.to:�3orrovcrer�ursua:n���Section l.�
<br /> shall�e d���n�d tc��ati��y th�notic��.nd t�ppn�u�i�y t�ta.k����-rec���re at��i€��.�rouisians c�f.�his S�c�i«n��.
<br /> �1.Hazardous Substanc�s.As us�d in this����ian�l.:��.�"Haz�.rdous Su�stanccsy'are th�se subs�ai��es def ned as
<br /> toxi� or ha�a.rc�ous substances, �c�llu�ants, or vv�stcs b�r En�ironmc���a1 La�v and�he fol�ovv�n�g substanc�es: gasaline,
<br /> 1��rc�sene, �ther flan�na�le or �oxic petral�um pr��ucts, toxic ��stic�des and h�r��cid�s, �o�a�ile sv�ven�s, n�ateria�s
<br /> c�n�a�nii��;�shes�as or fc�rma�dehyd�,and r�.d��active ma.�eri�.is;�b}"����c��ranmenta��:a�r�'m�ans f�d�ral la.�s and la�s
<br /> c�f. the j urisdic�ion ti�her� th� Pr��erty is l�catied �h�.t rela�� �o h��.I�i.� safety ar �nviranm�n�t�.l �ro�e�:��on;
<br /> �c}"En��ronmen�al Cl�a��u�" iric�ude� an� r�spor�se ����on, remedia� a�tian, or �r�m���.� �.ct�on, a5 defin�d in
<br /> Envi��nmen�a�La�v;and�d��.�."En��ronmental�'��d���on"�neans�.canditio�����can cause,cvn�rtb�ut�t�,o�r o�herwise
<br /> tri��er a�.E��.��ron�nenta����a�.up.
<br /> Bc�rro�r�r sha��n�t�:�.use��r��:�rr�-�it�����res�nc�,u��,d�sp�sa.�,����rag�,or r��eaSe o�`any Hazardaus Sub�tances,or
<br /> thr�a�:�n to relcase az��Ha.�ard�us�u�stanc�s,on or in�he Proper�y.B��-�a�cr sha�l not d.a,nor a�l���ar�yan����e t.o do,
<br /> anyth�ng affec�ing t��Propert��a}that is in��o�a��an�f any Environmen��.I La�r,�b}�hich ereates�.n En�ir�nrn�nta�
<br /> �ond�tion,ar�:c��vh��h,due�a the pr�senc�,use,a�r.el.ease o�a Ha�a.rdc�us Sub�tance,�r�ates a canditi�n that aduers���
<br /> affects the va�u�of��.e Pr.c�p�r�r.Th��rc�Gedin�t��r€�sent�nc;es sha.1�n�t apply to th��res�n��,u�e, or sto�-a�;e c�n�he
<br /> Frc�per�y of sma11 quan�i�:�es�f I-�azardou.s Sub�tanc�s�at are g���ra�1�recagn���d ta be a�prapriate tn no��nal r�sid�r��ial
<br /> uses and�o ma�ntena:�ice of�he Prc����ty��r�c�udingx but n�t limi���.��,h�a�dous suhs��.nc�s in con�urner pr�duc�s}.
<br /> I3orra��er s�a�l.prom�t�y bi.�e I���der wr�.tten n.�tic����a}an.y inwe��i��.�ion,c�a��,��:ma�a�,l.awsuit or.othe�action
<br /> by an��ou�rnm.e�.t�.� �ar re�ula�ory �.�cncy €�r�r�vate part�r i����olvin� tih� P�•��perty and�.��� Hazardous SubS�an�� �r
<br /> En�rironn�er�tal La��r af wrhich B�rrovv��r lias �.�tua� knowlcdgc, �b} any Entifiranmen��.� �'�ndi�ivn, inc�ud��� bu�not
<br /> �imit�d�o,an�s�i�l�ng,l�akin�,d�scharge,r��ease o��hrea�of��lease of any Ha.�ard�us Substance,and�c�ar�y�ondi�i�n
<br /> �aused b�the presei��e,use c�r re�ease�f.a Ha�a.rdo��S�:bstanGe v�hi�h adv�rse�y�.ffects the valu�af the.Pr�p�r�. If
<br /> Borrc�«rer learns, or is n�tifi�;d by any governmen��.� or re�ula�c�r�r�.uthority,c�r any pr��a��pa.rt�,�ha�an�rern��a.�or
<br /> o�:h�r r�m�c�i�-tian of an��a��.rd€���s Su�s�an�e�.ffect�ng the Prc�p�r�y is�.�cessa�, Barraw�r sh�.11 prornptly ta�.c a�I
<br /> necessary remedi�.l ac�ions�n a�cor�.a�.�e�ui�h Enviro�nental La�.Nothing h��ein.sha�l cr�ate an�r ablig�.�ion on Len��r
<br /> f.or a.n Enti�i rt�n:m�x��al�l.ea��.�p.
<br /> N�N-l�IF�RM CQ�TE�AN TS.B orrfl�cr�.�d Le�der fur�her co�enant ar�d agrec as fo����s:
<br /> 22.Acc�leration;R�me�ies.�ender 5ha1�giv�noti�e�o Ba�ro�er pri�r tv ac�el�ratiQn falio��ving B�rro�er's
<br /> brea�h vf any�ovenant�r agr�enr�ent�n�h�s Se�uri�Instrument�b���at�rior t���c�leration under Sec���n 18
<br /> unless A�pl��abl�La�v pra�ides ot��r��e}.T�e notic�sh�ll specify:t��the defau��;�b�the act�on re�uired to cure
<br /> �VE�RASKA-Single Fami�y-Fannie�Ifaell�reds�ie�ac UNIFC3RM lN�TRUR�EN'�rEvith IIIIIERSFarm 3028 110'�
<br /> Page�1 tif 1�
<br /> IOS,ir�c.
<br /> �D�-'���2�J'I'I aQ3-�D22�-�'�'�-�'��
<br />