� ��14�3479
<br /> full �f alI sums secured by �his Securrty Instrumen�. HoweWer, this op�ian shall n�t be exerc�sed by Lender if
<br /> ex�rc�se �s proh�b��ed b�federal lavv as of�he date�f�h�s Security�nstru�nen�.
<br /> If Lender exercises �his option, Lender shall gi�e Borrovver n�tice �f acce�erati�n. The notice shal� p�a�ide a
<br /> period af na� �ess than the mzn�nlum number of days established b}� App��cab�e Law fr�m �he date �he notice is
<br /> deli�ered �r mE.ax�ed w��h�n wh�ch Barro�ver must pa� a1I sums s�cur�d b� �his Security �nstrumen�. If Borrower
<br /> fa��s to pay these sums prior�a the expiration of this per�od, Lender may �n�oke any renledies per�nitted �y �his
<br /> Security�nstrument�vithout fur�her no��ce or dern�and on B�rrow�r.
<br /> Borr�wer's Right �a Re�ns�ate. �f Borrower mee�s cer�ain condi�ions, Barrower shal� ha�e �he right to ha�ve
<br /> enforcemen� of th�s Secur�ty Instru.men� d�sc�r�tinu�d at any��me przar to �he earlier of: �a} 5 days �or such o�h�r
<br /> peri�d as Applicable Law may spec�fy for r��nsta�emen��before sa��of�he Property pursuan�to any p�vver�f sa�e
<br /> con�a�n�d in �h�s Security Instrument; ar �b} entry af a �ud�ment enfarcin� �his Se�urity Instrument. Those
<br /> condit�ons are that Barrower: �a} pa�s Lende�- a�� sums v�rh��h then wou�d be due under�his Security zns�rumen�
<br /> and�he Contrac�as�f n4 acce�era�xon had occurred;�b}cures any default of any o�her covenan�s or a�r�emen�s;�c�
<br /> pays a�l�xpenses incurred in enfarcing this Securxty Znstrum�ent, �nclud�n�,bu�not lxm��ed ta,reasonable attorneys'
<br /> fees t�the ex��nt perm�tted by �aw; and�d}�akes such ac��on as Lend��- may reasanab�y requ�re to assure fiha��he
<br /> �ien of�h�s Se�urity Instrument, Lender's r��hts xn the Property and Borr�wer's ob�i�atian�� pay the sums secured
<br /> by �h�s Securi�y Instrument shal� cant�nue unchan�ed. Upon reins�atemen� by So�-r�wer, �his Secur�ty Instrumen�
<br /> and �he flb�i�atians secured hereby shall rema�n ful�y effect�ve as �f no ac�e�eratifln had occurred. Hov�ever, th�s
<br /> rig�t�o reinstat� shal�no�app�y in�he case of acceleration under the se���an tit�ed Transf�r of th� Prop�r�y or a
<br /> Senef�cial In�erest�n Barrower.
<br /> Ha�ardous Sub��an�Qs. Borrawer sha�l no�cause�r permi��he presence, use, disposal, stora�e, or�•elease of any
<br /> Hazard�us Subs�ances on or in the Proper�y. E3orrower shall n��do,n�r allow anyone else t�do,any�hin�affec��n�
<br /> the Proper�y that is in �ifl�ation �f any Enviranmen�al Law. The precedit�� �w� sen�ences shall �ot appiy to the
<br /> presence,use,or s�arage on�he Property af sma�l quan�ities af Hazardo�is Substances�ha�are genera�ly rec��nized
<br /> to be appropriate to normal residen�ial uses and to maintenance of the Praper�y.
<br /> Borr�wer shal�pr�mp��y�i�e Lender writ�en no�ice of any investiga�ion,cl�.i�n, demand, lavvsui�ar other actifln by
<br /> anv �overnmental a� regu�at�ry a�ency or private party in�olWin� �he Propert� and an� Hazardous Subs�ance or
<br /> Environ.rnenta� Law of wh�ch Borrflw�r has actual kr�ov�ledge. If BQrrower learns, �r is notified by any
<br /> �a�ernment�I or rebu�atory au�hor�ty,that any r�mo�a� ar o�her remediation of any Ha�ardous Substance affectin�
<br /> the Property is n�c�ssary, Bflrrov�er shall pramptly �ake al� necessary remedial ac�ions �in accardance with
<br /> Environmenta�Law.
<br /> As used �n�h�s parabraph, "Hazardous Substances" are th�se subs�ances d�fi�aed as�oxic or hazardous substances
<br /> by Env�ronmental L.,�w and �he fo��owinb substances: gasol�ne, kerosene, o�her flamir�aab�e or �oxic pe�roieum
<br /> praduc�s, �oxic pestic�d�s and herbic�des, volati�e solvents, mater�a�s canta�nxn� asbestfls o�r forrna�dehyde, and
<br /> radi�active mater�a�s. As used in�h�s paragraph, �'En��ronmen�al Law"means federa� �av�s and�aws�f th� state of
<br /> Nebraska�ha�re�ate�a health, safety ar env�ranmen�al protec��on.
<br /> Acce�eration; Rem�d�es. Lender shall gr�e noti�e to Sorrower pr�or to acce�erati�n followinb Borrower's
<br /> br��ch of any co�enant or agreemen�in �his Secur�t�Ins��-ument ar��e�ontraet u�der wh�ch accelera�inn
<br /> is p�rm�tted ��ut n�� prxor�o acc���ra�inn under the sec�ion ����ed Transfer of the �raperty ar a Senef�cia�
<br /> Interest in Barrflwer, unless Applicable Law �rov�des o�herv�ise�. Th� no�ice shali specify: (a) the defaul�;
<br /> �b} the act�an requxred ta cure �he defau�t; ��� a dat�, na� ��ss �han the m�nimum number of day�
<br /> established by App�icab�� Law from �h�date�he no��ce �s given to Borr�wer, by which �he defau�t mus�be
<br /> cu�-�d; and �d) tha� fa��ure �� cure the defau�t an or befo�-� th� date specif�ed in the no��ce may resu�t �n
<br /> acce�era�ion of �h� sums s�cured by �his Securx�y �ns�ru�me�t and sale of the Prvper�y. To �he ex�en�
<br /> pe��n��ted b� law� thQ nv�ic� sha�l further znform Borrower of�he r�ght �o re�nstate after acce�eration and
<br /> the righ��a brinb a cour�a�t�on to assert�he non�existence of a default or any fl�her defen��vf Borrower to
<br /> accelera��a� ar�d s��e. If the defaul� is not cur�d �n or before �he date specifzed in �he n�t�ce, Lender a� ��s
<br /> op�ian may requ�r� �mmedia�e payrnent xn fu�l of al� �ums s�cured by �his Securi�y Instrument w��haut
<br /> further demand an�i may �n�oke the p�wer of sale and any a�her remedxe� p�rmitt�d by AppIi�ab�e Lav►�.
<br /> To the extent perrr�itted by Zaw, Lender shaX� �e enti�ied �o �ollec� ax� expenses �r�curred �n pursuing the
<br /> remedies pro��ded in this Sec��fln, �nciuding, but no� �zm��ed �o, reas��able at�orne�s' fees and �os�s af ti��e
<br /> ��idence.
<br /> �f�he pawe�-of sale is in�oked,Trustee shall recvrd a notice of defau�� �n ea�h cvunty �n which any part of
<br /> �he Proper�y is �ocated and sha�� ma�� cop�es of such notice in the manner prescrib�d by Applicable Law�o
<br /> Sorrower and �o t�e ��h�r p�rsons prescr�bed by Appl�cab�e Law. A.f�er �he t�rne requir�d by A.pp�icable
<br /> Lavv, Trus��e shali gi�e public n��ice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed b� Appixcab�e
<br /> Lav�. Trustee,w�thaut demand on Borra��r, shail se�l�he Property at public auct�on to the high�st bidder
<br /> at the��me and ��a�e and under the�erms des�gnated in the na��ce of sale in one or rnor�parcets�nd in any
<br /> ord�r Trus�ee de�erm�nes. Trustee may pos�pone sale of a�� or an� parcel af �he Property by public
<br /> anmauncem�nt at��ie��me and pla�e of any pre►v�ous�y schedu��d sale. Lender ar its d�s�gnee may purchase
<br /> th�Pr��erty at any sa�e.
<br /> Upon rece�pt of pa�m�n� of the price bid, Trustee shal� de���er ta �he �urchaser Trus�ee's deed �onvey�ng
<br /> �he Proper�y. The recita�s �n the Trustee's deed shaIZ be prima faciQ.�widence of th�tru�h �f the statements
<br /> made therein. Trustee shai� app�y �he proceeds of the sa�e �n �he f��iflw�nb order: �a) �o a�� costs and
<br /> expenses of exercising tihe pnwer �f sale, and the sale, including the payment of th� Trustee's fees ac�uaily
<br /> �?004-2D I�Compliance 5yste�r€s.��ac.9F9G-SF64-24�3L2.0.72�
<br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Sec��-ity Ir_strument DL2�3G Pa�e 4 of5 www.ca�rspliar�cesystexr�s.cam
<br />