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rn <br /> m IV �� � <br /> rnm � �� rn <br /> � <br /> o �� � � zrn � rn <br /> � �o rn , � �� � o <br /> o �z � C �� � � <br /> � Cn <br /> � Z� � Z �Z p — <br /> c� G�� � � _� W � <br /> �� rn �� � � <br /> rn� p � r� � � <br /> �� � � C <br /> W� � � � <br /> �� � .�.� Z <br /> o� � � � <br /> � Z <br /> � <br /> THIS �NSTR�C]�MENT PREPARED BY: AFTER RE�flRDZNG RETURN TQ: <br /> Home Federal Sa��ngs&L�an Asso�ia��on of Home Federal Sa�ings&Loan Asso�iation�f <br /> Grand Island �rand Island <br /> 2Z I Sou�h Lacust S�reet 221 South Locus�S�ree� <br /> �RAND �SI�AND, NE�$SU� GRAND ISLAND,NE 658��. <br /> �Space Abo�e T�7is Line For Rec�rding Data} <br /> L�AN flR�G�NAT�R NAME: �hris Kaskie <br /> NMLS��MPANY IDENTIFIER: 44�443 <br /> NMLS�R�G�NAT�R IDENT�FIER: 494�G8 <br /> DEED �� Tl�I�ST <br /> (PREAUTH�RI�ED (�PE� E�D} �REDIT - FUTURE ADVANC'E� ARE SECURED <br /> BY THIS D�ED �F TRUST} <br /> THIS DEED�F TRUST�"Security �nstrument"� is made on May 2S,2D14. The bran�ars are EDW�N L KINNE <br /> and �RETCHEN L KINNE, HI�SBAND AND '�"V�F�, whose address is 142Z SI-�ERIDAN PL, GRAND <br /> ZSLAND,Nebraska 6$SU3��52� ("Barrovver"�.Bort-ower rs no�necessarily�he same as the Person�r Persans who � <br /> sibn the Home Equ��y L�ne of �'redit Agreement, da�ed May 2$, 2U14 �"�ontract"}. The obliga�ions af <br /> Borrowers wha did not sYgn the �on�ract are explained fur�her in the sec�ion ti�led Successors and Assigns <br /> Bound;J�in�and Se�era�Liabx�ity; Accomm�dation Signers.The�rustee xs Arend R.Baack,A�torney whose <br /> address �s P.�, Box 79�, Grand Is�and, Nebrasl�a 68$UZ �"Trustee"}. The benefciary �s Home Federal <br /> Sav�ngs & Laan Associa��on of Grand Is�an�, v�h�ch �s arbanz�ed and existing under the �aws of�he Un�ted <br /> S�ates of Amer�ca and whose address is 22I Sauth Locust Street, Grand Isiand, Nebraska ��5�1 �"Lender"}. <br /> ED�VIN L KINNE and GRETCHEN L KxNNE ha�e en�ered �n�� a�antrac�wi�h Lender as of May ZS, 2D14, <br /> under the �erms of �hich Borr�wer may, fr�m �irne to �ime, abtaxn advances not to exceed, at any t�me, a <br /> ""�MAX�MUM PR�N�'IPAL AM�UNT �E�CLUDING PR�TECTIVE AD�ANCES��xx �f Thir�een <br /> Th�usand and �QI�44 Dol�ars �U.S. $�3,QQQ.04} �"Cred�� Limi�"}. Any par�y in�erested �n �he details rela�ed �o <br /> Lender's con�inu�r�� abligation t� ��nake adWances �o Borro�v�r is ad��sed to cansu�� dzrectly wxth Lender. If no� <br /> pa�d ear�ier, the sums owing under Borr�vver's �on�rac�v�ith Lender w�ll be due on June �.5,2��9. This Secur�ty <br /> Inst�umen� se��res to Lender: �a� the �-epay�nent of the debt under �he Con�ract, �it� interes�, �I1C�Udin� futur� <br /> adWances, and a�l renevvals, extens�ons and �nodif�cations af�he �on�ract; �b} the payment nf a1i other sur�s, u�ith <br /> in�erest, adWanced �a pr�tect �he �ecur��y of this Secu�x�y Instrument under the provisions af�he sec�ian �i�1ed <br /> Protec��vn of Lender's Righ�s in�he Property; and�c�the perfarmance of Barrov�er`s ca�enan�s and a�reemen�s <br /> under�h�s Security Ins�rumen�and�he �ontrac�. Far�hYs purpflse, Barrower, �n c�nsxdera�ion of the deb�and the <br /> �rust herein crea�ed, irre�acab�y grants and canveys�a Trus�ee, �n�rust,vvith pov�er of sale,the fnllov�ing described <br /> proper�y lacated in the C�UNTY of HALL, State�f Nebraska: <br /> Address: 14Z2 SHERIDAN PL,GRAND ISLAN'D,Nebraska G88�3-Z52I <br /> Lega� D�scr�p�ian: L�T EI��T �8}, IMPERIAL VILLAGE THxRD �i��DIV�SI�N, T� THE �'ITY <br /> �F GRAND �SLANAD,HALL C�UNTY,NEBRASI�A <br /> T�G ETH ER '�'V��TH a�I �he �mprovements now o� hereafter erected on the prapet-�y, and al� eas�ments, <br /> appur�enances, and fixtu�es no� or hereafter a part af�he property. A�1 replacements an� addi�ions sha�l alsa be <br /> c��ered by this Security Instrumen�. All of the foregoing 15 referred �o �n �h�s Security Instrument as the <br /> "Property." <br /> B�RR��VER��VENANTS that Barrawer is lawfu�ly seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has�he r��h��o <br /> grant and convey �he Praperty and tha� the Praper�y is unencumbered, exc�pt for encumbrances of rec�rd. <br /> Barrower warrants and wi�I def�nd benera��y the �i��e to �he Property agai.nst a�l cla�ms and demands, subj ec� t� <br /> any encumbrances af record. <br /> Borro�ver and Lender ca�enan�and a�ree as fo�Ia�vs: <br /> Payment af Pr�ncipa�and In�erest; C]�her�harges.Borrovwer sha�I prompt�y pay�hen due the principa� af and <br /> �n�eres�on the deb�ov�ed un�er�he C�ntrac�and late charges or any o�h�r fees and charges due under the Contra��. <br /> C�3 2�04-201�Compliance Systems,Inc.9F9G-$Fd4-2b t 3 L2.4.7?I <br /> Consun�er Real Estate-Security Inst€urnent DL2�3d Page�of 5 www.comglian� <br />