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<br /> IIome Federal Sav�ngs&Loan Assve�a��vn of Hame Federal Sav�ngs&Loan Asso�iati�n nf
<br /> Grand Islar�d �rand Island
<br /> �Zl S�uth L�cust S�re�t 2�1 Sauth Lacust Street
<br /> tSpace Abo�re This Line For Re�ord�ng Data}
<br /> L�AN aRIGINAT�R NAME: LiSa Mayer
<br /> NMLS��MPANY�DENT�F�ER: 4�6443
<br /> NMLS�RIG�NAT�R�DENTIF�ER: 494�6�
<br /> � I�E�D �F TR-iJ�ST
<br /> TH�S DEED�F TRUST�'iSecurity�nstrumen�"��s made an May 31,2�14.The gran��rs are James�Berryman
<br /> and Marcia A Berryman, husband and wife, whose address is 19U3 BasS Rd, GRANU ISLAND, Nebrasl�a
<br /> �8801-889D �"B�rrnvver"�. B�rro�ver�s not ne�essar�ly the same as�he Persan nr Persons who s�gn the N��e. The
<br /> obl�gat�flns of Borrov�ers w�o did na� sign �he N��e are exp�air�ed further in �he sec�ion t�tZed Su�cessvrs and
<br /> Assigns Bnund; Jo�nt and Se�eral Liabii�ty; Accommadation Signers. The t�us�ee �s Arend R.. Baack,
<br /> Att�rney v�hase ad�ress is P.�. �ox 79U, Grand Island,Nebraska 688U2 �"Trus�ee"�. The benef ciary is H�me
<br /> F�deral Saving� & L�an AssQc�at�on of�rand IsIand, v�hich is arganrzed and exxstzng under the lavvs of�he
<br /> United States af America and whos� address is 221 Sauth Lacust Street, �rand Is�and, Nebraska 688�1
<br /> �"Lender"�. James L Berryman and Marcia A Berryman owe L�nder the principa� sum of F�fty Thausand
<br /> �ne Hundred F�fty-twa and �01�.04�]o��a�-s �U.S. $5U,15�.UU], �vhich�s ev�denced by�h.e note, �onsumer laan
<br /> agreemen�, or s�mi�ar writi.x�g dated �he same da�e as �his Secur�t� �nstruna.en� tthe "No�e"}, vvh��h prfl��des f�r
<br /> period�c payments �"Per�a��c Paymen�s"}, wi�h �he fu�� deb�, if no� paid earl�er, due on August 15, 2�1G. This
<br /> Securxty�ns�rumen�secures ta Lender: �a3 �he repaymen��f the debt evi�enced by�he Nate, w�th �n�erest, and a��
<br /> rene�vals, extens��ns and mad�f ca��ans vf the Note; �b3 the payment of al� �ther su�.s, wrth i�nterest, ad�anced�a
<br /> protect�he secur�ty of�his Securi�y �nstrumen� under�he prv�is�ans vf�he sec�ion t�tled Protect�on of L�nder's
<br /> R�ghts in the Praperty; an�i (c� �he performance flf Borrov�er's covenan�s and ag�-eements under �h�s Secur�ty
<br /> �ns�rumen� and �he N�te. F�r t�is purpose, Borrower, in cvnsidera��on flf the debt ar�d the �rus� here�z� created,
<br /> irre�o�a��y grants and conveys tfl Trustee, �n trus�,�vx�h p�wer�f sa�e,�he fo�lvvv�i.ng described pr�perty 1�cated�n
<br /> the�vunty
<br /> �ount��f Ha��, S�ate of Nebraska: .
<br /> Address: 19U3 Bass Rd,GRAN��SLAN.D,Nebras�a�$S�1-889q .
<br /> T�GETHER W�TH a�� the imprfl�ernents now or hereafter erected on the propear�y, and a�� easemen�s,
<br /> appurtenances, and f�tures now �r hereafter a part of the proper�y. A1�repiacemen�s and add���ons shall als� be
<br /> �o�ered by this Secur�ty Ins�rument. AIl �f �he foregoing is referred �o �n this Secur��y �nstrument as �he
<br /> „Praper�y."
<br /> B�RR�WER��VENANTS tha�Borrower is �a�vfu�ly seised af t�e �state hereby con�eyed and has�he right to
<br /> �rant and cvnvey �he Pr�perty and �ha� �he Proper�y xs unen�umbere�, except for encumbrance� of re�ord.
<br /> Bonr�wer wanrants and w�li defend g�nera�Xy the tz��e t� �he Pr�perty agai�xast a�� c�axms and demands, subject �o
<br /> any encumbrances of recard,
<br /> Borrovver and Lender co�ena.nt and agree as fol�ows:
<br /> Payment of Pr�nc�pa�and IntQr�St; Prepayment and La�e Charg��. Borr�v�rer sha�l pramp�ly pay when due�he
<br /> principa� �f and �n��res� on�he debt e��denced by�he Na�e and any prepayment and la�e �harges du� und�r the
<br /> No�er��able Law. As used �n t�is Security �nstrumen�, �he �erm "Applicable Law" shal� mean a�� con�ro���.ng
<br /> PP
<br /> app��cab�e federa�, sta�e atad 1oca1 s�atu�es, regu�a�ion�, ordinances and adm�n�s�rati�e rules and arders ��hat ha�e
<br /> the effect of�aw�as we��as al�app��cab�e final,non-appea�able jud�c�a�apiniQns.
<br /> C�2a44-�013 Camplian�e Systerns,Inc.9F96-AC79-2�13L2.D.7�1
<br /> Cor�sumer Rea[Es�a#e-SeGurity Instrument DL2436 Page I vf 5 wwtiv.compliancesystems.com
<br />