<br /> full �f a�� sums secured by �his Secur��y Instrument. However, �his option sha�I n�.t be exercised by Lender if
<br /> exer�ise�s proh�bited l��federa��aw as of�h�da�e of thi�Security Instrurn�nt.
<br /> �f Lender exercises �h�s optian, Lender sha1� gi�e Bflrrower n�tice of a�c�lera��on. Th� notice shal� provid� a
<br /> p�ri�d �f not �ess �han the m�n�mum number Qf days es�abl�shed by Appl��ab�e Law from the da�e the no�ice �s
<br /> del�vere�. or xnailed v�rithin which Borrower mus� pay all sums secured by �his Securi�y �ns�rument. �f B�rraw�r
<br /> fai�s t� pay �hese sum�s pr�or�o the expira���n of#his period, �ender may in�oke any remedies permitted by thzs
<br /> Se�urity�.nstrument wil�hout further notice or demand vn Bflrr�r�ver.
<br /> Barrawer's Right ta Reins�ate. If Borrav�er �nee�s cer�ain cond��ions, �flrrov�er shal� have the right �� have
<br /> enforcernent of this S�cur�ty �nstrurnent d�scontinued a� any�ime pr�or to�he ear�ier of: �a} 5 days ��r such other
<br /> p�ri�d a�Appl�cable Lavsr may specify far re�nstatement�bef�re sa��of the Propert�pursuan�to an�pov�rer of sale
<br /> co��a�ned �n this Se�ur�ty �nstrumen�; o� �b� entry �f a judgmen� enfarGing th�s�Secur�ty �nstrumen�. Those
<br /> cnndit�a�s are �hat Barrower: �a� pays Lender a�l sums which then wou�d be due ur�der this Securit� Instrumen�
<br /> and the�ontract as if n�accelerat��n had�c�urred;�b�cures any defau���f an�ather covenan�s�r agreements;�c�
<br /> pays al��xpenses incurred in enf�rcing#his Security�nstrument,includrng,�u�nat�i�n��ed�o,reasona�le attorneys'
<br /> fees�o tf�e extent permitted�by�aw; a�d(d}�akes such ac��on as Lender may reasonab�y require to assure tha�the
<br /> 1�en of��.�s Security�nstrume�.�, Lender's rights in the Proper�y and Barra�v�r's ob�igat�on�fl�ay the sums secured
<br /> by this Securi�y �nstrument sha�l �onti.nue unchanged. Upon reinsta�e�nent by Borro�er, this Se�urity �nstrumen�
<br /> and�he obl�gations secured hereby sha�� r�main fu�1y effecti�re as �f rio a��e�era��on had occurred. Howe�er, this
<br /> r�gh�to reinsta�e sha�I no�apply in the case of ac��lerati�n under�he se�tiori�i�led Transfer of the Property or a
<br /> Ber�eficial Int�rest�n Borrower.
<br /> Ha�ardaus Substan�es.Bar�-�v�er sha��n��cause or permit the presence,use,d�sposal, storage, or release�f any
<br /> Hazardous Substa�ces on�r in the Prvperty.B�rrawer shai�nat da,nor a�lov�r anyon�else�o d�,anything affec��ng
<br /> the Prflper�y �hat is �.n violat�on of a�� Env�r�nn�enta� Law. The precedin� �o sen�enc�s sha1� no� apply to the
<br /> presenc�,use,or s�or�.ge on�he Prnper�y of sn�al�quanti�ies af Hazardaus S�.�bstances that are genera��y recognized
<br /> �o b�appropriate�o normai residen�ial uses and ta ma�n�enan�e of the Pr�per�y.
<br /> Borrow�r shall promp��y gi�e Lender writ�en notice of any invest�ga�ion,c��.im,demand, lawsui�or other act��n by
<br /> any governm�ntal or regula�ory agency or private par�y involving�he Proper�y and any Hazardous Substance �r
<br /> En��ronmen�ka� Lav� of wh�ch Borrovver has actual knav��edge. If B�rro�rer learns, or �s na�ified by any
<br /> governn-��n�a1 or regu��a�ory autharity,�ha�any rem��a�or other remedia�ion of any Hazardous Subs�ance affecting
<br /> the Property �s necessary, B�rr�v�er shall prompt�y tak� all necessary remedial ac�ions in acCardan�e �i�h
<br /> Enviror�mentaX L aw.
<br /> As�sed xn this parag�-aph, "Ha�ardous Substances" are those subs�ances d�fined as�vx�� or hazardflus substances
<br /> �y Env�ronmen�al Law and the fallowing suhstances: gas��ine, lcerosene, a�her f�ammab�e or toxic petro�eu�m
<br /> produ�t5, ����c pestxcides and herbicides, vo�atile s����nts, ma�eria�s c�n�aining asbestos or formaldehyde, and
<br /> rad�oac�iv�n�a�erials. As used��.#his paragraph, "En�rironmenta�La�r"m�ans federal Iaws and�aws�f the s�a�e of
<br /> Nebrask�a tha�rela�e to hea�t�., safet�or envirox�rnental pr�tecti�n.
<br /> A�ceieration; Remedies. Lender shall g�ve notice to Borr�wer priar �� accelerat�on fo�lowing Borro�ver'�
<br /> breach af any caver�ant ar�greem�nt in this Security Instrument or th��ontract under which acceleration
<br /> is permitted �but not prior�o �cceleration under the secti��n titl�d Transfer of t�e Property or a Benef c�a�
<br /> In��rest in �orrower, un�ess App�icahl� Law prQ��des vtherwise}. Th� not�ce sh�ail spe�ify: �a} the defau�t;
<br /> �b} the act�on required to cure the defau�#; [c} a date, ri�� ��55 than th� minimum numb�r af days
<br /> es�a�lished by Applicab�e Law from the date the natice is gi�en to Borrower, hy whi�h the defau�t must be
<br /> cured; and [d} �hat fai�ure to cure th� defau�� on or beforQ tY�e date �p��if��d in th� �otice may result �n
<br /> acce�eration of the �um5 secured by th�s S��urity Ins�rument and sa�� of the Prflperty, T❑ the extent
<br /> permi�#ed b� �arv,the notice 5�a11 further infarm �orro►wer vf�he right ta re�nsta�e aft�r �cce�eration and
<br /> the right�a bring a caurt act�on tv assert the n�n-ex�stence of a defaul�or any��h�r defense of Borrflwer tv
<br /> acce�erat�on and sale. If the d�fau�t is not cur�d ❑n or �ef�re th�date specifi�d in the not�c�,Lender at its
<br /> aptinn may requ�r� immed�ate payment in ful� af a�� sums secured b� this Security In�trument �ithout
<br /> further demand and may �n�oke th� p�wer of sale and any �ther rer�edies permit�ted by A�pl�cable Law.
<br /> To th� extent permit�ed by law, Lender sha�l be entitled �v c�llect al� expenses incurred �n pur�uing the
<br /> rem�dies provided in thi�S�ct��n, including, but not li�m�ted t�, rea��nable attorneys' fees and cu�ts of�itle
<br /> e�id�n�e.
<br /> If thQ power of sale is i�voked,Trustee shall r�cord a notice of d�faul� �n each c�ux�ty�n which any part❑f
<br /> the Prnperty�� loca�ed and�sh���mail capies�f such notice in the ma�n�r prescribed by Applicab�e Law to
<br /> B�rr�v�er and to the other per5ons pres�ribed by Appli�ab�e Law. After the time required hy Applicable
<br /> Lar�v, Tru�tee sha�l give pu��i� nvtice vf sa�e to the persans ar�d �n the manmer. prescr�bed by Applicab�e
<br /> Law. Trustee,without demand on Bvrrower,shall sel�the Progerty a�public auction to the high��t b�dder
<br /> at t��time and p�ace and under the�erms desi�nated �n the n��ic�of sal�in�ne ar m�re parcels and in any
<br /> order Trustee determines. Trustee may p�stpone sa�Q of al� or a�� parcel nf the Property by public
<br /> anr�oun�ement at the time and place nf any previously schedu�ed sa�e.Lender flr its designee may purchase
<br /> the Pr�per�y at any sa�e.
<br /> i�p�n receipt of paym�nt of the price hid, Trustee shal� de�i�er to the purcha�er Trustee's deed can►�eying
<br /> the Pr4perty. Th� recita�s in the Trustee�s dee� shall be prgma facie e�idence af th�truth of the statements
<br /> made t�er�in. Tru���e sha�l a�ply �he proceeds of th� sale in the fo��vwing ord�r: �a) t� a�1 costs and
<br /> ex�en5es of�xercising the po�er af sale, and the sa�e, in�luding the payment vf the Trustee's fees actua�ly
<br /> C�2fl44-2�1��Campliance Systems,Xnc.9F9d-Sd17-2a13L2.0.721
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