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� ��14�3455 <br /> A��licable Law. As used in th�s S�curity �nstru�ment, the �erm "Appli�able Law'' sh�.11 mean a�� c�ntro�l�ng <br /> appl��able federal, st�te and 1��a1 statu�es, r�gu�at�ons, ord�nances and admin�stra���e ru�es and �rders ��hat haWe <br /> �he effect af 1aw}as w�1i as al�applicabl�fina�,no�-appea�ab�e jud�c�a�op�nions. <br /> �harge�y Liens. Barr�wer shall pay a1� �a�es, assessmen�s, charges, fnes and impositions at�ributable to the <br /> Pr�pert�wh�ch�nay�ttain priority over this Security rnstrumen�, and �easeh��d payn�en�s or�r�und ren�s, �f any. <br /> A�th�r�quest�f Lender,B�rrower sha1�promp�ly furn�sh to Lender receip�s ev�dencing the payments. <br /> Bflrrov�er shall prom���y discharge any �ien whic�.has pri�rity o�er t�is Se�urzty Instrumen�unless Bvrrower: �a} <br /> agre�s �� wri�ing �� the paymen� of the obliga�ion s�cured by the ��en �� a manner acceptab�e to Lender; �b} <br /> contests in g�od faith the lien by, �r defends against enforcemen� of the lien ua, Ie�a� proceedings whlch �n �he <br /> Lender's apinivn aperate t� pre�en� the enforce�ent of the ���n; ar �c} secures frnm the h�lder af the lien an <br /> agreemen�satisfac�ar��to Lender subord�na�ing�h� l�en t��his Security Instrum.en�. �f Le�der�etermines�hat any <br /> par� of t�e Pr�perty is subje���o a �ien,t�vh�ch ma� atta�n prinri�y ��er this Secu�ri�y �nstrumen�, Lender may g�ve <br /> Bor�ovver a notice ide�n.��fy�ng�he lien. Borrower shal� satisfy the �ien or take �ne �r m�re vf�he ac�ions set farth <br /> abfl�e wi�hin 14 days�f�he gi�ing of nfltice. <br /> Ila�ard �r Praperty Insurance. B�rr�vver sha��keep�he improvemen�s now�x�s��ng or hereafter erected�n the <br /> Properfiy insured agai�s��oss by�ire,hazards�n�lud�d with�.�a the term"ex�ended caverage't and any other hazards, <br /> inc��.d�ng �.ouds ar flooding, for vvh�ch Lender requires insurance. This insuran�e shall be �nain�a�ned in �he <br /> am�un�s and�or�he periods that Lender requires.The�.nsurance�arrier pr��rid�n.g the insuran�e sha1�be chosen by <br /> Sar�ower subjec� �o Lender's appr��a� vvh�ch shal� nat be unreasonably withheld. �f BorravSrer fails �o mainta�n <br /> cov�rag� des�r�bed abave, Lender n1ay, at Lender's opti�n, ob�ain caverage to prote�t Lender's righ�s in the <br /> Prap�rty�n accardance vvi�h sect�an���led Pr�te�ti�n of Lender's I�ights i�th�Prflpert�. <br /> Al� �nsurance po�i�ie� and renewals shaXl be accep�able to Lender and sha�l include a s�andard mortgage �lause. <br /> Lender sha�1 have�he right�a hold the p�ii�ies and�enewa�s. �f Le�der requires,Borro��r sha�l pro�np�ly gi�e�o <br /> Lender a�X receipts af pa�d premiums and renewal no�iGes. �n th�e�rent of Ioss, Borr�wer sha1�give promp�no���� <br /> �o the in'suranc�carr��r and Lender.Lender may r�ake pr�af of�oss if no�made promptly�y Borr�wer. <br /> Unl�ss Lender and I��rr�wer �therwise agree �n writing, insurance proceeds shal� be applied ta restoration or <br /> repair of 1�he Propert�� damaged, if, �n Lender's sale discretion, �he res�arativn or re�air �s econom�ca�ly feasrble <br /> and Lender's security is nat lessened. If, �n Lender's sole d�scretion, the restoration ar repa�r �s not econonl�cal�y <br /> feasible�r Lender's securit�wou�d be�essened,�he�nsurance proceeds shall be app�ied to the surns secured by fihis <br /> Sec�r�ty �nstrumen�, v�hether or not then due, v�r��h an� excess pa�d ta Barrower. �f Borrav�er abandQns �he <br /> Pro�ert�, or dfles n�t answer v��thi�.the number of days prescr��ed�y App�icable Law as set f�r�h�n a n�tice firom <br /> Lender�o B�rrow�r��a��he insurance carrier has offered�� settle � c�aim,then Lender ma� c�1�ec��h� insurance <br /> proceeds. Lender ma�use th� proceeds to repair or res�ore the Pr�per�y ar�� pay sums secured by th�s Security <br /> �nstrum�n�,whe�her or not then due.The periad o�r time far�Qrraw�r t�ansvver as se�for� the notice wi1l begin <br /> when�h�not�ce�s g�Wen. , <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrflv�er o�herwise agree in wr��ing, any applica��on of proceeds��prin�ipal shal�not extend <br /> �r p�st�one the due date of the paymen�s du� under�he Contr�c�ar change the am�un��f�he payments. If under <br /> the se�t�fln titXed Acc�lerat�un; Remedies, �he Prap�r�y is acqu�red by Lender, B�rrovver's righ��o any insuran�e <br /> po�icies and pr�ceeds resul�ing fram damage ta �he Pr�perty pr�or�o the �cquzs�tion shall pass �o Lender�o the <br /> exten�of the sums secured by this Se�ur��r Instrument�m�nediately prior to the acquisiti�r�. <br /> Preserva���n, �Vlaintenan�e and protection of the Property; B�rrov�er's Loan Application; Leaseholds. <br /> Borrow�r shail no�d�stroy, damage or impair�he Pr�perry, a��ow the Pro�e�-�y t� de��rx�.ra�e, �r comn�.i�waste on <br /> the Properry.B�rro�ver sha11 be in defaul�if any f�rfeiture ac�ion ar proceeding,whe�her civil or crirnina�,�s begur� <br /> that in Lender's goad fai�h ju�.gment could resu�� in forfe�ture of�he Property or �therwise ma�erially �nlpair the <br /> l�en created �by �his Security �nstrumen� �r Lender's security interest. B�rrovwer may cur� such a default and <br /> reins�at�, as pr�vided in section titled Borrower�s Right t�Reins�ate, by causing the ac�i�n or proceeding��be <br /> disrniss�d w��h a rul�ng that, �Lender's ga�d fa��h determ�na���n,prec�ude�f�rfeiture�of�he B�rrower's interest in <br /> �he Pr�perty or other ma�er��.� �mpairment of th� Iien crea�ed by this S�curifiy �nstrun�en� ar Lender's securi�t�y <br /> in�erest.Borr�wer sha�1 a�s�be in default if Borrov�rer,d�.r�ng the l�an app�ication proces�,g�ve ma�er�a�ly fa�se or <br /> inaccurate informa�ion �r s�a�emen�s �o Lender �or fail�d to provide Lender with any materia� information} in <br /> connec�ion w�th�he loa� e�iden�ed b��he �ontrac�. If th�s Security Instru�nent is on a l�asehold, Borrov�er sha�l <br /> c�mp�y v���h a���h�pro��sions of the�ease.�f Borrawer acquir�s fe��i�le t��he Proper�y,�he leasehold and�he fee <br /> t���e shall not m�erge un�ess Lender agrees�o the merger�n writ�ng. <br /> Pr�tec�ion af Lend�r's R�ght� in the Properi�y. �f Barrovver faiXs to perform the ��venar�ts and agreements <br /> can�ain�d xn�his Secur�ty�ns�rument, �r�here�s� �ega�proceeding that may szgn�f cantly affect Lender's r�ghts �n <br /> the Property �such as a prfl�eeding in bankrup�cy, proba�e, for condemna�ion or forfeiture �r�o enf�r�e lav�rs or <br /> regu�ati�ns}, �hen Lender may da and pay for �vhatever �s necess�.ry t� pr�tect �he �a�ue of�he Pr�perty and <br /> Lender's righ�s in the Property.Lender's a��i�ns may inc�ude paying any sums secured by a lien which has prior�ty <br /> �ver�his S��urity Ins�rumen�, appearing in caurt,paying r�asa�able at�orneys`fees and entering�n the Property to <br /> make repa�rs.A�th�ugh Lender may take action und�r th�s se�ti�n,Lender does not have t�d�s�. <br /> An� am�un�s disbursed by Lender under �his section sha�l become addi�ional debt �f Bflrrower secured by this <br /> 5ecurity �nstrument. Unless Borrov�ver and Lender agree �a ather �erms of paymen�, �hese amvun�s shall bear <br /> in�erest fram �he da�e of d�s�ursement at �he sa�ne rate assessed on ad�ances ur�der �he Contract and shall be <br /> pay�b�e��nri�h interest,upon no��ce fram Lender�a Bflrrowe�request�ng payxnen�. <br /> C�2��4-2a13 Campiiance Systems,Tnc.9F9d-56I7�Z413L2.�.72I <br /> Cansurraer Real Es#ate-Security Instrument DL2036 Pa�e 2�f 5� <br />