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��14�3457 <br /> fu�1 �f a�1 sums secured by this Security Instru.ment. However, th�s op���n shall not be exercised by Lend�r if <br /> exercis�is prohibi�ed by federa��aw as of�h�date of this Se�urity Instrum�nt. � <br /> �f Lend�r exerc�ses this opt�on, Lender shal� gi�e Borrower natice of acce�eration. The n���ce sha�� provide a <br /> p�r�Qd af not less than �he min�mum number of days es�abl�s�ied by App�icable Lav� fram the da�� t�e n��ice �s <br /> de�i�ered or xna�led within v�hi�h Borr��ver must pay a�l sums secured by�his Security �nstrument. �f Borrov�er <br /> fai�s �� pay �hese sums priar �o �h� ex.p�ration �f this period, Lender ma� in��ke any re�nedies permi�ted by this <br /> Secur��.y�nstrument wi�hou�further no�ice�r dema�d on Borrflwer. <br /> Sorr�v�er'� Right tfl ReinState. �f Borrov�er meets certain c�nditi�ns, Borrower sha1� ha�e the right tfl ha�ve <br /> enforce�nent�f th�s Secur�ty Instrurnent d�s�ontinued at an�ti�e�rivr��t�e ear�ier�f: �a} 5 days �or such�ther <br /> period�.s Applicable Law may specify fvr reins#atemen��before sa�e of th�Property pursuan��o any pov�er�f sa�e <br /> �ontained in �h�s Securi� �nstrumen�; or �b} �ntry of a judgmen� enfor�irig th�s�Secur�� �nstrumen�. Thase <br /> conditi�ris ar� that B�rrower: �a� pays Lender a�� sums which �hen rn�oul�d be due under�his Secur��y �nstrumen� <br /> and the�antrac�as if no ac�e�era�ion had o�curred;�b�cures any defau��of any other c�v�nants or agree�nen�s;�c) <br /> pays a��expe�ses�ncurred in enf�r�ing th�s Securit�Tnstrument,inc�uding,but no��im:ited to,reasonab�e a�torneys' <br /> fees�a�he e�tent permzt�ed by�av�r; an�l�d�takes such action as Lender r�a�reasonab�y r�quire�o assure tha��he <br /> �ien af this Se�urity��strument,L�nder's ri�h�s in the Pr�per�y and�3orr�wer's ob��ga���n�o�ay the sums secured <br /> by �h�s �ecur�ty Instrument shall �ontinue unchanged. Ilp�n reinstatemen�by Borrawer, this Se�urit}� �nstrument <br /> and�he obliga�i�ns s�cured hereby shall renlain fu�l}� effe�t�ve as if no accelerati�n had oc�urred. Ho�ve�er, �his <br /> right to reinstate sha��no�appiy�n�h�case of acce�eratian under�he sec�i�n���led Trans��r of the Proper�y ar a <br /> Benef�rial Interes�in Borra�wer. � <br /> Hazardous Substance�.Bor�r�wer shall n�t cause��perm���he pr�sence,use,d�sposal, storage, or release of any <br /> Hazard�us Suhstances on or in the Pr�perty.Borrower sha�l no�da,�ar a�1aw an�ane else�a do,anyth�g affecting <br /> the Fr�perty tha� �s in �iolat�fln of an� Env�ronmen�al Lav�. The p�eceding; �wt� sentences shal� no� apply �o �he <br /> presenc�,use,or s�orage an the Prope�of smal�quantities of Hazardvus Subs�ances that are genera�l�recogn�zed <br /> t�be a�pr�pria�e to riorma�residen��a1 uses and��nzaintenanc�flf the Property. <br /> Borraw�r sha1�pramptly give Lender writ�en notice�f any in�es�igati�n,clairn,demand,�awsuit or other acti�n by <br /> any go�erx�mental or regula�ary agency or pri�ate par� in�o�v�ng�he Pr�perCy and an� Ha2ard�us Substan�e or <br /> Enviranmental Law flf which Borrov�rer has a��ua� knovv�edge. �f Barr�wer �earns, �r is nvtified by any <br /> governmental�r regulat�ry au�hori�y,tha�any rem�va�or ather re�edia���n of any Ha2ard�us Subs�ance affec�ing <br /> �he Prc�perty �s ne�essary, Sorrower sha11 pro�nptly take ��� nec�ssary remed�al a�t��n� in accordance with <br /> En��ro�men�a�Law. <br /> As used in�h�s para�aph, "Hazardous Substances" are �hnse subs��.nces d�fined as�oxic or hazard�us substances <br /> by En��ro�.menta� Lav� and the follov��ng substarices: gasol�ne, �erose�e, a�her flamn�ab�e �r tox�c petra�eum <br /> pr�du��s, tflxic pes�i��des and herbicides, v��atil� solvents, materials co��aining asbes�os or formaldehyde, and <br /> radi�active ma�er�a�s.As used in th�s paragraph, "Env�ronmen�al La�v"m�ans federa�la�s and��aws of the s�ate af <br /> Nebras�a�h�.t reiate�o hea��h,safety�r en�v�ranmental pro�ectifln. <br /> Acceleration; Rem�dies. Lender shall gi�e notice t� Bvrrawer prior tv accelerat��n fa�lowing Borrawer's <br /> breach of any cavenan�or agreement in�his S�curity Instrument�r�l�e Contract ur�der which acceleration <br /> is permitted �but not prior to acceleration under the secti�n t�t�ed T�-ansfer�f the�roperty or a Bene�c�al <br /> Interest �n Borrower, unless Ap�I�cab�e Law �ro�ides vtherw�se}. The not�ce sh�all spec�fy: (a� t�.e defau�t; <br /> �b} the action required to cure �he default; [c) a d�te, nat le�s �han the �ninimum number of days <br /> estab�i�hed �y App�icable Lavv from th�c�ate�hQ nat��e�s g�ven to B€��-rower, by which the d�fauit must be <br /> cured; and [d} that fa�lure��o cure the default an �r ��f�r� the dat� spe��fi�d in the not�ce may result in <br /> a�ce�era�ion of the sum� se�ured by �his Se�uri�y Instrume�t and �a�e of the Property. To �he extent <br /> �ermit�ed by la�, t�e natice shal� fur�h�r �nform B�rrow�r af the right�o re�nstate aftQr acce�erati�n and <br /> the right to bring a court actian ta assert the r�on-ex�st�nc�vf a default or an�other defense of Borrower to <br /> acceleration and sa�e. If th�defau�t is not cured �n or before the dat�specif�ed in the notrce,LQnder at its <br /> op��on may require immediate payment in ful� of al� su�ns s��ured hy this Security Instrument without <br /> further derr�and and may ir��oke the �vwer of sale and a�ny other r�medies permitted by App�icabl� Law. <br /> To t�e extent permit��d b� �aw, Lender sha�l �e enti��ed ta col�ect ai� exper��es incurred in pursuing the <br /> remed�es pro�ided in this Sectian, �nc�uding, but nnt l�mited t�, reasonab�e attorneys' fees ar�d c�sts flf title <br /> evid�n�e. . <br /> If the�orver of sale i� ynvaked, Trustee shal� recard a not�ce❑f defau�t in each caunty in wh�ch any part�f <br /> the Pr�perty �s ��cated and sha�l mail copies af such nn�ic�in the manner pre��ribed by App�ica�le Law tv <br /> Barro�ver and tn the other persons prescr�be� by App�ic�bl� Law. �fter the t�me required by App��cable <br /> Lavv, Trus�ee sha�l gi�e pu��i� notice of sa�e tv the persan5 and in the manner prescri�ed by App�i�ab�e <br /> Lavt�. �'rustee,without demand�n Borr�vver,shali�eil the pr�perty at publ�c aucti�n�o the highest bidder <br /> at the time and place and under the terrns designated�n th�n�tice of��le in one�r more parcei5 and in any <br /> order Trus�ee det�rmines. Trustee may p�5tpane sa�e �f a�l ar an� parc�� af the Pr�perty �y pub�ic <br /> annou�cement at the time and p�ace�f any previau5ly scheduled sal�.Lender❑r it�designe�may purchase <br /> the Pr��erty at any saie. <br /> U�fln �-eceipt of payment of the price b�d, Trustee shal� de�iver tn th� purchaser Trustee's deed �on��ying <br /> the]Pr�perty. The reci�als in the Trus�ee's deed shall be prima facie ev�dence❑f the truth of the statement5 <br /> made �her�in. Truste� shali appi� th� proceeds af the ��Ie ix� the fo�l�wing arder: (a} to all costs and <br /> e�pen�es of e�ercising the povver of sale, and the sale, �nc�udin� the pa�ment of the Tru�tee's fees actualiy <br /> �2�d4-24�3 Campliance Systerns,Znc.9F96-A493-2413L2.4.72 t <br /> Consumer�eal Estate�-Security�nst�rument DI.243b Page 4 af 5 <br />