<br /> Appli�able Law. As used iI7 th15 Se�urity �nstrument, th� �erm "Applica�le Law" sha�l mea.n aI� contr�liing
<br /> appl�cable federal, sta�e and ��ca� statu�es, regulations, �rdinanc�s and ad�m�nistrati�e rules and orders �that have
<br /> the effe�t of�aw}as v�Te�l as a��app�i�able final,�on-appealab��judi�ia�op�n�ans.
<br /> �harge�; Ll�'I15. B�rr�wer sha�l pay al� taxes, assessmen�s, charges, �nes and imp�sitions attributahle ta the
<br /> Propert��hi�h may at�ain prior��y o�er�his S�curity�nstrurnen�, and �easeh�ld payments or ground rents, if any.
<br /> At the r�ques�af Lender,Borrvvt��r sha��pramp�ly furnish��L�nder recei�ts e�riden�ing the paymen�s.
<br /> I3orr�v�r�r sha11 promptly d�s�harge any lien which has priority over�h�s Secur�t��n�t��en�unless B�rr�v��r: �a�
<br /> agrees �n �v�-�ting �to the payment of�he �bliga�ion seGured �y th� �i�n in a mann�r acceptab�e to Lender; �b�
<br /> con�es�s in goad fai��. #he liei� by, ar defends against enf�rcex�ent �f th� �ien �n, �egal pruceedings vvhlch �n the
<br /> Lender'� �p�r�ion operate �o prevent �he enfvrcern�nt of the 1�en; �r �c� secures from �h� h�lder of�he lien an
<br /> agreem�nt satisfac�ory�o Lender sub�rdinating�he �ien�o th�s Securi�y Instrun�ent. �f Lender de�ermines�ha�any
<br /> par��f�he Pra�erty is su�jec�to a lien vt�hich may a�ta�n prior�ty o�er this Securi�y Instrumen�, Lender�nay gi�e
<br /> B�rrov�r�r a notice �den��fying�he lien. Borrower shall satisfy�he l�en or�a1�e one vr more af�he ac���ns set fvr�h
<br /> aba�e v�rithin 1 D days of the giving�f notice.
<br /> Ha�ar� or Prvpert�Insurance. Borravsrer sha�l keep i�he �mprov�m.en�s naw exis�ing�r hereafter erected on the
<br /> P�r�pert��nsured aga�nst loss by�re,hazards iricluded w��hin�he�erm"e�tended co�erage" and any o�her hazards,
<br /> in��ud�r�g f�oods or t��oding, for wh�ch Lender r�quires �nsuran�e. Th�s insurance sh�l1 be mai.nta�ned in �he
<br /> amoun��and for�he peri�ds that Lender re�uires. The�nsurance carrier pr4v�ding�the insurance sha�l be chas�n by
<br /> ��rraw�er �ub�ect to Lender's appraval vvhich sha�l n�t be unr�as�r�al��y withheld. �f Borrow'er fa�Is �o mainta�n
<br /> cavera�e describ�d abo��, Lender may, a� Lender's flpti�n, o��ain coverage ta pr�te�� Lender's rights �n the
<br /> Pr�per�y in a�cordan�e vvi�h se���on tit�ed 1'rotection of Lend�rrs Rxghts in the Prvperty.
<br /> A�1 �nsuranc� p�l�cies a�d r�nevvals sha�l be accep�abl� ta L�nder and sh�11 �nclude a s�andard m�r�gage clause.
<br /> Lender:shall have th�right�o ho�d the pol��ies and renev�a�s. �f Lender requ�res,Borrov�er shal�promptly gi�e to
<br /> Lender:aI1 re�eip�s of paid premiu�ms and renevva�natices. �n�he e�v�nt of 1�ss, Borrawer shall gi�r�pramp�n��ic�
<br /> ���he ir�suranCe carrier and Lender.Lender may make praof af loss if n��made prom���y by Borr�w�r.
<br /> Un�ess Lend�r and B�rrower otherv�ise agree in v�r�ting, insuran�� pro�eeds shal� be app�ied �ti rest�ration flr
<br /> repair �f�he Property damaged, �f, �n Lender'� sole discreti��, the resta�atian or repair is e��nom��cally feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's security �s n�� l�essened. �f, in Lender's sole discretion, �he rest�rati�n or r�pair is nat e�vnomica�ly
<br /> feasib�e ar Lender's security virou�d be lessened,the insurance proce�ds sh��l be app�ied t�the sums secured�y�h�s
<br /> Secur�t� ��strument, �vhe�her �r not then due, w�th any ex�ess pa�d ��a Borrovver. �f Barro�rer a�andons �he
<br /> Property,or does not ans�er v�ithin�h�number of days prescrrbed by Applicable Law as set for�h in a notiCe fram
<br /> Lender:to BorrQwer�ha�the insuran�e carr�er has offered�o set�le a C�a�rm,�hen L�nder ma}��a�lect the insurance
<br /> proceec�s. Le�der may use ���pr�ceeds �fl repa�r ��re��ore t�e Property �r�o pa� sums secure�by �his Security
<br /> �nstru�rien�,v�hether ar nat then due.The period of�ime f�r��rrower to answer as set�farth�n the natice w�ll beg�n
<br /> �vh�n��e nfl�ice is given.
<br /> Un��ss Lender and F3orrower atherwvise agr�e in v�ri�ing, any ap�����ti�n�f proceeds to prir�c�pal shal�no�ex�end
<br /> vr pos�one�he due date of t�e pay�nents due under�h� Con�i•act or chang��he ar�ount of�he paymen�s. If under
<br /> �he sec���n t�tled Acc�leratian; Rem�d�es, the Proper�y �s acquxred by Lender, Borr��uer's righ�t� any insuran�e
<br /> pol�c�e� and praceeds resulting frum damage to �he Praper�y pr��r�o th� acquis��ian shall pass �o Lender �o �he
<br /> ex��nt of the sums secured by�h�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�immedia�ely priar t��he a�quisition.
<br /> Preser�ation, Maintenance and Protectian of the Property; �orr�wer's Loan Applicat�an; Leasehvlds.
<br /> Borra�rer shall n�t destray, damage ar impair the Pr�pert�, a��ov�r the Pr�perty�o deteri�ra�e, or commi�waste on
<br /> �he Pro�erty.B�rr�wer s�iall be in default�f an�forfeiture ac�ion or pr�ce�ding,v�hether ci��l or crimina�,is begun
<br /> �ha� �n Lender's g��d fa��h judgment cou�d resul� in forfe�ture flf�he Pr�p�rt�y or otherwise mater�a�ly impair the
<br /> l�en Gr�ated by this Security �nstrument �r L�nder's se�urity int�rest. �orrower may cure su�h a defau�� and
<br /> reins�a��, as pr��ided in section ti�led Borrower's Right t❑ l�einsta�e, by causing the a�t�on or pr�ceeding to be
<br /> dismiss�d with a ruling that, in Lender's gn�d faith de�er�mina��on,pre�ludes farfeiture,af�he Borr��er's interest in
<br /> �he Pro�erty or other ma�er��.� impairment of�he 1�en crea��d by �his �e�urity �nstrument or Lender's security
<br /> in�eres�a Borrflwer sha��a�sa be�n defau���f Borro�rer,dur�ng�he loan app�icatian process,ga�e ma�er�a�ly false ar
<br /> ina�cur��e informa�ion or s�a��men�s �� Lender (or fail�d t� pra��de L��der �vith any mat�rial infvrmation} in
<br /> C�nn����on vvith th� lvan �v�denced by the ��ntract. �f this S��ur�� Instrument is on a�easeho�d, B�rrawer shall
<br /> cor�pl�w��h all the pro�ris�ans of the lease. If Bflrr�v�er a�quires fee�itle tv the Property,the leasehold and�he fee
<br /> ���le sh�.l�not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger Yn wr��irrg.
<br /> Prot�c�ion �f Lenderis Rights in the Property. If Borro�er fails �fl perf�rm �he c��enants and agreemen�s
<br /> c�r�tain�d in this S�curi-ty�nstrumen�, or there is a�egal pr�ce�ding tha��ay sign�ficantly aff�ct Lender's rights in
<br /> �he Proper�y �such as a pruceed�ng in �an�rup�c�, proba�e, fvr cnndemnat�fln ar farfeitur� flr to �nf�rce lav�s �r
<br /> regu�a��ans3, -�hen Lender may do and pay for wha�e�er �s neces�ary to protect the �a�ue of the Pr�perty and
<br /> Lender'�righ�s in�he Propert�. Lender's actioris may�nclude pay��g any sums se�ured by a��en�vhich has prior�t�
<br /> o�er�his Se�urity�nstrument,appearing in cau�,paying reas�nabZ�att��-neys'f�es and en�ering�n�he Praperty to
<br /> ma�e r�pa�rs.Al�hough Lender may�ake action under�his secti�n,L�nder d�es nat have t�d�so.
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under th�s sec��on sha�l b�con�e addi�a�nal deb� of Borro,►�ver secured by this
<br /> Secur�� Instrumen�. Un�ess Borrower and Lender agree to �ther �erms of payment, these amoun�s shall bear
<br /> in�eres�;from �he da#e vf d�shursemen� a� the same rate assessed �n ad�ances under the Con�ract and shall be
<br /> payabl�,v���h in�eres�,upan notice from Lender t�Borrower reques�irig p�ymen�.
<br /> C�2D�4-20I�Cnrr�pliazx�e Systems,In�.9F95-Aa93-2fl13L2.�.7�1
<br /> Consuaner Real Es#a�e-Security Instnim�nt DL��35 Page 2�f 5 www.compliancesystems.cvm
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