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��14�3444 <br /> far the repa�rs and rest�rat��n�n a s�n�le pay�en�or in a series of progress payments as the work �s <br /> comp�et�d. �f�he znsurance�r candemna�i�n proceeds are na�sufficient�o repair or res�ore�he Praper�y, <br /> Borra�er�s not rel�eved of B�rrawer's obligation for the completian of such repa�r or restora��on. <br /> Lender ar x�s agent may make reasonab�e entr�es upon and inspect��ns �f the Property. �f it has reasonable <br /> cause, Lend�r�may inspe��th��n�erior af th��mpro�ements�n the Pr�per�y. L�nder shall give Borrower <br /> no��ce at the�ime�f or prior to such an interi�r�nspectzfln spe��fy�ng such reasanabie cause. <br /> 8. Barrower's Loan App�ication. Borrovver sha��be in d�fau�t zf, during the Loan app�i�at�an prn�ess, <br /> Barr�wer ar any persans or ent�t�es ac��ng at the�irecti�n�f B�rrawv�r or w�th Borrov�er's knQvvledge or <br /> consen�gave materially faise, misl�adin�, �r ina�cura�e�nf�rma��an or s�a�ements to Lender�or fai�ed to <br /> pra��de Lender w��h mat�rial informatian) �n con�ec��an wzth th�Loan. Material represen�at�ons inc�ude, but <br /> are not l�m,�ted�o, repres�ntat�ons�an��rnxng B�rro�ver's occupancy af the Prap�r�� as Borrower's pr�nc�pa� <br /> res�dence. <br /> 9. Pratectinn af Lend�r's �nterest in the Property and Rights Und�r this Security Instrument. �f�a} <br /> Borrawer fa�ls �o perform the covenants and agreexnents con�ained in this S�curity In�trument, ��} there is a <br /> lega�proceed�ng that migh�s�gnif�cantly affect L�nder's in�eres�in the Property andlor r�ghts under this <br /> Se�ur��y �nstrument �such as a proceed�ng in bankrup�c�, pr�bate, for condemna��on or forfeiture, for <br /> enforcement af a�ien u�h�ch may attain priority over th�s Securi�y �nstrumen�or�o enforce �aws or <br /> regulatians}, or�c} Borrower has abandoned�he Pr�perty, �h�n Lend�r may do and pay far whatever is <br /> reasonab�e or appropr�a�e to pra�ec� Lender's interest in�he Proper�y an�.righ�s under this Security <br /> Instrument, �ncluding prat�c��ng andlor assessing�h��alu�af�he Prop�r��, and se�uring andlar repairing <br /> �h�Property, L�n�er'� actions can inelude, bu�ar�no���rn��ed ta: �a}paying any sums secured by a li�n <br /> which has priar�ty over this Se�urity Ins�ruxnen�; tb� appear�ng zn cQurt; and�c�paying reasanab�e at�orneys' <br /> f�es to pr�tec� zts �nterest�n the Property andlflr righ�s under th�� Security Instrumen�, inClud�ng ��s secur�d <br /> p�si��an�n a bankruptc�proceeding. Secur�ng the Pr�perty include�, but is n��X�mi�ed to, entering�he <br /> Proper�y to make repa�rs, change�ock�, replac��r board up�o�rs and windows, drazn wa�er fram p�pes, <br /> e�iminate bui�ding�r other code vialatians or dangerous condit�ons, and ha�e utili�ies turned on or off. <br /> A�thaugh Lend�r may take action under this Sect�on 9, Lender do�s not have to d� so and is not under any <br /> dut�or ob�iga�ion�o do so. �t�s agreed that Lend�r incurs no liabzlity for n�t tak�ng any�r al� actions <br /> authorzzed under�his S�ction 9. <br /> An�r amount��.isbursed by Lend�r under thxs Sec���n 9 sha�l b�com�e addi�ianal debt of Borro�er secured�y <br /> this Se�urity�nstrument. '�hese amounts sha��b�ar�nterest a�the Note rate fram�he dat�of d�sbursenlen� <br /> an�shalx be payab�e, ��th such �nterest, up�n natice fram Lend�r ta Borrower requesting paymen�. <br /> �f th�s��curity Instrument�s an a leasehold, Borrower shali camp�y w�th a���h�prflvisi�ns of the�ease. Zf <br /> Barrower acquir�s fee ti�le ta the Praper�y, the�easeha�d and the fee�i�le shall n�t merge unless Lender <br /> agree�ta the merger�n writing. <br /> 10. Mortgag� lnsurance. �f L�nder required M�rtgage �nsuranc�as a candi�ion of mak�ng�he Loan, Borrawer <br /> sha�� pay th�pr�miums require� �a main�ain the N.�or�gage�n�urance�n effect. �f, for any reason, the <br /> Mor�gage Insurance caverage requ�r�d by L�nder ceases�o be ava��ab�e from the mor�gage insurer tha� <br /> pre�i�usly pro�ided such �nsuran��an�Borrower tivas required to make separate�y des�gnated pa�men�s <br /> toward th�premiunls far Martgage�nsurance, B�rra�er sha��pay�he prem�um�s requ�red to ab�ain c��erage <br /> su�s�antial�y equi�alent to the Mor�gage InsuranCe pr�vz�usly in effeCt, at a cost substantially equ��al�nt�� <br /> the cost ta Barrower of the M�r�gage Insurance pr���ous�� �n effec�, fr��rn an alt�rnate mortga�e�nsurer <br /> selec�ed by Lender. �f su�stan�ially equivalen� M�r�gage�nsuranc�caverag�i�n�t a�a��ahie, Barrflwer�hall <br /> N�E3RASKA-5ing1��amity-Fannie MaelFceddie Mac UNiFqRM INSTRUM�NT �orm 3�28 11�"I <br /> VMP� VMPfi4NEf�13D2} <br /> Woltecs Kl�wer Financiat Ser�ices Pag�$of 17 <br />