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��14�344� <br /> Applicable Law. A� used �n th�s Secur�ty Instrumen�, the �erm "App�icable Lav�" shal� mean a11 contro�ling <br /> appl�cab�e federa�, s�a�e and lo�al s�atu�es, regula�i�ns, �rd�nances and admin�s�ra�i�e rules and orders ��hat have <br /> �h��ffect�f�a��as�e�1 as al�app�icab�e fnal,n��-appealab�e�udic�al op�nions. <br /> Ch�rge�; Li�ns. B��rawer sha1� pay all taxes, assessmen�s, �harges, fines and imposi�ions at�ributa��e ta �he <br /> Praper�y which ma� attain pr�or�ty o�er this Se�ur�ty Instr�umen�, and�easehold payments or ground ren�s, if any. <br /> At��e reques�of Lender,Borrower sha1�promp��y furnls��o Lender rece�pts e�r�dencing the payments. <br /> Borr�wer sha�1 pr�mp��}�discharge any li�n whi�h has prior��y over this Secur��ty�nstrumen�unless Borr�v�er: �a} <br /> agrees in wri��ng to �h� pa�ment of the obliga�x�n secured by the 1�en �n a mann�r ac��ptab�� ta Lender; �b} <br /> c�n�es�s in g�od fa��h�he �ie� by, �� defends against enforcement �f the �ien �n, legal proceedings vvhi�h in �he <br /> Lender's ap�ion �p�rate �� pr��en� the enforcemer�� of the �ien; or (c} secures from �he h�lder �f the lien an <br /> agreement satisfac��r��� Lender sub�rd�nating�he lien�o this Secur�ty�n��rument. �f Lender de�er�m�nes�hat any <br /> par�flf the Property is sub���t to a I�en v�hich may attair�priority aver fhis Secur�ty�nstruament, Lender may gi�e <br /> Borr�v�er a notice id�ntif��ng the lien. Borro�er sha11 sa��sfy�he �ien or#ake one �r�m�re af the a�tions se�f�rth <br /> abo�e wi�hin �.�days of�he g�v�ng of no���e. <br /> Ha�ard or Praperty Insurance. Bflrrower shal�keep t�e �mpr�vemen�s now e�isting or hereafter erected on fihe <br /> Propert��nsured against loss by fire,hazards inc�uded with�n the term"ex�ended coverage" and any�ther hazards, <br /> including flo�ds or fl�oding; fnr �vh�ch Lender requires insuran�e. Th�s insurance shall be ma�n�ained m the <br /> amounts and far the peri�ds�ha�Lender requires. The u�.surance carrier pravid�ng the�ns�.rance shal�be�h�sen by <br /> �orrower subject �a Lender's a�prova� which sha�� not be un.reasvnab�y v�ithheld. �f Borrawer fai�s to maintain <br /> coverage described aba�e, Lender �nay, at Lender's option, ab��in c�v�rage ta protect Lender's righ�s in �he <br /> Proper�.y�n accordan�e v�i�h sectian titled Protectian af Lender's Rights in the Pr�perty. <br /> A�l insurance palicies and renevvals shali be ac�eptab�e �o Lender and shal� �nclude a sta�dard mor�gage c�ause. <br /> Le�der shal�have�e righ�ta hvld�he po�ic�es and renev�a�s. �f Lender requires,Bvrr�wer sha1�prompt��give�o <br /> Ler�der all re�eipts of paid premiums and renewal no��ces. In the e�ent of X�ss, Borrower shal�g�ve pram�.pt na�ice <br /> ���he insurance carr�er and Lender.Lender r�ay make proflf�f I�ss if n��mad�pr�mpt�y by Borra�er. <br /> Unless Lend�r and Borrov�e� �ther��s� agree �n v�ri�irig, �nsuran�e prvc�eds sha�1 be �ppl�ed ta restoration or <br /> repai� �f�he Property damaged, if, in Lender's s�Ie d�scret��ny �he rest�ra�i�n or repair �s econflmical��r feasib�e <br /> and Le�der's security is na� lessened. �f, �n Lend�r's so�e dis�re�ifln, the res��ra��on or repa�r is nat e�onnm�cally <br /> feasible or Lender's security would be lessened,th�insurance p�oceeds shall be appl�ed t�the su�ns s�cured by�his <br /> Security �ns�rum�n�, whe�her or nv� then due, �r��h any excess paid to B�rrower. �f Borrow�r abandons the <br /> Praperty,or does no�answer w��hin�he number o�days prescribed by App�icable Law as�et forth�n a noti�e frorn. <br /> Lender�� B�rr�v�er tha��he insurance carr�er has affered to set�le a c�a�m,then Lender m.ay cal�ec��he ir�surance <br /> pro�eeds. Lender ma.y use the praceeds to r�pa�r or restore the Pr�perty or�� pay sums secured by th�s Securi�y <br /> �nstrume�t,v�hether or not then due.The period af time for Borro�rer�o answer as set f�rth�n�he noti�e w�11 l�eg�n <br /> wh��.�he n����e�s gi�ren. � <br /> Un�ess Lender and��rra�ver atherv�ise agree in�vri��ng, any appl��a��an�f proceeds ta pr�ncipal sha�l no�extend <br /> �r pos�p�ne the due dat�of�he paymen�s due under the �ontrac��r chang�the anlaun�of the paymen�s. �f under <br /> the sec��an ti�led.Acceleratian; Remedies, �he Property is a�quired by Lender, Borr�wer's rig�ht�� any�nsurance <br /> pol�c�es and praceeds resutting from damage to �h� Pr�perty pri�r ta the acqu�s�t�an shal� pass �fl Lender�� the <br /> ex���t�f�he sums secured b��h�s SeGur�ty�nstrumen�i�nmedia�eXy prior�o��e acqu�s�tian. <br /> Pr��er�ation, Mair�t�nanc� and pratection af the Property; �orrQwer's Loan Appl�cat�on; Leaseho�ds. <br /> B�rr�wer sha1l n��d�str�}r, damage or impair the Proper�, aliow the Property t� deter�orate, ar cflmmit vvaste�n <br /> the Praperty.Borrower shal�be�n defau��if any f�rfeiture a��ion flr pr�ceeding,vvhether�ivi1 or criminal,is�begun <br /> �ha� zn Lender's goad faith�udgmen� c�uld resul� �n forfe�ture of the Prop�rty or otherv�ise ma�eria�ly impair�he <br /> 1�er� created by this Secur��y Instrument or Lender's security in�eres�. ��rrower n�ay cure such a default and <br /> reins�a��, as pro�ided in section t���ed�3orrower'� Right to Reinstat�, by caus�ng�he a�tion ar pr�ceeding�o be . <br /> dxsm�ss�d with a ruling tha�, in Len�er's good faith de�er�nina����a,precludes forfeiture of�he B�rr�v�er's interest in <br /> the PrQper�y or other ma�eria� impairment of�he lien crea�ed by �his Secur��y Znstrumen� �r Lender's security <br /> �n�eresic.Borrow�r sha11 also be�n defau�t if�3orr�vver,c�ur�ng the laan appl��at�on pra�ess,ga�ve xna�erially fa�se or <br /> �na��urate �nf�rmati�n �r sta�emen�s to L�nder �or fa�led �a pra�ide Le�der vvith any mater�a� �nfo�ma�i�n� in <br /> c�r�nection v���h�he laan ev�denced by�he Contrac�. �f�h�s Security Tnstrumen� �s Qn a leasehold, Borrower s�al� <br /> co�.ply vvith a��the pravisi�ns of�he lease.�f S�rr�w�r acquires fee�it1e�a th�Pr�perty,�h�leaseh�ld and the fee <br /> �itle sha�l no�merge unless L�nder agrees�a the rr�erger in v�ri�ir�g. <br /> Protectivn of Lender's Rights in the property. �f B�rrov�er fai�s �a perform. the cov�nants and agreements <br /> cor�tain�d in this Se�urity�ns�rument, ar�here is a�ega�proceed��g�hat may sign�ficantly affect Lender's rights in <br /> �he �'raper�y �such as a proceeding �n bankrup�c�, probate, f�r condemnation or forfeiture or ta enfarce �av�s or <br /> regulations�, �hen L�nder may do and pay for �rhatever is ne�essary to pr�tec� the �alue flf the Proper� and <br /> Lender's righ�s in the Pr�perry. Lender's actions n�ay Ync�ude paying any su�ms secured�y a Iien which has priarity <br /> o�er�his Security�nstrument, appearing in cour�,paying reasonabl�attorneys'fees and entering an�h�Pruperty t� <br /> ma�e repa�rs.A� Lender may tal�e a���on under�his section,Lender dfles na�ha�e to do s�. <br /> Any amounts d�sbursed by Lender under �his se�tian shall becor�.e additiona� debt of Borrovver secured l�y thzs <br /> Se�urity Instrument. Unless Borrovver and Lender agree �o ��h�r �erms �f pay�ment, �hese amounts sha�l �ear <br /> interes�r fr�m the da�e of disbu�-semen� at �he sa.�n� ra�e ass�ss�d on ad�an�es under the C�ntrac� and sha�� be <br /> payable,vsr�th in�eres�,upan notice fram Lender�o Borrovver re�uesting paymen�. <br /> C�24Q4-2�13 Compiian�e Systerris,Inc.9F95-59CZ-2413L2.0.721 <br /> Cans�mer Real Estate-Security�nst�rurne�t DL2035 Page 2❑f 5 www,cvrnp� <br />