<br /> [E} "�MERS"�s 1lt�ortgage Eiec�ronic Reg�s�ratifln Systems, I�.c. MERS is a separa�e corpnra�ion that is acx�ng
<br /> so�eiy as a nominee for Lender a.nd Lender's successors and assign.s. MERS is the beneficiary under this Security
<br /> Instrumen� MERS rs organized and exzsting under the Iaws of Dela�rare, and h.as an address an.d teiephane number
<br /> of P.�. Bax 2�26, F1int, MI 485�I-2U26, �el. �SSS} 679-MERS.
<br /> (F} "Note"means ttihe promissory note s�gned by B�rro�ver an.d dated �.� 2�, z o 1.4 .
<br /> The No�e s�tes�har Borrov�er ovv�es Lender E I GHTY-F I�'E THOUS.�ND TW� HUNDRED AND 0 Q/�.D�
<br /> Do��ars �T.S. �S 5,2�D.D� }plus interest.
<br /> Borrawer has promised to pay this deb� in regu].ar Per�odic Payme��ts and to pay the debt in fuli not later than
<br /> JUNE 1, �D�� •
<br /> tG] "Propertyt'means the property that is described belov�under the heading"Transfer vf R�.ghtis in�he Property."
<br /> �H} "Loan"means the deb�e�ide�.ced by�he Nate,pius intierest, any prepaymen�charges and Iate Charges due under
<br /> 1�he Na�e, an.d aIl su�ann.s due under�his Securi�y Ins�rurnent, p�us in�eres�.
<br /> �I} "R�ders"means a��Riders�o�his Securi�y in.stru.ment t�.a�are executed by Borrower. The fvllowing Riders are
<br /> �o be execu�ed by Borrower�check bax as applicablea:
<br /> [j Adjus�able Rate Rider [] Plan.ned Urut Deve�flprnent Rider
<br /> � Ba�ioon Rider � Biweekly Faymen�Rider
<br /> [] 1.-4 Fana�ily Rider � Second Home Ri.der
<br /> � Condomuuum Rider � 4ther�s} �specifY�
<br /> [�] "Applicab�e Law"meax�.s al��on�colling applicable federal, s�ate and Io�a1 sta.tutes,regu�arioan.s, ordanan.ces a�.d
<br /> administra�i�e rules and orders��hati have�he effec�of law� as we�l as a1�applicabie final., non appea�able judic�a�
<br /> optnion�.
<br /> �I�} "�ommunifi� Assoc�ation Dues, F�es, and Asse�sments"mea.ns a�x dues, fees, assessments and arher charges
<br /> �ha� are imposed on Barro�er or �he Proper�y by a condomi.n.i.um assaciat�an, homeav�mers associat�on or simi�ar
<br /> organ.�za�ion.
<br /> �) "'E�ectroni�c Fuads Transfer'r means an��ransfer of funds, o�.her�han a�ransaction ariguaared by check, draft,
<br /> or similar paper u�si�uument, v�hich is uu��ated thraugh an elec�ranic�ermina�, te�ephon�c instru�ment, coxnputer, ar
<br /> magnet�c xa.pe so a�to order, in.strucf, or au�horize a f nancial ix�sici�ut�on to deb�t or cred��an accaux�t. Such term
<br /> includes, bu� �s not lim�ted to, poinr�of-sale transfers, automated re�ler machine�ransac�ions, fxa�n.s fers ini t�a te d �y
<br /> telephone, v�ire�tansfers, an.d au�omated e�earinghvuse transfers.
<br /> (M} "Escrovv�Items"means�hose i�ems�hat are descr�bed in Sec��an 3.
<br /> (N} "Miscellaneous Proceeds"means a�.y compensation., settlemen�, award of damages, or proceeds paid b�an.y
<br /> tihird party�other�han insurance proceeds paid under the coverages descr�b�d in Sec�.on 5} far: �i} damage�o, or
<br /> des�r�uct�on of, �he Praper�; tii}condemnatiion or o�.her�aking of alI or any pax�of the Propert�; �iii) con�eyance i.x�
<br /> lieu af condem�.a�ion.; or��v�misrepresentatxan.s of, or omissions as to, �he�a�ue andlor �ondition of the Praperty.
<br /> �Q} "Mortgage Insurance"rneans insurance proxecting Lender against�he nonpayment of, ar default on, �he Loax�..
<br /> {P] "Periodic Payment"means the regular�y scheduled a,moun�due for ��}principa�a.nd ic�terest un.der�he Note,
<br /> plus �x�} an�amaunts under Secx�an 3 af�us Secur�ty Ins�rument.
<br /> [Q} "RESPA"means the Rea�Es�a.�e Se�tlement Proce.�lures Ac� ��.2 U.S.�. §�641 et seq.} and its imp�ementing
<br /> reguxation., Regu�ation���2 �.F.R. Part 1�24}, as�h.ey might be amended from�ixne ta t�xne, or any adc�itional or
<br /> successor Iegis�ation or regulatio�. tha� ga�rerns �he same subj ect mat�er. As used in tbis Security it�stru.ment,
<br /> �'RESpA" refers to ax�requiremen�s a.n.d res�rictions that ar�imposed in regaxci to a"federally related mortgage�oan"
<br /> e�en if the Loan does no�qua.lify as a"federa�ly re�a�ed m�rtgage Ioan." under RESPA,
<br /> NEBRASI{A 5ingle Family�-Fannie flllaelFreddie Mac UNIFQF�I 1NSTRUMENT - MERS �����c
<br /> Form 3028 '�1�1 Page 2 of '�5 wwa+v,r�ocrr�agic.com
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