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��14�33�1 <br /> far the repa�rs and r�storation �n a sing�e payment or in a series of pr�gress paymen�s as the work �s <br /> camplet�d. �f the insurance or cond�mnat�on pro�eeds are not suf�icient to repa�r or restare the Property, <br /> Barrower�s not re�ieved of Borrower's obl�ga��on far�h�comple�i�n of suGh r�pa�r�r restora�ion. <br /> Lender or�ts agent may make reasonable entries upon and znspect�an� of the Propert�, If��has reas�nable <br /> cause, Lender may inspec�the interior af�he�mpr�vements an the Proper�y. Lend�r sha�� g�ve Borr�wer <br /> no��ce at�h�tim��f�r pri�r to such an interior inspect�on specify�ng su�h reasonable cause. <br /> 8. Borrower's Loan Applicat�on. Borrawer sha�l be�n default if, dur�ng the Loan app��cation pracess, <br /> Borrower flr any p�rs�ns�r entitie� act�ng at the direc�i�n of Borrov�er or with Borrower'�kn�wledge or <br /> �onsen�gave mater�a��y false, mis�eading, or�naccurate�nfarmatian ar stat�men�s ta Lender�or fai��d to <br /> provz�e Lender wi�h ma�erial information} �n conn����an w�th the Loan. Materiai repres�ntat�ons inc�ude, but <br /> are not Iim�i.ted to, represen�at�ons cflncerning B�rr�wer's oc�upancy Qf�he Prop�rty as Borrower`s principai <br /> residen�e. <br /> �. Protect�on vf Lend�r's �nterest in tne Proper#y and Rights Under this Se�urity �nstrument. �f�a} <br /> Borrower fai�s to perfarm th�c�venants and agre�m�ents contained in�h�s S�curi�y �ns�rument, �b} ther�is a <br /> Iega�proceeding that might s�gn��cant�y aff�Ct Lender's in�erest zn�h� Property andlor rights under this <br /> �ecur�ty Ins�rument�such as a proc��din�in bankruptcy, pro�a�e, for�ondemnat�an ar forfeiture, fflr <br /> enfarcement of a��en�vhich may atta�n priori�y over th�s Se�urity Instrum�n�ar to enforce laws �r <br /> regulations}, or�c} Borr�wer has abandoned�he Property, �hen Lend�r nnay da and pay f�r what��er is <br /> reasanable or appropr�ate�o protec� Lend�r's�nterest in th�Pr�perty and rights under this Secur�ty <br /> Ins�rument, in�Iud�ng protecting andlar as�ess�ng �he�a�ue af the Prflperty, and s�cur�ng andlor repa�ring <br /> �he Proper�y. L�nder's ac��ons can include, but ar�n�t��mited to: �a}payin�a.x�y sums secured by a Iien <br /> which has prz�ri�y over this S�cur�ty �nstrument; �b} appearing in cour�; and �c}pay�ng reasona��e a��arn�ys' <br /> fees t�pra�ect�ts �nter�st in�he Property andlar righ�s und�r�h�s Securi�y Ins�rument, including ��s secured <br /> posx�ion in a bankruptcy procee�.ing. S�curzng�he Property znc�udes, but is nn��imited to, en�ering the <br /> Pr�per��to mal�e repa�rs, change locks, replace or baard up doors ar�d w�ndaws, dra�n wat�r fr�m p�p�s, <br /> e�iminate bui�ding or other cflde�v���at�ons or danger�us conditi�ns, and ha�e utilities�urt��d�n or�ff. <br /> Although Lend�r ma� take aC��on under this Sectzan 9, L�nder d�es not ha�e��do so and is no�under any <br /> du�y or nb��gati�n to do so. �t is agreed that Lender incurs na ��ab��ity far not�ak�n�any ar all actions <br /> au�hor�z�d under th�� Sectian 9. <br /> An� arnounts d��bursed by Lender under th�s S��tz�n� shal� b�c�me add��xonal debt af Borrov�er secured by <br /> this ���urity�ns�rument. These amoun�s shall bear�nter�st a��he Note rate from th�date af dzsbursemen� <br /> and sha��be payable, with such inter�st, upon nntice fr�m Lender to Borrower r�questing payment. <br /> �f this Security Instrument is an a leaseha�d, Borrawer sha�l c�mply u���h a�� the proW�sions�f�he�ease. �f � <br /> Bflrrow�r acquires fee titl�tn the Pr�p�r�y, the Ieasehold and the fee t�t�e shai� nat mer�e unl�ss Lender <br /> agrees tn th�merger in wr�ting. <br /> '1�. N�ortgage �nsuran�e. �f Lender required Mortgage�nsurance as a condi�ion�f ma��ng�he L�an, Borrower <br /> sha�l pay th�premiums required to maintain�he M�r�gage Insuranc�in effect. If, for any reason, the <br /> Martgag���.�urance coverag�requ�red by Lend�r Ceas�s ta be a�ai�ab�e�rnm the mor�gage insur�r that <br /> prev�aus�y pravided such�nsuranc�and Barrower was required�a make s�para�e�y designated paym�n�s <br /> t��rard �he premiums for Martgage Insurance, Barr�v�er sha��pay the premi.urns required to ob�a�n��verag� <br /> substantial�y equ��al�nt�o the M�r�gage�nsuran�e pr��iously in effe��, a�a cast substantially�qu�valent to <br /> the c�st t� B�rrow�r of the Mor�gage�nsurance previousi� in effect, fram an al�erna�e m�r�gage�nsurer <br /> sele�ted by Lender, �f substantially e�uivalent Mortgage �nsuranc��overage is nat a�ailab�e, Barrower shall <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Famify-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFDRM INSTRtJMENT �o�m 3p�g���� <br /> VMP�] VMP6�NE�f 13D2) <br /> Wvlters Kluwer�inancial Services Page$of 17 <br />