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��14�3�99 <br /> Al��nsurar�.ce poli�xes requ:ired by Lender and ren�wals of such pol.xc�es sha.��be sub�ec�to Lender's�i�ght ta <br /> . disappra�e such pfllicies, sha.��include a s�a�dard n�ortgage clause, a-�d shal��.ax�e Lend�r as m�rtgag�e <br /> andlar a:s a�.addit�or�a�.�.oss payee. Lender sha��hav��he right��h��:d the po�.ici�s ax�.d renewal cer��.�xca�es. If <br /> Lender requires, Borr�wer sha1�.prompt�y give to Lender all receipts af paxd premiuxns a�.d rene�ral no�.ce�. <br /> If Bor�awer ob�a�ns any form of xx�surance coverage, not a�herwise required by Lender, for clamage to, or <br /> destruc��on of, -�h.�Pr.�perty, such po�zcy sha�I�nc�ude�.standard mar-tgage c�ause and s�:a��nam.e Lender as <br /> mflrtga�ee a�dl�r as an additiflnal 7�ss payee. <br /> In the event of�oss, Borro�trer s�a��give prompt nat�ce�o the�r�surance carrier and.I�er�der. Lenc�er may <br /> praaf of�oss if not made promptl�y by BQrr�wer. Unless Lenc�er ax�.d Borrawer o�herwise agree�n <br /> v�rr��ing, any insurance pr�ceeds, �v�rhet.�er or nat the under�ying irisurance was required by Lender, sha��.be <br /> ap��.�ea.ta restorat�.on or repair of the Pro�erty, if the restorati�xx or repa.�r is economically feasible and <br /> Le�der's secur�ty���ot�.essened. During such repair and rest��ation.periad, Lender shall ha��re the r�ght�a <br /> ho�d such in.5urance�roceec�s until Lender ha.�had an opportu�ity to znspec�such Property�o ensure�ie <br /> v�Qrk has been cornp�et�d to Lenderr s sa�isfactio�, prov�ded�.at such xn.spec�xfln s�a��be undertaken <br /> prompt�y. Lender may d�sburse praceeds for�he repa:7rs a,nd.res�orat�an in a s�.ngl�e�aayment ar in a ser�es of <br /> progress payments as the work xs campleted. T]�riless an agreement is made�r�v�rriti.rsg or Ap��.i.cable Law <br /> requires�nteres�to b��pa�d o�such�nsura�.ce proceeds, ]Lenc�er sha1l not�e requ�rec�to�aay�3o�rrower any <br /> ir�terest ar earnings on such�ro�eeds. Fee� for publ.�c adjus�ers, or other third par�ies, re�ained�y�orrower <br /> sha��n��be paid ou�of�he�n.suranc�proceeds and sha11 be the so�e ob��.gation of Borrower. �f the res�oration <br /> or repa:�r is no�e.�onom��ally feasible�r L�nder'�security would be Iessened, the�r�sura�ce�araceec�..s�ha1�.be <br /> ap��ied�o�he sums secured by�his Secur�.ty Instrument, w�.ether or n���he�.due, w�.th t,�ie excess, if any, <br /> paYd�o Barrov�rer. Such�nsura�ce proceeds shal�be a�p�ied��h�order pro�rid�d f�r ix1 Sect�o�.2. <br /> If Borro�rer aband�ns the Praperty, Le�.d�r may fi��, nego�xate and seitle ar�y a:va��abl.�ix�surance cla�m and <br /> related matter�. Yf Barrower does�ot respo�d with�.n 3�d.a:y��o a not�ce fram J�ender t�a��he insurance <br /> carr�er ha�offered�� set-�te a claim., �hen]Len.der may negot�ate and�ettle�he c�aim.. The 3�--day period�iil�. <br /> beg�.n when the no�ice xs given.. In exther event, or�f I�end�x acqui�es the 1'raperty�.der Sectzon 2� ar <br /> �theruT�se, �3�rrower here�y a.ssig�ns�a Lender�a��orrowe�-p s r�ghts to any ir�suran�e pr�ceeds i.n an amaunt <br /> not�a e�ceed the amaur�ts unpaid unde�-�he N�te or th�s Secux-�ty In.s�x-u.ment, and(b�any ather of <br /> Barr�v�rer'�rig�ts[other��e righ��o arny re�und of unearned premiums pai�.by Bo�r�wer�ur�der a11 <br /> insurance po��c�e�caveri-n.g the Praper�y, �.nsofar a,s suc�rights are appl.xcab�e to�he coverage af the <br /> Property. Len.der may use the�nsurance proce�ds ezther��repa�r or restore the Property�r to pay amounts <br /> unpa�.d under�he Nate ar this Secur�:ty Ins�ru�nen�, ,whether or no�t�.en due. <br /> �. �CCI�l���1G]j. Borrower sha11 occupy; establish, and use the Property a�Bor�ower's prirzcipa�.res�der�ce <br /> withi���days after�he execution af this S�cur�t�In.,trument ax�d sha1l cont�nue to occu�y t�ie 1'raperty a� <br /> �3orro�rer'���incipal resndence for at�east or�e year�.i�er�ie date of�ccupancy, �.n�.�ss Tl��nder other�wise <br /> agrees 1n wx�.��g, wh�ch consent sha.11 not be unreas�nal�l.v��h.he�d., or u�ess���e�uating��rcur.�stances <br /> ex�s�vtT�ich ar��beyor�c�Borr�wer�s�on�o�a <br /> �. �r�s�rrr���on3 �aintenanc� and Prot�ct��n �f the �roper��; Ins�ections. �orrawer sha�.�no�c�estr�y; <br /> damage ar�mpair�he Pr�per�y; allotiv the Property to de�er�orate�r eom�c�.ut wast��n t�ie Property. �PLTh�ther <br /> ar nat Borrower�s res�din�i��h�Pro�aerty, Barro�xrer sha1�ma.i�..�ain the Praperty i��rder�o prevent the <br /> Property from de�eriorat�ng or decrea.�ing in value du�to its cond�t�on. Unless it�s d��ennined pursuant to <br /> Sectxon S that repair�r restaration is not econan�ica�.�y feas��ble, �orrower sha1�prampt�:y re�air the Praperty <br /> zf darim.aged�o avaid further d��er�aration or damage. If�nsurance or condemnatiox�proceeds are paid�n <br /> �onnect�on w�th damage t�, or th��ak��g of, �ie Pr�per�y, Borrower�hall be respans��b�e far repa�ring or <br /> restoring the Pr�perty on�.y if Lender has re�.ea.s�d�roceeds for such purposes. may d�.sburse praceed.s <br /> 24D�6�7'l <br /> NEBRASKA-Singl�Family-Fartnie MaelFreddie Nlac fJNl�QRllf INSTR�M ENT Fa�m 3Q28�!fl i <br /> V M P� V IVl P6�N E}{'f 3 ti 2} <br /> W afters Kl�w er Financial S�rvic�s Page 7 of�7 <br />