<br /> sa��sfacti�n, prov�ded�hat such�n:spectzan sha��be under�aken pr�mpt��r. Len�er may pay for�he repairs
<br /> and res�orat��n ixl a s�n.g�.�disbursement or zn a s�ri.es of progress payments as�he work is comp�.e�ec�.
<br /> Ur�less an agreeme���.s made�writing�r App�.i.cab�.e Law requYres in.terest to be pa�d ar�such
<br /> Mi�cellarzeous Proce�ds, Len�.er s�a1�not be required�o pay�3�rrower ar�y int�rest or ea�-nings on suc�
<br /> M�scel:I.aneous Proceeds_ If�he res��ration�r repair�s nat econoxnica��y feasi.b�e nr Lender's seeurity wQ�d
<br /> be�e�sened, the�vl�scel�aneous Proceeds sha�l be a�p��e�.�o-�a.e sums secured by this S�cur�ty Instrurn.ent,
<br /> wne�her or not then ciue, v�ri�h�e e�cess, xf ariy, paid to Borrower. Such Misce��aneous Praceecls sha�.�.be
<br /> applied�the order prov�ded for�n Sec��on 2.
<br /> In�he event of a total ta�.n.g, des-�ruc�i�n, or lass�.n value of the Property, the M�scellan.eou�Pro�eeds sha1l
<br /> be app��ed�o the�ums secured by this Security Instru.ment, whether�r no�then due, with�he excess, if�n�r,
<br /> paid to Borrower.
<br /> In-�he event of a partial�a�ing, des�ru�tion, or�ass in value of�he Pro�er�y in wh�ch t�ie fa�.�r ma�-k��va�ue of
<br /> the Pro�erty i�nmedi.ately before th��artial�aking, destruc�i�n, ar�.oss i�value i.�equal to o�greater than�he
<br /> am.oun�of�h.�su�ns secured by�his Securi.ty Instru3me�t i-mmedaate�y before�he par��.a�takir�g, de��ruction., ar
<br /> Ioss�n va.�ue, unless Barrov�er ax�.�Lend�r otherwi�se agree in vv�rit�ng, the s�n.s sec�.rec��y th�s S�curity
<br /> Ins�me�xt s�a��be reducec�b��he amount�f��ie�Vlisce�la�:eous Proceeds mu��ip��ed by�he following
<br /> fractian: �a�the��-�a1 amount of the sums secu��d�mrriee�a�e�.y before fhe part�a�ta�ing, destruc��on, or loss
<br /> ir�val.u�d�v�ded by�b]the fazr marl�et va�ue of the Prflper�y immedi.a�ely bef�re t�ie par�ial tal�ir�g,
<br /> destruction, ar��ss in.value. Any ba�ance sha��be p��d�o Barr�yver.
<br /> In�he event of a part�:a1 taking, de�truc�zox�, or�oss in value of�he Property in.uwhich the fair marke�va�ue of
<br /> �.he Proper�y irnm,edia�e�y before the partial�ak�.ng, dest�ru.ctio�., or�oss in�ralue�s�ess�han.the arnount of the
<br /> sums secured ina�ned�ate�.y before�h.e partial�ak�ng, destruc��gx�:, or�ass i�value, un.l.ess�orrower and
<br /> Lender other-w�se agree in urriting, �he Misce�.laneous Proceeds ��ia1�be app�.�.ed to�he sums secur�d by t.�.s
<br /> Secur�ty JC�strt.unent w�iether or n.ot�h�sums are then due.
<br /> If the P�opexty is abandoned.by Barro�urer� or�f, ��te��ot�ce by L�nde�-�o Borrawer-�1�a�the�pposing 1'art�r
<br /> [as eief nec�%n t�e ne�t sentence� offers to make axl award�o set��.e a cla�.m for c�.amages, �orrower fai�s to
<br /> respond�o I�e�der wx�h�n 3 Q days a.fter�he d.ate�he no�ic��.s give�., Lender is author�zed�a c���ect a�d apply
<br /> �he M�see�laneaus Praceeds e�.�her to rest�ration ar repa�r af�ie Proper�y ar�a�ie surrls se�ured by this
<br /> Security Ins��wnent, v�rhether or not�hen due. "�pposing Par�y" mear�s�he�rd party that awes Borro�re�
<br /> 1Vl�scellaneous Proceeds ar�h.e par�y aga�nst wh�m Borrower has a right of actio��n rega�d to M�sce�Za�eous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Bo�-rower sha�b��r�defau�t if any act�on or proc�ed:ing, vrhetl�er civ���r cx7.xrunal, �.s begun�hat, in Lender's
<br /> �udgment, c�u�.d r��u�-�%r�forf��tur�Qf the Prop�rtv or other ma�er�.a1 impa�rment af I.end�er°s�terest in�he
<br /> Pro�er�y or�g��s ux�.der this Security Instrume��. I3orrovver�an cure such a c�efault an:d, if acce�era-�on has
<br /> accurrec�; re�.x�.sta�e as provi.ded in Sect��� I9, by causi-�g the act�or�o�proceed�:ng�a be�.�snussed�ri�i a
<br /> ru�ing�hat, ir��ender's�udgm.ent, precludes�orfe�t�r�af�.ie Praperty or ot�ier ma�eria.�ir�.pa�rment�f
<br /> Lend.er`s in�eres��.n�he PrQperty ar rights ur�der�.s Securi�y Ins�ru.�a�ent. The proceeds of a�y a�vard or
<br /> c�arm for damages that axe attr�butab�e to the�mpairment of Lender's interest in the Prope�r are hereby
<br /> assigned�.d sh�I be pa�d�o Lender_
<br /> .Al�Miscel.Ianeous Pro�eeds�hat are not applied.to res�oration or repazr of fhe Property s�ia1�.be appXzed in�he
<br /> order provided f�r�n Sectian 2.
<br /> �4oas�7z
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sir�gle Family=Fanr�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNEFDRM 1NSTRLJM ENT Farm 3Q2$�Ifl i
<br /> VMP Q VMP��NE}�'13�2}
<br /> iNa[ters K[�w er Fnancial Servic�s p���-�����T
<br />