<br /> ❑EED �F TRUST
<br /> ��Dnt�nuet�� Pa�� 4
<br /> shail apply on�y�o that po�tion af the proceeds no�payah�e fo the holder vf the Existing lndebtedness.
<br /> LENDER'S EXPENDlTURES. If Trus�or faiis �A} tv keep �he Pr�p�rty ��-ee of a11 taxes, liens, securi�y inter�sts,
<br /> encumb�anGes, and ather c�aims, �B} tv pra�ide any required insurance on the Praper�y, t�} to make repai�s �o the
<br /> Property ❑r ta camply w�th any obliga�ian �a mainta�n Existing Indebtedness in good standing as �equired below, then
<br /> Lender may da so. lf any a��ion or pr�ceeding i� commenced �hat would mater�aily afFect Lende�'s interests in �he
<br /> Property, �hen L�nd�r on Trustar's behaif may, hut is not required to, tak� any actian that L�nder beiie�es fo be
<br /> appropriate �a prot�ct L�nder's inter�sts. AI� expenses incurred or paid by L�nder far such purpases wi�l then bear �
<br /> in�eres# at the rate charged under the Credit Agre�ment firom the date �ncurred or paid by Lender to the date of
<br /> repayment by Trus�or. All such expenses wili become a part of the Indeb�edness and, at Lendsr's option, wil� �A} be
<br /> payabl� on demand; �B} be added to the balance of the �redit Agreement and be appar��oned among and be payable
<br /> wi�h any installment payments ta become due during ei�he� �'I} �he term of any applicab�e insurance palicy; or ��} �he
<br /> remaining term o�the C�-edit Agreement; or �G} be treated as a ba�loon payment which wil! be due and payabi��t�he
<br /> C�edit Agreement's maturi�y. The De�d of Trust a�sa will se�ure payment o�these amounts. The r�ghts pr��ided for in
<br /> th�s paragraph shalC b� in addi�ion ta any other rights or any r�medies �o whi�h Lender may be entitfed on accounf vf
<br /> any defaul�. Any such ac�ion by Lender sha�l not be constru�d as curing the defau�f so as '�o bar Lend�r �rom any
<br /> remedy that it o�het-wise would ha�e had.
<br /> WARRANTY; DEFENSE 4F T�TLE. The�vilowing pra�isions relating ta awnership�f#he Property are a part of th�s Deed
<br /> af Trust:
<br /> Titie. Trusfior warrants �hat: �a} Trustar holds gaod an� mark�table titl� vf record to �he Praper�y in fee simple,
<br /> free and c�ear of all liens and �ncumbrances ofher�han those se# �or�h in the Real Prap��ty descrip�ion o� €n �he
<br /> Existing Indebtedness sec�ion b��ow ar in any�itle insurance poiicy, title repor�, or fina� �itle opinion issued in fa�or
<br /> vf, and accepted by, Lender in cannection with th�s Deed �f Trust, and �b}Trustor has�he full righ#, power, and
<br /> authari�y�o execute and deli�er this Deed of Trust to Lender.
<br /> Def�nse ofi Title. Subje�t �o fhe exception in the paragraph abo�e, Trustor warrants and wi�l �ore�er defend the
<br /> title ta�he Prope�ty agains�the IawFui claims of al[ persans. In the e�en�any ac��on or praceeding is commenced
<br /> that ques#Eons Trustar`s titie or the interes#v�r Trustee or Lender und�r this Deed afi Trust, Trustor sha�l defend the
<br /> action at Trus�or's expense. Trustvr may be the nominal party �n such pra�eeding, bu# Lender shal� be en�itl�d tv
<br /> participate in the proceeding and to be represen�ed in the proceeding by counsel of L�nder's own chaice, and
<br /> Trustor wil! deli�er, o�cause to be deli�ered, tv Lender such instruments a� Lender may request fram time to�ime
<br /> tv permi�such pa�#icipation.
<br /> Compl�ance V11�th Laws. Trustar warrants that the Prope�ty and Trustor's use of the Prvpe�#y compiies wi�h all
<br /> existing app�icab�e laws, ordinances, and regu�a�ions of go�ernmental au#hQrities. .
<br /> Survirral a� P�-amises. All promises, agreements, and s#a�ements Trus�or has made in this Deed of Trus� shal�
<br /> sunii�e the execution and de�i�ery o�this ❑eed of Trus�, shall be carttinuing �n na�ure and shall rema�n in full force
<br /> and effect until such time as Trustor's lndebtedness is paid in fulf.
<br /> EXISTING CNDEBTEDNESS. The foiiowing provisions concern�ng Existing lndebtedness are a part of�his Deed of Trust:
<br /> Ex�stin� Lien. The Cien of �h�s Deed of Trust se�uring �he Ind�btedness may be secandary and inferior to an
<br /> existin� lien. Trustor expressly ca�enan#s and agrees t� pay, or see ta the payment af, the Existing Indebtedness
<br /> and ta pre�en�any default on such �ndebtedness, any default under the�ns#rumen�s e�idencing such ind�b�edness,
<br /> or any defau�t under any security do�uments�ar such indebtedn�ss.
<br /> No Modi�ica#ion. Trusto� shall nof enter into any agreem�n# w�th the holder of any mor#gage, deed �f trust, or
<br /> other security agreement whi�h has priority o�er this Deed af Trust by which tha� ag�eem�nf is modified,
<br /> amended, extended, or ren�wed wi�hou� the priar wri��err consent of Lende�. Trus�or shall neither request nor
<br /> accept any fu�ure ad�ances und�r any such s�curity agreement withaut the prior wri�ten consent of Lender.
<br /> G�NDEMNATI�N. The following pro�isi�ns relating�tv condemna�ion p�oceedings are a par�of th�s Deed of Trusfi:
<br /> Praceedings. If any p�oc�eding in condemna#�on is filed, Trustor shall promptly no�i�y Lender in writing, and
<br /> Trustor sha�[ promptly take suGh steps as may be necessary to defend #he ac�ion and ob�ain tne award. Trusto�
<br /> may be#he nomina! party in such proceeding, but Lender shall be enti#l�d to participate in�he proceeding and to�e
<br /> represen�ed in the praceeding by counsel o� its own choice, and Trus�or wil� deli��r or Cause tv be del��ered �o
<br /> Lender such ins�r-uments and documen#ation as may be requested by Lender from time tv �ime tn pe�-mit such
<br /> participation.
<br /> Applica#ion vf Net Proceeds, ��al� or any part o'�th� P�-operty is condemned by em�nent damain pr�ceedings or by
<br /> any proceeding ar purchase in lieu o�condemnation, Lender may a� i�ts elec�ion r�quire that ail ar any portion of the
<br /> net proceeds af the.award be appiied �o the lndebtedness or th� repair or res�oratian of the Prope�ty. The ne�
<br /> proceeds af�he award shal� mean the award after payment of al� reasonable cvs�s, expenses, and a�torneys`fees
<br /> �ncurred by Trus�ee or Lende�-�n connection wi�h the condemnati�n.
<br /> ��I�[P�SIT�UN QF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY G�VERNMENTAL A�THt]RITIES. The �flilowing pro�isions relating
<br /> to go�ernmental �axes,fees and cha�ges are a part of this ❑eed afi Trust:
<br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Cha�ges, Upon request by Lende�, Trus�or shafl ex�cute such documents in addition t�
<br /> th�s Deed o�F Trust and #ake whate�er other a�tifln �s requested by Lender�o pe�ect and continue Lender's lien on
<br />