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��14�3154 <br /> App�icab�e La►�. As used �n this Securi�y �nstr�um�rit, the �er�n "A�plicable La�" sha�1 mean aI� ��n�:ro�ling <br /> app�i�ab�e federal, s�a-�e and local s�a�utes, regula�itins, ordinances and admirl�stra�i��ru�es and orders �that have <br /> the�ff����f�aw�as v�e11 as a11 app�icable fnal,nan-appealable�udi�ial opinions. <br /> Ch�rges; Li�ns. Barrov�rer sha1� pay al� �axes, assessments, �harges, fines and �mpositions at�ributab�e t� �he <br /> Prop�rty vvhich may attain pr�ority over this Se�urity�nstrument, a�d leaseh�lcl paynzen�s or ground rents, if any. <br /> A��he reques�of Lender,Barrovver shal�pramp�ly furn�sh to Lend�r receipts ev�denc�ng the pa�men�s. <br /> B�rr�wer sha��pr�mptly discharge any Iien which has pr�ority ove�r�h�s Security�nstrun�en�unless Borrav�er: �a) <br /> agrees in vvriting �o the paymen� of�he vbligation secured by �he ��en in a manner acceptable to Lender; �b} <br /> contes�s in gaod fa��h�he I�eri b�, ar defends agains� �nf�rcemen� flf�he I�en �n, lega� proceedings which zn�he <br /> Lender's �pinion �perat� to prevent the enf�rcement gf�he I�en; or ��� se�ures from �h� holder of the ��en an <br /> agr��ment sa�zsfact�ry�o Ler�der sub�rdinating the �ien�o�his Security�nstrument. �f Lender de�erm��es�hat any <br /> part nf the Pr�perty is sub�ect to a lien wh�ch�nay atta�n prior�iy over�h�s Security�nstrumen�, Lender may g��e <br /> Borr�wer a natice �d�n�ifying the�ie�. Borrawer shall sat�sfy�he lien�r�a�e one �r mare of the ac�ions se�fQr�h <br /> above�i�hin 1�days�f the g���ng of notice. <br /> IIa�ard or Praperty Insurance. Borrov��r sha�l keep the imp��vements n�w exis��ng ar hereafter erec�ed on the <br /> Pr�perry insured aga�ns���ss by fire,hazards included vt�i�hin the term"extended�overage" and any other hazards, <br /> inc�uding fla�ds �r fla�d�ng, for wh�ch Lender requires insuranc�. This insurance sha1� be maintained in the <br /> am�un�s and for the periods tha�Lender requires. The insuran�e carrier pr�v�ding�he�nsurance sha�I be chasen by <br /> Borr�v�er subj ec� �o Lende�'s approva� v�hi�h shal� n�� be urrreas�nably ��thhe�d. �f Borrower fa�Is to maintain <br /> co��rage des�r��bed ��o�e, Lender n�ay, at Lender's �ptia�, obtain co�erage �� pr��e�t Lend�r's r�gh�s in �he <br /> Property in accordan�e�vvi�h sec�io��itled Pra�ection of Lender's Rights�n the Pro��rty�. <br /> All insurance p�iicies and renewals shal� be acceptable t� L�nder and shall inc�ude a standard m�rtgage c�au�e. <br /> Lender sha�l have�he r�ght�o hold the p��icies ax�d renewa�s. �f Lender requires, B�rrawer shal�promp��y g�ve�a <br /> Lender a�l re�eip�s of pa�d pr� and renewa�na�ices. �n�he event of loss, Bflrro�er sha1�gi�e prampt not��e <br /> t�t�e�nsurance�arrier and Lender.Lender may make prfl�f�f�oss if not made promp��y by Barrower. <br /> Un�ess Lend�r and B�rrov�rer otherwise agree in writing, insurance pro�eeds sha1� be ap�l�ed to r�stara��on or <br /> repair of�he Pruperty damaged, if, �n Lender's s�l� discreti�n, �he res�ara��on or repa�r is e�onomica�ly feasihle <br /> and Lender's se�ur��y is n��lessened. �f, in Lend�r's sole discre�ion, �he restoration or repa�r is na� economica�ly <br /> feasil��e ar Lender's se�ur�ty would be Xessened,th�insurance pr�ceeds sha�l be applied to the sums secured�y�his <br /> Securi�y �ns�rum�nt, wh�ther ar no� �hen due, �vi�h any excess paid tfl Borrovver. �f Borr�v�er abandans �he <br /> Property,or does n��a�.swer within the num�ber of�ays pres�ribed�y Appl��able Law as se�forth�n a nfltice from <br /> Ler�der to B�rrov�er tha�the insurance carrier has offered�o set�le a c�a�m,�hen Lender may collec��he insuran�e <br /> pro�eeds. Lender m�.y us� �he praceeds �n r�pair or res�ore the Property or to pay sums secured b��his Security <br /> Instrumen�,v�he��er nr n�t#hen due.The periad�f t�me f�r Borra�nrer�o ansvver as s��for�h in the notice vv��i beg�n <br /> when the no�xce is gi�en. _ <br /> Unless Lender and�arravver�therwise agree in dvri��ng, any app�i�ation�f proceeds�o prin�ipal sha1�not extend <br /> or p�stpone�he due date of the pa�ments due under the �vntrac�or chang�the amount�f the payments. If under <br /> �he s��tion titled Accelerati�n; Remedies, �he Property rs acq uired by Lender, �o�ravv�r's righ�t� any insu�ance <br /> p�lic�es and proceeds resulting fr�m damage �o the Proper�y pr�or ta �he acquisitian shall pass to Le�der�� �he <br /> exten�nf�he sums secured by�h�s Securit��nstrumen�i�nmedia�eiy pr�vr to�he acquisi�ion. <br /> Pre�ervati�n, Ma�r�tenance a�d Protection �f the PropQr�y; Borr�vver'� Loan Appiicatian; Leaseholds. <br /> B�rrov��r shal�not des�r�y, damage �r impair the Property, a11Qw�he Pr�perty to deter��ra�e, ar c�mmit waste on <br /> �he Property.Borrawer sha�1�e�n default if any f�rfeitur�ac�ion or pr�ceed�g,whe�her civi�or criminal,is begun <br /> �ha� in Lender's good faith�udgmen� c�u�d result �n forfeiture of.�he Proper�y or o�herw�se material�y impa�r�he <br /> l�en crea�ed by �his Secur��.y �nsl�rument or Lender's security interest. �orr��ver �ay cure such a defau�� and <br /> r�instat�, as pro��ded in section ti�led Borrower�s Right to l�einsta�e, by causing�he a�t�ar�❑r proceeding to �be <br /> dismissed vv�th a rul�ng�ha�, in Lender'�goad fa���.de�erm�na��on,prec�udes forfe�ture�f�he B�rrov�er`s interest� <br /> the Praper�y �r o�her �na�eria� �mpairmen� of the lien crea�ed by this Security Instrumen� �r Lend�r's security <br /> �nterest.B�rrav�er shal�a�s❑be in default if Borrt�wer,dur�ng�he loan appl��at�vn process,gave�naterial�y false or <br /> �na��ura�e infarmat�fln or statements to Lender (�r failed to pro�ide Lender with any �naterial informa�ion) in <br /> c�nnection with the ��an evidenced by�he Contra�t. �f this Securi� Instrument is on a leasehold, Borr��nrer shall <br /> �o�p�y wit�all t�e pr�visi�ns of the lease. �f Borr��rer acquires fee ti��e ta fihe Property,�he�easeh�ld and�he fe� <br /> t�t�e sha�l not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger�n vvri�ing. <br /> Protecti�n vf Lender'S Rights in the Property. �f B�rrov�er fai�s �a perfflrm th� covenants and agreemen�s <br /> car�tained in�his Security�nstrument, flr�here is a legal proceed�ng tha�may sign�fi�antl�affect Lender's rights in <br /> �he Property �such as a proceed�ng �n bankrupt��, prabate, for c�ndemna���n or forfeiture ar to enforGe laws ar <br /> regu�a�iuns}, then Lender �nay do a�d pay for �vhatever is necessary �o �rot�c� the �alue of�he Properfiy and <br /> Lender's rights�n th�Property. Lender's a�tions may inc�uc�e paying any sums secured by a lien w��ch has prior�ty <br /> aver th�s Se�uri�y Instrumen�,appearing in cour�,paying reasonabl�attorn�ys'fees and enter�ng on�he Proper�y to <br /> ma�Ce repairs.Although Lend�r may take a�tion ur�der this secti�n,Lender daes no�have ta d�so. <br /> Any amounts d�sbursed by Lender under �h�s se�ti�n shal� become addi�ional deb� flf Borrower secured b}� �his <br /> Security Znstrum��t. Unless B�rrower and Lender ag�ee ta �ther terms �f pa�rnent, these amounts sha11 bear <br /> in�erest frvm the da�e of d�sbursemen� at the same rate assessed un advances und�r the �on�rac� and sha11 be <br /> payab�e,�i�h interest,up�n n�t��e frvm Lender to Borrower requesting pa�men�. <br /> �2DD4-2013 Compliance Systems,Inc.9F9d-28B1-2a13L2.a,721 <br /> Cons�amer Real Estate-Security Instrurnent DL243fi Page 2 of 5 www.compiiancesys#ems.corri <br /> � <br />