<br /> Any app�ica�i�n of pay�neri�s, �nsu�a�ce pi oceec��, or Misce�la�zeous Proceec�s to�r�ncipa��L�e�.��.de�the No�e
<br /> s�zal���ot exte�c�or�ostpozz��lze c�L�e c�ate, or c�lange��e a�nour�#:, of�he Pe�ia�ic Pay�x�e���s.
<br /> 3. �`txnds for�scraw Itez��.s. T3orrovt��r sha11 p�y�o Le�a.c�er on t�ze day�'er�odic Payinen�s are dt�e ur�der t1�e
<br /> Note, �.��1ti��lae Na�e i�paid�z�.fi���, a su�n�the"Fu�c�.s"}�o prav�de for�aymen�of a�llou.n�:s due fo�: �a���.xes
<br /> ��d assess�ne��.�s�.nd o�h��r i�e��ns whic��c�.�1 a��ain�r�ox�i�y over�his Se�t�ri�:y rns��u�ne��a� �.�ie���
<br /> e�a.cu�nbra��ce ori���e Pro�erty; �b� �ease��o�c�p�.y�ne�ts t�� grau�.i�i e1z�s o�i.h��'roper�y, if ar�y; �c}��re�ntt��ns
<br /> fot���y�.�1�.a11�nsuraz�ce rec�u�red.by Zetic���t�ndei Sect�on 5; and���Mor�gage It�su�ance�r��nitXtl�s, ir any,
<br /> o�• a��.y st��ns p�.yab�e by B�rrovve��o Lenc�.er i��ieu�f�1�e payi�len���Mortg�.ge Insurance�re�nit�ir�s in
<br /> �.cco�da��ce vvi����he�rovisio�s of Sectia� ��, T�.ese��etns �.re c�1le�."Escravsr It��ns." 1A.�orxgi��.a��on�r a�:
<br /> a�zy��ir�e c�ut i��g thu te�m c�f�he�oazz, Lende�1�nay require��1�.�Co�n�nuYu�;y Ass�cia��aiz D��s, Fe�s, and
<br /> Ass�ss�nen�s, if any, Ue�scrav�red l��Barravve�, and.such dues, fees ar�c��s�esstl�etlts s��al�1�e an Esc�o�
<br /> I�etn, Bo��•�wer s��a11 pro�n�atly fut�nisl-�t�Lende�•�.��no�ices of�inou�l�s�a he�aid u�c�er��ais Sectiof�,
<br /> Barr�we�s��.a11 p�y Le�zder�lze F`unds f�r Esc�ovtr I�ezn�ur�less Lezl�er�wai�es Bo�{rowe�''s ob�iga�;io�l�a pay
<br /> � �:11e I`uz�ds for a.ny a��:11�scrovv rtetns. Lezzder�na�waive Borrowe�'s o�liga�roz��o pay to Lenc�e�ruz�ds fo�
<br /> any or aZ1 Esc�raw Ztems �.t any ti�ne. Ax1y su.ch v�aiver tzza.y o�a�y be in vuril:ing. I��he event of s�c��wa�vel,
<br /> Lorrow�r s��a�l pay direc�ly, vv�le��a���.wlze�e paya�b�e, �����nounts due fo��:x�y E���ow�tems for whic�i
<br /> �aytr�e�t�f Tu�zc�s 11as beeiz waiv�d by�e�-��.e�a�.c�, iF�,ender requ�res, sha11 fu�l�islz t�Lenc�e��rec��p�s
<br /> evz�.e�zcing suc��p�.ymeil�witi�li�z suc�z�iZne�eria�.a�L�tlder�nay reqL�i�e. Borrowel':s obligatia��o�na1�e
<br /> suc��p�y�ner��s a�zd.�o�rov�c�.e receipts sha��for a��purpases be dee�lz�d�a�e a cavenant anc�agree�ne�a�
<br /> c��z�a��ze�.i�1 t��is Sec��ity I�s�:ru��lenf:, as��Ze�hr�se "covena.���.�.c�agree�zl�nt" is used it-�SeGtion 9. �f
<br /> Borrower is obliga�ed�o pay Esc�our T�e�ns c�irectly, pursuan��o a vvaivet, �nc�.I3o�rower fai���o pay�he
<br /> �.�no�.�z�d�.�e for �.tl�sc�ovv I�e�a�, Lenc�er inay exerc�se i�s r�gl�ts ut�der Sec���za.9 a�d pay such�.�an.ou�.z��nd
<br /> I3o��ov�r�r s1�a�1�:lletz be a�ligate��t�nder Se��io�9 �a re�aay�o Le�zder any sL�ch a�a.a.�u�z�. �e�de���-n�.y�revol�e
<br /> �he wa�v�r�s to atzy or a���scrow I�e�a.�s at any ti�ne�by a�Zo�ice given ir�accor c��nce vsri�l�Sectifln �5 a���,
<br /> u�o�suc�i revocatior�,�Bot rower s���1�pay�o Lender a11 Funds, and i�sl�ch a.i�naun�s, �1zat a�ie�hen requi�•ec�
<br /> u��d�x�1�.is S�ction 3.
<br /> Lender 1na�, a��.�.y�xme, collect a�d�101�.F��ds in a��a�not�.n�;�a� suf�cien��o�erinit Letlder�o app�y the
<br /> Fu��s a���le�i�ne s�ecified t��-�c�er RESPA, �z1c��h}�zo�to excee�.�he�n�.�:���nui�n�inou�t a len�e����.re�uire
<br /> uz��.er�SPA, Leizde�~sl�all�sti�x�ate tla.e az��oL�nt of Func�s t�L�e o�a:��ie�asis of�L�firent�.a.�a anci.re�s�nable
<br /> c�s�ima�es a�'�xpe�di�ures�f fz��ure�scf ow r�;e�ns o�•of:llerwise��.�.cca�rda�ce v�ith A�p��:c��1e Law.
<br /> The Tunc�s s���.�1.be IZeI�.i�a.��z ir�st�tui:ion whose c�epos��s axe i�asur�c�by a fec�eral a.ge�.c�, it1�t���ne���a���y, or
<br /> e��:itiy(in�lu�.i�.g Le�zc�er, if Le�der is��1 i����.itutzon v�ha�e�.ep�si�:s �.re so i�asure�.� or if�a���I`ec���al I-�o�ne
<br /> Laa��La�a1f. Len��r s11�,1��.pp�y�he Func��to p�.y���Escrour I�e�ns no later�1�a.r�������.x�e spec��ied L��de��
<br /> RESPA. Lend�r ���a.I�ilo�cl�arge Bo��rovvei�fot�IZo1c�i�lg�.nd��p�y��zg�I�e�`utic�s, a�n�ally analy���lg�1��
<br /> escrow accoun�, or ver�fyi�lg�l�e Esc�ro��1;ezns, i�nl�ss Lut�c��r pays I3o�rowe�����:�t•es�or��h���nc�s a�zc�
<br /> Applica�ale La�r perini�s-Lenc���ta t�na�e s�.c1�a clza.�•ge. U��1ess a�a�.gree���en�is�xlac�e�11�vr�tx�g o�r
<br /> A��li�a�le L�.w�•equ�res i���erest�o�e�aa�c�on t1i�Tunc�s, L�nder s�all nat�e rec�Lxi�•e��U pay Borrovver ai�y
<br /> in�eresl:az•ea�r�i�.gs a�z��ze I'u�z�s. I3o��1 ower a�1d Lenc�er c��agree itl v�ri�;i�1g, hovwever, ��.�.i:i�1�e�est s1�a11�e
<br /> �aaid a�z�1�e Fu1z�s. Len�e�•s�1�.11 giv��o I3or�ov�rer, wi��zou��11�.��e, a�l annua� ac�oun�i�zg of t�le F�urld�as
<br /> requir�d by R�SPA.
<br /> �F���e�{e is a surplu�s af��t�nc�s he1�.ix�escrov�, as ��ef�r�e�.Lxn�.er 1�SPA, �,enc�er s�aa�1 accoui1t tio I3o�rawe�for
<br /> �he excess fi�nc�s xiz accord�.nce vvi�11 RESP.A.. If�;he�e�s a slz�rtag�of�u��.s�z�1�.i��escx aw, as defitl�d u�a�de�
<br /> RESl'A., Let�c�er s�za���o1;i-Cy I3orrower�.s reqt��re�.by�S�'.�., a�1d Bo�r�vver����.1��ay�a Lenc�er tl�e a.�nou�.�
<br /> nece��a�'y�o in�I�e u��I�e sllortage i���.cco��c�a�c��vit�l REST�.A, 1�u�in�Zo�Zzore��Za� 1 Z�no�.�l��y payi�len�:s. Tf
<br /> ��Zere is a c��f�ciency of I't�r�c�s��eld i�esc�°ow, as�e�ned t�r�cler R.ESPA., Lendet;sha11��o�ify�3or�a�vet:as -
<br /> z�a4s��o
<br /> N�Bl�4SKA-Single Famlly�Fannie M aelFreddie M ac L1NI�ORM lNSTRLIM�NT Form 3a2� 1141
<br /> VM P(] VM P6�N�}��3D2}
<br /> Vllolters Kluw er Financial Serul�es Page 5 af�7
<br />