<br /> A11 insurance policies requ�red b�Lender and renewa�s of such pol�cies sha��he su�jec��a Lender's r�ght ta
<br /> disapprov�such po�icies, sha�� �nclude a��andard mar�gage clause, and shal�nam�L�nder as m�r�gagee
<br /> andlor as an addi�ianal I�ss payee. L�nder shail have�he right to ha�d the polic�es and ren�wa��er��fica�es. If
<br /> L�nder requires, Borrower shal�promp��y give�o Lender alI rec��p�s of paid premiums and renewal not�ces.
<br /> �f Borr�u�er obta�ns any farm�f�n.surance co�erage, not atherwise required by Lender, for damage to, or
<br /> destruc�ion of, �h�Pr�per�y, such po�x��shall includ�a standard mortgage c�ause and shall name Lender as
<br /> mar�gagee andlor as an add�t�onal�oss payee.
<br /> �n�he event of 1oss, Borrovver shall gxv�pramp�no�ice t��he insuranc�carrier and Lender. Lender may
<br /> make praof�f�oss if not made pramp��y�y Barrower. LTnless I�nder and Borrow�r a�herwise a�ree�n
<br /> writing, any in�urance praceeds, whether or not�he underly�ng insurance was requ�red by Lender, sha��be
<br /> app�ied�o rest�ra�ion�r repa�r of�he Property, if the r�s�oration�r repair�s econ�mi�a���feas�b�e and
<br /> Lender's se�ur�ty is no��ess�n�d. During such repair and restoratian per�od, I.�end�r shai�ha�e�he r�ght to
<br /> hald such insurance pr�c�eds untrl I�nder�a�had an opportun�ty t� inspe��such Pr�per�y to ensure the
<br /> �rork has b�en comp���ed��I,ender's sat�sfac�ion, prov�ded�ha�such�nspec�ion shaX�be under�aken
<br /> promp���r. Lend�r may disburse procee�.s�for�he repairs and res�oration in a sing�e paymen�ar�n a s�r�es of
<br /> pragress payments as�he v�rork�s comple��d. Unles� an agreem�nt�s made in writing or Appl�cab�e Law
<br /> requ�r�s in�erest to be paxd on such insurance proceeds, I.ender s�ail na�be r�quired��pay Borrov�rer any
<br /> in�er�st ar earn�ngs on such proceeds. Fees for pu��i�ad�usters, ar o�her�h�rd par�ies, reta�ned by Borrow�r
<br /> shall n�t be paid�ut of the insurance proceeds and sha��be the so�e ob�xga�ion of Barrovw�r. If�he restora�ian
<br /> or repa�r is not�conorn�ca�ly feas�ble or Lender's securi�y wau�d be lessened, �he�nsurance proceeds shal�be
<br /> app��ed�a the sums secured by this Security Instrument, wheth�r or n�t�h�n du�, wi�h�he excess, �f any,
<br /> pa�d�o Borrav�er. Such �nsu�-ance proceeds shall be app�xed�n th�arder pro��ded for�n Sec�ion�.
<br /> �f Barrnwer abandons�he Praper�y, L,�nder may ��e, nego��a�e and set��e any ava�lab�e�nsurance claim and
<br /> rela�ed matters. If Borrower does nat respond within 3�days to a noti��from Lender�haf th��nsurance
<br /> carrier has offer�d to set��e a c�a��n, �hen L�nder m.ay neg�t�ate axa.d sett�e the�laim. Th�3�-da�r period�i��
<br /> begin when the no�ice is gi��n. �n��th�r event, ar if Lender acquires the Pr�perty under S�ct��n 2�or
<br /> atherw�se, Borrawer hereby ass�gns to Lender�a} Borro�ver's rights ta an� �nsurance praceeds �n an amoun�
<br /> no��o exceed the amounts unpaid under�he N�te�r th�s Securi�y�ns�rument, and�b} any a�her af
<br /> Borrov�er's r�gh�s�other�han�he right�v any refund�f unearned premiums pa�d by Borrower�under a11
<br /> �nsurance pal�cies co��ring the Praperty, insofar as such rights are appl�cab�e�o the caverage af the �
<br /> Praper��r. Lend�r may use the�nsurance pro�eeds ei�her to repair ar res�ore the Prop�r��r or�o pay amoun�s
<br /> unpa�d under the�o��or th�s S�curity Ins�rumen�, vwhe�her or not then due.
<br /> �. t]�cupancy. B�rrower shall�ccupy, establish, and use the Proper�y as Borrower's prinGipal res�dence
<br /> w�th�n d�days after the���cut�an of th�s 5ecurx�y �nstrumen�and sha��con��nue�o accupy��e Proper�y as
<br /> Borrov�rer's principal residence f�r at leas�one year after�he date of�ccupan�y, un�ess I.ender o�herwise
<br /> agr�es in v�ri�ing, which consen�sha��no�be unreasanably withheld, or un�ess extenua��ng c�rcums�ances
<br /> e��s�which are beyond Borrower's con�roi.
<br /> 7. Preser�ation, Maintenance and Protectian �f the Property; Inspections, B�rrov�er shall not des�ro�,
<br /> damag�or impair�he Proper�y, aliow the Proper��r t�deter�orate or cammit waste on�h�Prop�r�y. 'L�hether
<br /> or no�Barrower is resid�ng in the Proper�y, Borrawer sha��ma�n�a�n the Proper�y in arder�a pr��en�the
<br /> Pr�per��r from deteriorating or decr�asing �n va�ue d���a��s c�ndit��n. Un�ess ��is de�ermined pursuant to
<br /> Sect�on 5 �hat repair or restorat��n�s no�economically feasible, B�rrower sha��pramp�Xy repair�he Pr�per��r
<br /> if dama�ed�a avo�d further de��r�ora�ion or damage. If�nsurance or conderninat�on proceeds are paid �n
<br /> canneet�on with damage�o, or�he taking of, the Proper�y, Barrower sha�l be respansib�e for repair�ng ar
<br /> res�ar�ng the Proper��on�y�f Lender has released proceeds for su�h purposes. L�nder may disburse proceeds
<br /> NEBRAStCA-Single Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUM�NT Forrn 3��8 71D1
<br /> VMP Q VMP��NEf{i 3�2y
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Fir�anciat 5er�ices Page 7 ot i 7
<br />