<br /> Any app�icat��n of payments, insurar�ce proceeds, or M�sce��aneous Proce�ds to principa� due under�he N��e
<br /> shai�na�extend ar pflstpan�the due date, or change the am�un�, of the Periadic Pa�ments.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escraw I�ems. Barrov�er sha11 pay�a Lender on�he day Periodic Payments are due under�he
<br /> No�e, unt�i the N�te is paid in full, a�um�the "Funds"}ta prnv�de for paym�nt af amounts due for: �a� taxes
<br /> and assessrnents and other item�whi�h can attain pri�rity o�ver this Security Instrument as a Iien or
<br /> encumbrance on�he Praper��; �b} leasehold paymen�s nr ground r�nts on the Prop�r�y, if any; �c}prem�ums
<br /> far any and a�� �nsuranc�requ�red by Lender under S��t�on 5; and�d} Mnr�gage Insurance premiums, xf any,
<br /> or an�sums payab�e by Borrawer to Lender in�ieu of�he paymen�flf N��r�gage�nsurance pr�mi.ums �n
<br /> accordanc�with th�provisions of Sec��on ��. These ��ems are cal.�ed "Escrow Items." A�or�ginat�on or a�
<br /> any time during�he�erm of�h�Loan, Lend�r may require�ha�Cornmun��y Associat�on I]ues, Fe�s, and
<br /> Asse�sments, �f any, be escrawed by Borrower, and suc�dues, fees and assessmen�s shall be an�scr�w
<br /> I�em.. B�rrower sha�1 prompt�y fu�n.�sh to Lender a�l no�ices�f amoun�s to be paid under this Sec�ion.
<br /> Borrow�r shail pay L.ender�he Funds for E�crow Items unless Lender waives Borr�wer's o��igat�an to pay
<br /> �he Funds for any or a�I �s�row I�ems. I�;nder may�vai�e Borrov�er's obliga��on�o pay�o Lfender Funds for
<br /> any�r al1 Escr�w ��ems at an��ime. Any such�a��er may on�y be in wr��ing. �n the ew�nt of such waiver,
<br /> Borrower shal.�pay directly, when and where pa�rab�e, the amaunts due for an��scraw I�ems far whi�h
<br /> paynzent�f Funds has been wa�ved by Lender and, if Lender requires, sha�1 furnish�o Lend�r rece�p�s
<br /> evxdencing such payn7ent wi�hin such�ime period as Lender may require. Barrav�er's obligation�o make
<br /> such payments and to pro�ide r�ceipts shaii far all purpo�es be deemed�o be a cavenan�and agreement
<br /> con�ained�n�his Security Instrument, a�the phrase "c��enarzt and agre�men�" is u�ed �n Sec���n 9. �f
<br /> Barrower�s obligated to pay Escr�v�r ���ms dire���y, pursuant�o a wax�er, and B�rrower fai�s ta pay�he
<br /> am�unt due far an Escrow ���m, Lender may exerc�se i�s righ�s u�der S�ct�on 9 and pa�such amount and
<br /> Borrower sha�� then be obligated un�er Sectian 9�o repay ta L�nd�r any such amount. Lend�r may re�rnke
<br /> the wa�ver as to any�r aiI Escr�w Items a�any t�me by a not�ce given�n accorda.nce w�th Sec�ion 15 and,
<br /> upon such re�acat�an, Borra�er shall pay to Lender aI� Fund�, and in such amaun�s, tha�ar��hen required
<br /> under this Se�tian 3.
<br /> Lender may, at any time, coilect and ho�d Funds �n an am.�unt�a} suf�c�ent�o perm�t L�nder to apply the
<br /> Funds a��he fime sp�cif�ed under RESPA, and �b}no��o e�ceed�he maxim.um amaunt a Iender can require
<br /> under RESPA. Ilender shall es�imat�the amount of Funds due�n�he bas�s of curren�da�a and r�asonable
<br /> es�imates of expenditures of fu�ure�scrow Ztems �r otherwise in ac�ordanc�vvith App�xcab�e Law.
<br /> The Funds sha���e heid i�an�ns�i�u��an whose depos��s are insured by a federa� agency, �ns�rumenta�i�y, or
<br /> ent��y �inc�uding Lender, if Lender is an�nsti�.u�ion whose depos��s are so �nsured}or in any F�deral �iome
<br /> L�an Bank. L�nder�ha��app�y the Funds�a pay the Es�rov� It�ms no la�er�han the tirne speci�ed under
<br /> RESPA. Lender sha�l no�charge Borr�w�r f�r hol�.ing and applying the Funds, anx�.ua��y ana�yz�ng�he
<br /> escr�w accoun.�, ar verify�ng �he Escrow �tems, unless Lender pays Borrav�er�n�.ere�t on��e Funds and
<br /> Appl�ca�Ie Lav�r permits Lender�o make such a charge. ZJniess an agreement is made in wri��ng�r
<br /> App�i�a�le Law requir�s �nter�s���be pa�d on th�Funds, Lender sha��not be required�o pay B�rrawer any
<br /> interes�ar�arn�ngs on the Funds. Borrower and L,ender can agre��n wr�t�ng, h�wever, tha�interes�sha�l�e
<br /> pa�d on�h�Funds. L.ender�ha�i gi�e to Borrawer, wi�h�ut charge, an annual a�count�ng of the Funds as
<br /> required��RESPA.
<br /> �f�her�is a surp�us of�unds held in escr�w, as d�f�ned under RESPA, I�nder shal� a�count ta Borr�wer far
<br /> the excess funds in acc�rdance w�th R�SPA. �f th�r� �s a shar�age of Funds held in escr��nr, as de�ned under
<br /> RESPA, L,end�r shali notif�B�rrower as r�qu�red��RESPA, and Borrower shai�pay�o Lender the amoun�
<br /> nec�ssary�o make Up�he sh�r�age in accardance with RESPA, bu��n no more than �2 mon�.hly paymen�s. �f
<br /> �here is a d�ficiency of Funds held �n escr�w, as def�ned under RESPA, Lend�r sha11 nat�fy Borrower as
<br /> N�BRASKA-Sing�e�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUM�NT Forrn 3Q28 11��
<br /> VMP Q VMP6[N��t"�3��f
<br /> Wvlters Kluwer�inanciaf Ser�ices Page 5 of 17
<br />