<br /> Applicable Law. As used in thzs Secur�ty Instrument, �he term "App�icable Law" shall mean a11 can�ra��i.n.g
<br /> app��cab�e federa�, sta�� and 1aca1 s�a�utes, regulations, ordinances and adm�nis�ratzve ru�es and orders �that have
<br /> the effec�of 1au�}as v�e��as a�l applicable f�nal,nan-ap�ea�ab�e�ud�cia�opinions.
<br /> Charges; Li�ns. B�rrov�rer shall pay aI1 �a�es, as�essmen�s, charges, fines and imposz�zons attributable �� the
<br /> Pr�perty which may a�tain priori�y over th�s Securit��nstrument, and leaseh��d paym�nts or gr�und rents, �f any.
<br /> A�the request af Lender,Borrower sha��prompt�y furnish to Lender rece�pts evidencin��he pa�rmen�s.
<br /> Borrawer shall promp��y dzscharge an�lien�rh�ch has prioriry over this Secur�ty Znstrumen�unless Borrower: �a}
<br /> agrees in writ�n� to �he paymen� of the ob��gatian secured by the X�en �n a n�anner acceptable �o Lender; �b}
<br /> contests in gaod fa��h the Iien by, or defends against enforcement of the �xen �n, legal pr�ceedings �rhxch �n the
<br /> Lender's flp�nion aperate �o preven� the enf�r�emen� of the Iien; ar �c� secures from �h.e hfl�der �f�he l�en an
<br /> agreement satisfactory to Lender sub�rdinating�he ��en t� �his Security Yns�rument. �f Lender determir�es tha� any
<br /> part of the Prop�rty zs subjec�ta a Iien wh��h may attain prxority�ver thzs Security Ins�rument, Lender may give
<br /> Borrower a natice �dentifying the Iien. Borrower sha11 sat�sfy the �ien or take one or more of�he actio�s set farth
<br /> ab ave w�thin I�days o f�he g�ving o f no tzc e.
<br /> Hazard or PrnpQrty Insurance. Borrawer sha��keep�he zmprovements nflw exis�ing or hereafter erected an the
<br /> Property�nsured agaznst Ioss by#�re,hazards included w�than�he term"ex�ended caverage" and any ath.er hazards,
<br /> inc�udxng flaods �r flooding, for v�h�ch Lender requires znsurance. This insurance sha11 be maintazned in the
<br /> amounts and for�he perx�ds tha�Lender requ�res.The insurance�arrier provid�ng�he�nsurance sha��be chosen by
<br /> Borro�ver subject �o Lender's appra�a� vvh�ch sha11 no� be unr�asonably �vithhe�d. �f Borrower faz�s �a ma�ix�tain�
<br /> ca�erage descr�bed at�ove, Lender may, at Lender's option, obtain coverage �o pro�ec� Lender's rights in �he
<br /> Property in acc�rdance vvith sec�xon tit�ed Protectxon of Lender's Rights in�he Property.
<br /> A�� �nsurance pa�zc�es and renevva�s shall be acceptable to Lender and sha11 �nclude a s�andard mortg�ge c�ause.
<br /> Lender shall have the r�ght��hold�he pa�xc��s and renevva�s. �f Lender requires,Borrower sha��promp�ly give to
<br /> Lender a��rece�p�s�f pazd prem�ums and rex�evval no�zces. Zn the even�of�oss, Borrower sha���zve pramp�no��ce
<br /> to the znsurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make pro�f of lflss if no�made promp��y by Borrov�er.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower atherw�se agree in wr�t�ng, �n�urance prflceeds sha11 be applied �o restora��on or
<br /> repazr of the Proper�y damaged, �f, ua Lender's so�e discretian, �he restora�ian �r repazr is econom�ca��y feasible
<br /> and Le�xder's securzty is not lessened. If, in Lender's sole discret�an, �he restora��on or repair �s no� econom�ca��y
<br /> feaszb�e ar Lender's security wou�d be Iessened,the insurance proceeds shall be app�ied���he sums s�cured by th�s
<br /> Security Znstrument, wheth.er or no� �hen due, with. any exces� paxd to Borrower. �f Borrower abandons the
<br /> Property,or d�es nflt answer w��hin�he number of days prescr�bed by App�z�able Law as se�forth in a notzce fram
<br /> Lender�o Borrow�r that the insurance carrz�r has offered to settle a claim, then I�ender may Col�ect th� �nsurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use the praceeds �o repair or res�ore �he Pr�per�y or�o pay sums secured by�h�s Secur�ty
<br /> znstrumen�,whether or not then due.The periad of t�me for Barrower�o answer as se�forth�n th.e notic�tiv���begin
<br /> when the na�ice is gzven.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower Qtherwise agree in wrz��ng, any app�i�a�x�n af praceeds ta princzpa� shal�no�ex�end
<br /> or pos�pone�he due da�e af the payments due under�he �ontrac�or change th.e am�unt of the paymen�s. Zf under
<br /> the sec��a��itled�.cceleration; Remed�e5, the Propezfiy is acqu�red by Lender, Borrower�s r�gh�tfl any znsurance
<br /> p��z���s and proceeds resu�ting from damage t� �he Properry prior ta the acquisitian sha�� pass to Le�xder to the
<br /> exten�af the sums secured by th�s Securxty Instrument immedia�e�y pr�or ta�he aCquisi�ion.
<br /> Preserva�xon, Main�enance and Protecti.on of �he Praperty; Eorrower's Loan Appl.icati�on; I�easehaids.
<br /> BorrnWer sha�l not destray, damage ar impa�r the Praper�y, al�ow�he Properfiy to deterinra�e, �r comm��waste on
<br /> the PraperCy.Borrativer shall be in default if any farfeiture acti�n�r prQ�eeding,whe�her civi�or crimina�,is begu.n
<br /> �hat in Lender's gaod fai�h judgment could resul� in forfe�ture af the Proper�y or ath�rw�se ma�erzal�y impa�r the
<br /> �ien crea�ed �y �his Security �nstrumen� or LenderTs security �n�erest. Borro�ver may cure such a defau�t and
<br /> reinsta�e, as provided xn section t�t�ed I�arro�ver's R�ight ta Reinstate, by caus�ng�he ac�zon ar prace�dzng t� be
<br /> dismiss�d with a ruling that, xn Lender's good faith de�ermination,precludes forfei�ure�f the Bnrraurer'�interest in
<br /> the Propez-�y or other ma�erxa� �mpazrment �f�.e �ien created b�r thxs Securi�y �ns�rument or Lender's se�ur�ty
<br /> interes�.�orrower sha11 also be in default if I3orr�wer,during the�oan appl�catzon process,gave ma�erza�ly fa�se or
<br /> inaccura�e infarma�ian or statemen�s �a Lender �nr failed ta pravide Lender with any mater�a� �nf�rmation� in
<br /> cnnnection w�th the l�an ev�denced by�he C�ntract. If�hzs Se�ur�ty�nstrumen� is �n a�easehold, Borrawer sha��
<br /> comp�y with a��the provisians af the�ease. If Borrotiver acqu�res fee�zt�e to the Property,�he�easehold and�he fee
<br /> txt�e shal�no�merge un�ess Lend�r a�rees t�the merger zr�wri��ng.
<br /> Pra�ect�on af Lender's Rights �n �he Proper�y. If Barrawer fai�s to perform the covenants and agreemen�s
<br /> contained�n this Secur�ty Znstrumen�, or there is a�egal proce�ding that nzay sign�f cantly affect Lender`s r�ghts xn
<br /> the Property �such as a proceed�ng in ba.x�rup�cy, proba�e, for car�demnat��n or forfei�ure or�a enforce la�ws or
<br /> regu�atio�s}, then Lender may do ar�d pay for whatever is necessary �o protec� �he value �f the Pr�perry and
<br /> Lender's r�gh�s in the Prflper�y. Lender's act�ons may�nc�ude payzng any sums secured by a��en tivh�ch�as priority
<br /> over�his Se�urity Instrument,appearin�in cour�,paying reasonab�e a�torneys' fees and entering an the Propexty to
<br /> make repairs.A.�though Lender may take actian under this section,Lender d�es n�t have to do s�.
<br /> Any am�un�s disbursed by Lender under this sec�i�n shall become add��ional debt �f Barr�wer secured �y this
<br /> Security �ns�rument. Unless Barrawer and L�nder agree �tn other tenns of payment, these amaunts sha11 bear
<br /> xnterest from the date af disbursement at the saxne ra�e assessed an advances under �he Cantract ar�d shall be
<br /> payable,wz�h in�erest,upon natice from Lender ta Barrower requesting paymen�.
<br /> {�7 2Dfl4-2Q 13 Camptiance Syst�ms,Inc.gF9G-9335-2�13L2.fl.72]
<br /> �onsumer Real Estate-Secu�•ity Ixxstrument DL243G Page 2 af 5 www.caznpliancesystezns.�om
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