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��14�3�7� <br /> firom�ime to time�"RESPA"�,excep�tha��he cushion or reserve per�cutted by RESPA for u�.a.nt�c�pated disbursements <br /> or disbursemen�s before�he Borr�werr s paym�n�s are avax�ab�e in.�he accoun�may not be�based an amoun�s due for <br /> �he martgage insurance prernium. <br /> If the amoun�s held by I�ender for Escrow Items exceed�he amaun�s permi�ted to be he�d by RESPA, Lender shal.� <br /> accown.��a Borrower for th.e excess funds as required by RESPA. If�he amoun�s af fu.nds held by Lender a�any <br /> are na�t su..ff cien��o pay the Escrow Iterns when due, Lender may notify�he Borrawer a�.d require Borrovwer�o ma�.e <br /> up xhe shartage as permi�ted by RESPA. <br /> The Escrow Funds are p�edged as addi�ional secur�t� for a�� surns secuTed by �s Secur��y Insf�urnent. If <br /> Borrower tenders to Lender�h�fu��payment af a�l such, Borrower's accoun�sha11 be cred�i�ed w�th the ba�ance <br /> remairung for a��ins�a��rnen�rtems�a}, �b�, and�c�and any mor�gage in.suran.c�prerniurn i.nsta.11men��hat Lender has <br /> not became ob��gated �o pay �o the Secretazy, an.d Len.der shal� prompriy refund a.ny excess funds �o Bnrrower. <br /> Imznedi.atiely prior to a farec�osure sale of�he Property ar x�s acquisit�an by Lender, Barrower's account shal.� be <br /> credx�ed with any balance remainin.g for alI in.stia.Ilmen�s far items�a}, �b�, a�.d�c}. <br /> 3. Applicat�on of Payments. All payrnen�s under paragraphs I and 2 shall be app�ied by Lender as follovvs: <br /> FIRST, tio the mor�gage insurance premium�a be paid by Lender to fihe Secre�a.ry or to �he month�y charge by <br /> the Secretary instead of the mon�hl.y mortgage insurance premium; <br /> SE�aND,�o any�axes,spec�al assessmentis,�easeho��.paymentis or groun.d rents,and fire,fiood an.d other hazard <br /> insurance premiums, a�required; <br /> THIRD, tio interes�due u�der�he Note; <br /> F�]URTH, to amort�za�xon of the pru�cipal of�he Note; and <br /> FIFTH, �o la�e charges due under tihe Notie. <br /> 4. F�re, F`�ood and �ther Hazard Insurance. Barrov�er sha�1 insure a1i i.mpro�eme�.�ts o�a �h.e Proper�ty, <br /> whe�her naw in.exxstenee or subsequen�ly erectied, agains�any hazaxds, casualtiies, an.d contin.gencxes, inc�uding fire, <br /> for wh�ch Lender requires insurance. T�us insurance sha�X be in�the amou�.�s an.d for the ger�ods that <br /> Lender requires. Borra�rer shail also insure ali i.mpro�ements on �he Property, �vhether novv in exisrence or <br /> subsequentx�erected,agaua�s�loss b�r floods�a�he extent required by the Secretary. AlI insurance shall be carrxed�.th <br /> cnmpaxues appraved by Lender. The insusa.nce policies and any rene�rals shall be held by Le�der and�hai�i�ciude <br /> �oss payabxe c�auses in fa�ror af, and in a form accepta.ble to, Lender. <br /> In�.ie e�en�of 1vss,F�orro�er shall gx�e Lender imna.edxate not�ce by ma�.l. Lender may make proof of xoss�f not <br /> made promprly by Borrower. Each insurance compa�x�concea�a.�d�s h�reby aufih.arized an.d direc�ed�o ma,ke paymen� <br /> for such ioss direetly ta Lender, instead of to B�rrovver a�.d ta Lender j oi.nt�y. ,A1� or any par� of�he �nsura.nce <br /> proceeds may be appX�ed by Lender, a�i�s optiion, ei�her�a}to the reduction of the i.�debtedness under�.he Noxe and <br /> this Secur�ty Ins�aa�.en�, fxrst to any delinquenx amoux�.ts appl�ed it��he order in paragraph 3, and�hen to prepa�nen� <br /> of princxpax, ar �b} to the res�oratiian or repair af�he d.a.rn.aged Praperty. Ax�.y applica�.on. of the proc�eds tn the <br /> princxpax shal�no�extend ar pos�pone the due date of�he mo��hl.y payments which are referred.�o�an.paragraph 2, or <br /> change the am.aunt of such pa�mentis. Any excess i�ura.nce proceeds a�er an arnount requ�red�o pay a1i nu�s�anding <br /> indeb�edness un.der xhe Note and fih�is Securi�y Ins�rumenx sha11 be paid to�h�en�ity�egally en�i�led�liereto. <br /> In the e�ent of forec�osure of�h�.s Securit�r In.s�ument or o�her�ransfer of title�a�.ie Pr�perty�ex�inguishes the <br /> indeb�.ess, all r�gh�, �.�.e and interest af Barrower in and to u�urance palic�e.s in force shai�pass�o�he purchaser. <br /> 5. �ccupancy,Preserv�ati.on, Maintenance and Protection of the Froperty;Borrower's Loan Application; <br /> Leaseho�ds. Borrower sha�.i occupy, es��sh, a.r�d use the Prop�r�as Borrov�er's pri.�c�pal residence�ri�uri s�x�y <br /> d.a.ys after the execu�xon of�hx.s Security Instrurnen��or within sixty da.ys of a 1a�er sale or�ransfer of the Property} <br /> and sha11 con�inue tv occupy�he Proper�r as Borrowerr s principa�residence for at leasti one yeax af�er tihe da�e of <br /> accupancyy unless Lender determines thar requirement v�r�ll cause undue ha.rdsh�p fnr Borrower,or unless ex�enuaring <br /> circurns�ances exis� which are �eyond Barrowerf s contra�. Borrower shall no�ify Lender of any ex�enuating <br /> c�rcums�ces. Borr�wer shali not commuiti was�e or des�roy, darnage or suhs�an�ial�y change the Property or allovcr <br /> �h.e Property�o detieriorate, reasonahle�vear aand�ear excep�ed. Lender may ua.spec��he Property if fhe Prapert�r is <br /> �acan.�or abandoned or the Ioan is in defaul�. Len.der may reason.ab�e act�on to pratec�t and preser�re such vacan.� <br /> ar abandoned Proper�y. Borro�rer shaX� a�so be in defaul.t xf Borrovver, duri�.g the Ioan app�ica�ion pracess, ga�e <br /> FH�N�r�s� omo aF r�usT � n��s �r.�r��rr� <br /> N E�TL.FHA D 710 31'[2 Page 3 of 9 www.docrr� <br /> � �" � ' [ <br /> � rk � � � 4 <br />