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<br /> 1Il�HEN REC�RDED MA�L T�:
<br /> Five P�in�s Bank
<br /> At�n: Dina Pr�ce
<br /> P � Box �5�7
<br /> Grand Island NE ��8�2-�5�7
<br /> VIIHEREAS, �he undersigned, Five Poin�s Bank, a Nebraska Corpvra�ion, as Trusfiee,
<br /> under the �D�ed of Tru�t dated March ��, �997, �xe�u�ed by JAMES E EILTS and L1NDA A
<br /> E1LTS; HUSBANa AND VIlIFE, as Trus��r, in wh�ch Five Poin�s Bank is named as Benef�ciary,
<br /> an� the und�rsi�ned as Trustee, whi�h were all recarded in R�gis�er of D�eds �ff�ce of Hal�
<br /> County, Nebraska, und�r�he De�d of Trus� �a�e�i March ��, ��97', En�ered as D�cument No. 97-
<br /> �D��9� on the �5#h Day of March, �997, under the Deed of Trus�dated ���ober��, �99�, En�ere�
<br /> a� Docum�n� No. g5--��73�4 on �he �7t" Day vf �ctober, �9g� and under iVl�difi�a�ion of Deed of
<br /> Trust da�ed November �8, ��D�, En�ered as ins�rumen� No. �������U4�� on �he �5t Day of
<br /> D�cember, �DD�, and
<br /> UVHEREAS, said undersigned, F�ve P��n�s Bank, as Trusfee, has received from Five
<br /> Po�nts Bank, as Ben�f��iary, wri��en re�uesfi �o reconvey �he real es�ate descrEbed in.th� Deed of
<br /> Trus� above mentione� as fol�o�vs:
<br /> said re�u�st to r�c�nv�y re�iting fhat a�l sums secur�d by such Deed of Trusf ha� been ful�y paid;
<br /> N�VII THEREF�RE, in accordance vtirith such r�ques� and the pro��si�ns of such Deed of
<br /> Trust, �he undersigned as Trus�ee, �oes here�y rec�n�ey, w��hout warran�y, to the persan ar
<br /> �ersons legally�n�i�led there�o, the e��a�e novv held by said Trustee her�under.
<br /> IN VIIITNES� WHERE�F, the unders��ned has �x�cuted��his D�ed of Rec�nv�yan��, a�
<br /> Gran� Island, Nebraska, this �D�hday of May, �D�4,
<br /> FlVE P�I NTS BAN K, �
<br /> TRUST
<br /> . �
<br /> .
<br /> B ru ce L �
<br /> Y� r
<br /> Title: �ommer�ial Loan �fficer, SVP
<br /> STATE �F NEBRA�KA }
<br /> }�
<br /> C�U NTY �F HALL } �
<br /> The far�g��ng Deed of Re�on�eyan�e was ackn�wledged �efor� me �his ��th day of May,
<br /> ��'f 4, by Bruce Lux, C�mmercial Loan �fficer, SVP of F�ve Poin�s Bank, a Nebraska corp�ra�ian,
<br /> on beha�f�f said corporation as Trus�ee.
<br /> a t
<br /> �� �
<br /> � �'��� GENE#�.N�T�RY-s����€N��as�a N v�a ry P u b�i c �
<br /> DilVA A PF��G�
<br /> �y��mm.Exp.Dec.2�,24#�
<br />