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��14�3��5 <br /> 4C� "Lender" is Harn� Federa� Savi ngs and Loan Assn �f Grand I s1 and <br /> Lend�r�s a Sa�ir�gs a�nd Loan <br /> flr�anized and e�is��ng under the laws af The St�te �f Nebraska . <br /> Lender's addr�ss is 221 South Locust St Grand Isl and NE �88�1 <br /> L�nder�s �he beneficiary und�r th�� 5e�ur��y�ns�rument. <br /> �D� "Truste�" �s Arend R Baack, Attorr��y <br /> �E� "Note" m�ans the promissary nn��signed by Borrower and dated May 19, �014 . The Note <br /> s�a�es that Borrower Qvves Lender S E V E�TY F I V E THD�SAN D AN D �Q I 14� <br /> Do��ar� ��..�.S. $7�,�0�.a� }p�us �nterest. Borrow�r has promised t�pay th�s deb��n r�gu�ar <br /> P�r�adxc Pa�ments and ta pay the debt in fu��not�at�r than June l, 2�44 . <br /> 4 F� "Property" means the pr�per�y that�s descr�bed�e�ovv under�he head�ng "Transfer of Rights in the <br /> Pr�per�y." <br /> t G� "Loan" means the debt���denced b��he Na�e, plus in�eres�, any pr�payment charges ar�d�at��harg��du� <br /> und�r the Note, ar�d all sum.s due under this Se�uri�y �ns�rum�nt, plus inter�st. <br /> �H� "Riders" means a�� R�ders ta th�s Securx�y Instrum�nt tha�are e�ecu�ed by Borrower. The fnli�w�ng R�ders <br /> ar��o be execut�d b�Borrower�che�k b�x as appli�ab�e]: <br /> �Ad�ustable Rate R�der � Condom.�nxum Rider � Second Hame Rider <br /> �Ba��a�n Rider �Planned Un�t Deve�opment Rider [� �M4 Family Rider <br /> [�VA R�der 0 B�w�ek�y Payment R�der 0 �ther�s} [sp�cify� <br /> �1� "App�i�able Law" means a�� c�ntrall�ng app�icab�e federal, state and loca� s�atutes, regula�ions, ordinances <br /> and administra��ve ru�es and orders �that ha��th��ffect of�aw} as we11 as a�l appl�cable f�nal, nan-appealable <br /> jud�C�a��pinzons. <br /> �J� "Community Assv�iativn Dues, Fees, and Assessments" means a��du�s, fees, assessments and other <br /> �harges tha�are imposed on B�rrower or the Praper�y by a condominium association, homeowners <br /> a�s�cia�ian or s�milar organizatznn. <br /> 4K� "E�ectronic Funds Transfer" means any transfer�f funds, ather than a�ransa�t�an�r�ginated by�heck, <br /> draft, �r similar pap�r�ns�rument, wh�ch is initiated through an electr�n�c terminal, telephonic �nstrument, <br /> computer, �r magn��ic tape s� as to order, �ns�ruc�, or authorize a financ�al insti�ution�a debit ar credi�an <br /> accaunt. SuCh term inc�ude�, bu�is n�t l�m.�.��d to, paint-of-saie�ransfers, autamated�e���r machine <br /> �ransaetzons, transfers in�t�ated by telephon�, wzr�transfers, and automated c�ear�nghous�trar�sfers. <br /> €L} "Es�r�w �tems" mea�r�s those�tems �hat are described in�e���on 3. <br /> �M� "M��cellanec�us Proceeds" means any c�rnp��zsa�ion, sett�emen�, au�ard af damages, �r proceeds pa�d by <br /> any�hird par�� ��ther than insurance praceeds pa�d under the coverages d�scribed in S�cti�n 5} for. �i� <br /> damage to, �r destruc��on�f, the Proper�y; �zi}condemnatinn�r ot�.er takzng�f aI� or any par�of the <br /> Prop�r�y; ��ii}canveyar�c�in�z�u�f condemr�atian; ar�iv} misr�presenta��ons of, �r�m�ss�nns as ��, �he <br /> va�ue andlar condi�ion�f the Pro ert . <br /> N��RASKA-Single Famiiy-Fannie Ma�IFreddie Mac UNt�ORM INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3D28 11�1 <br /> VMP[►� VMP�[NEf t�302} <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financisl Ser�i�es Paga 2 of'#7' <br />