<br /> sa��sfa�tian, pr�v�d�d�ha�such inspect�on sha��be under�a.ken prompt�y. Lend�r may pay for�he r�pa�rs
<br /> and restnrat�on i�x a s�ngle disbursement ar in a ser�es af pr�gr�ss paym�nts a��he wark is�om�let�d.
<br /> IJn�ess an agr��rn.�nt�s made in�r��ing or App���ab�e Law requires inter�s�to b�paid on such
<br /> Miscellane�us Proceeds, L�nder shal�no�be requ�red ta pay B�rraw�r any �n��rest ar�arnings on such
<br /> Mis�ellar�eaus Proceeds. �f the restarati�n or r�pa�r�s no�econom�cally feas�b��or L�nder's s��ur�ty wouid
<br /> b���s�ene�, the M�scellaneous Pro�e�ds sha��be app����.to the sums secur�d by�his S�curity Instrumen�,
<br /> wh��her�r no��hen due, wi�h the exc�ss, if any, paid tti Barrower. Such M�s�e��an��us Pr�c�eds sha��be
<br /> app��ed in th�order provided for�n Section 2.
<br /> �n the event of a tatal tak�ng, destructzon, or�oss in vaiue of th�Pr�per�y, �he M�sce�laneous Proceeds sha��
<br /> be app�ie�to th�sums secured by�his�ecuri�y �ns�rum�nt, whether nr not then due, v�i�h�he ex�ess, �f any,
<br /> pa�d ta Borrower.
<br /> �n��e even�of a partia�tak�ng, d�struction, �r lass in value af the Property in vvhich the fair market value af
<br /> �he Proper���mmediately befare the par��al tal�ing, des�ruction, or�ass in value is equa� ta or grea�er than the
<br /> amount af��ie sums s��ured�y this Secur�ty �nstrument immediately before�he par�ia� taking, destructian, �r
<br /> Ios� in value, un��s�Bnrrovver and Lender otherwise agree in writing, th��ums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument shall be redu�ed b�r the am�un�of the M�s�e�Ianeous Pracee�s multip�ied by the fo���v�ing
<br /> fraction: ta}the�v�a�am�unt af the sums se�ured �mmedia�ely before the par�ial taking, destruc�ion, or x�ss
<br /> in value divided by �b} th�fair market value af�he Property immed�a��ly�efare the par�ial�al�ing,
<br /> des�ructian, or loss in�a�u�. Any ba.�ance shal��e pa�d to Borrower.
<br /> �n�he��ren�nf a partia� ta.k�n�, destruc�ion, ar 1�ss in va�ue of�h�Proper�y in which�h�fair market va.�ue of
<br /> �he Proper�y�mmediateiy b�fore the partia� �aking, destruc�i�n, �r los� in value is Iess�han the amaunt of�h�
<br /> sums secured immedzat�ly b�fore�he par�zai�aking, destructi�n, or loss in value, unless Borrower and
<br /> Lender otherwise agr���n wr�ting, the M�scex�ane�us Proceeds sha��be app�ied to the sums secur�d�y�his
<br /> Securi�y�nstrumen�whether�r no��he sums are then due.
<br /> �f�he Proper�y ��abandoned by Borrower, or if, af�er no�ice by Lender�o Barrower that the Dpp�sing Par�y
<br /> �a� def�ned in�he next s�n�ence} offers to make an award to set�le a c�aim for damag�s, Barrou�er fai�s t�
<br /> respand to Lender wzthin 3D�ays after the date th�no�ice is gi�en, Lender is au�horized to c�ilec�and apply
<br /> �he Miscellaneous Proceeds e�thtr�o restoratian ar repair�f the Pr�p�r�y or to the sums secured by thzs
<br /> Secur��y �nstrumen�, whether nr nflt then due. "�pposzng Party" means the�h�rd par�y�hat owes Barrawer
<br /> Misc���aneQus Prac�eds or�h�party aga�ns�whom B�rrawer has a r�ght of action in regard to Mzsc�llan��us
<br /> Proc��ds.
<br /> Borr�w�r shall be�n defau�t�f any ac�ion or proce�d�ng, whether ci�il or crimina�, is begun�hat, in Lender's
<br /> �udgm�nt, cou�d result in forfe�ture�f th�Praperty or o�her materia� impa�rmen��f Lender's interest in th�
<br /> Proper�y ar righ�s under this SeCur�ty Ir�strum�n�. Borrou�er can cure suc�.a default and, �f acce�era��on has
<br /> occurr�d, re�ns�a�e as provided �n 5����on �9, by causing �h�actzon or proce�ding ta be dzsmissed w�th a
<br /> rul�ng�hat, �n Lender's judgmen�, preC�ud�s forfe�ture of the Proper�y or other mat�ria� impa�rmen�of
<br /> Ler�d�r's int�rest�n th�Proper�y or r�ghts und�r�h�s��curity Instrumen�. The praceeds af any award�r
<br /> ��a��n f�r damages that are attributab�e to�he�mpa�rment of L��d�r's int�r�s�in the Property are hereby
<br /> as��gn��and shall be pa�d to L�nder.
<br /> AI� M�sc���aneaus Proceeds that are not appl�ed to rest�rat�on or repa�r of�he Property shal�be app�zed�n�he
<br /> order pr�vided far in S��t��n 2.
<br /> NESRASKA-Sing#e Family-Fannie MaelFreddi�Ma�UNlFDRM tNSTRUMENT Form 3428�1�1
<br /> VMP Q� VMPfitNE}t�3p2�
<br /> Wotters Ktuwer Fin�nc�al 5er�ices Page�0 of 17
<br />