<br /> ful� af a�l sums secured b� this Se�ur��� �ns�ru�nen�. Howe�er, this optian shall n�t be exerc�sed by Lender �f
<br /> exercise is prohibit�d by federal Ia�v as of the date of this Security Instr��men�.
<br /> If Lend�r exercises this opt�on, Lender s�.aIl �i�e Bor�-awer notice of acce�era�i�n. The n�tice sha�l proWide a
<br /> period of not less t�.an �he minimum nu�nber �f days estab�ished by Applicab�e Law from �h� date �h� nat�ce is
<br /> del��ered or m�.aited wi�hin which Borrawer must pay aIl sums secured by this Security �nstrument. If Sorrnwer
<br /> fails ta pay �hese sums prior t� ��e expirat�an af�his period, Lender �-nay in�oke any remedies permit�ed by �his
<br /> Secur��y Instrumen�with�u�fur�her not�ce�r demand o�Borrower.
<br /> Sorrower's Rxgh� �o Reir�S�ate. If Barr�wer meets certain condi��flns, Borrower sha�l have �h� r��h� to hav�
<br /> enfarcemen� of this Securi�y �nst�umen� discon�inued a�any ��me pr�or to the eariier af: �a3 5 days �ar such other
<br /> period as App�icable Law may speczfy for reinstatemen�}befare sa�e of the Proper�y pursuant to any power�f sa�e
<br /> cantained zn �his Securxty Instru�nent; or �b} entry of a �ud�m��nt enf�rcin� �his Security Ins�rumen�. Those
<br /> cnndi�ions are that Borrower: �a� pays Lender ali sums vvh�ch then wouId be due under this Security Ins�ru�nent
<br /> and the Contract as if no acce��ra��o�had ac�urred;�b� cures any default�f any�ther covenants or agreements; �c�
<br /> pays�11 expenses rncurred �n enf�rcing this Secu�ity Znstrumenty iI7C�l..1C�II���but not �i�n�ted tfl,reasonable at��rneys'
<br /> fees�a �he ex�ent permit��d �y �aw; and �d� takes su�h a��ion as Lender��ay reasona�bly require to assu�e �hat tMe
<br /> lien of thxs 5ecurzty �ns�rument, Lender's ri�hts in the Prope�-�y and B�rrawer's abli�ation t� pay the sums s�cured
<br /> by this Security Instrumen� shal� c�n�inue un�han�ed. Upon reins�a�emen� by Borrov�er, �his Security Instrument
<br /> and the ob�iga�ions se�ured hereby sha�� remain fu�ly effective as if no accel�rati�n had occurred. Hawe��r, th�s
<br /> ri�ht to re�ns�a�e shall no�app�y in�he case of acce��ration under the section titled Transfer of th� Pr�pert� �r a
<br /> Senef�c�a��nterest in Borr�wer.
<br /> Hazardous �ubstanc�s, B�rr�wer sha�l no�cause ar perm���he presence, use, disposa�, stora�e, or rel�ase of any
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances an or�n the Pr�per�y. Barrovver shal�no�da, nor al�ovv anyone e�se to do, any�h ir��affect�n�
<br /> �he Property that �s in �iola��on of any En�xron�nental Lavv. The precedin� t�o sentences shall no� app�y �o the
<br /> presence, use,ar st�ra�e on�he Prnper�y of small auan�ities of Hazardous Substances��at are generaily reco�n�zed
<br /> to be appropr�ate ta norma� residential uses and to ma�ntenanc�of the P�-op�er�y.
<br /> Borra�er shail pron�ptly�ive Lende�wr�tten nat��e of any in�esti�ation, c�a�.m, demand, lawsui�or other act�on by
<br /> any ���ern.rnentai or re�ula�ory a�ency a�r private party in�ol�in� the Property and a�y Hazardous Subs�anee or
<br /> En�ironmental Law of which B�rrower has actua� knovv�ed�e. If Borra�ver Iearns, �r �s not�f ed b� any
<br /> go�ern.mentai ar re�u�atory authori�y,that any remo�al or flther rernedia�ion of any Hazardous Substance affectin�
<br /> the Proper-ty is necessary, Borrower shail promp��y take aii necessa�-y re��nedia� actions in acc�rdance with
<br /> En�ironmen�al La�r.
<br /> As used �n�his paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are �hose substances defned as taxic or hazardous substanc�s
<br /> by Env�ranm�n�a� Law and �he fali�w�ng subs�arzces: gasal irae, kerasene, other flammab�e �r toxic petx+aleum
<br /> produ��s, �ox�c pesti�ides and h�rbicides, �a�ati�e s�l��nts, mater�ais cantaining asbes�os or forma�dehyd�, and
<br /> rad�oact��e�na�eriais. As used�n this paragraph, "En��ranmental Lavv" �neans federal laws and �aws of the s�ate of
<br /> Nebraska tha�relate to h�aith,safety or en�i.ranmen�al pratec��on.
<br /> Accel�ration; Rem�dies. Lend�r shal� gxwe na�ice tv Borro�er pr�ar �o ac�eleratzon fol�owing B�rrower's
<br /> brea�h of any covenant or agree�nen��n this Secur�t��nstrument or the�on�ract under which accele�ation
<br /> is permitted �bu� n�t prior�o ac�elerat�on under�he �ec�xfln titled Tran.sfer of the Proper�y or a Benef�c�al
<br /> In�erest �n Borrower, unless App��cable Law pro��de� otherwis�}. Th� nvtice ShaZ� s�ec�fy: �a} the defau�t;
<br /> �b} the act�on required to cur� the defau��; �c� a date, nat ��ss than the minimum numb�r of days
<br /> es�abl�.shed by App��cab�e Law from the da�e the r�ot�ce i� g��en to Borr�wer, by whi�h the defauI� m�,�st be
<br /> cured9 and �d} tha� faiIure to cure the defaul� on or before �he da�� sp�cifi�d in �he na�ice may resu�t in
<br /> accexeration of the sums secu red by th�s Secu rxty Instru ment an d sa�e of �he Prvperty. To �he ex�ent
<br /> �ermi��ed by �aw, the na���e sha�� further infarm Borrawer af the r�ght to rexnsta�Q after accelerat�on and
<br /> �he righ�to br�ng a�aurt ac�ion�fl asser��he non-ex�s�ence of a default o�-any nther defense of Sorr�v�er t�
<br /> acce�eration and sale. �f�he default is na� �ured on or before the da�e spec�fzed in the natice, Lender at xts
<br /> apti�n may require immed�ate paymen� �n fu[� of al� sum� secured by �his Secur�ty Ins�rumen� w��hou�
<br /> further demand and ma� in�ak� �he power of sale and any o�her remedies perm��ted by App�icab�e Law.
<br /> Tfl the ex�en� permitted b� �aw, Lender 5ha�� be �n�i��ed to �ol�ect ax� expenses �ncurred in pursu�ng tihe
<br /> remed�es prov�ded xn this Section, �nciuding, bu� no� ��mi�ed �o, reasanable attorneysT fe�s and costs oF ti�ie
<br /> evidence. � .
<br /> �f the pawer of sa�e �s in�o��d, Truste� shai� record a no�ice of d�faul� in each county �n which any par� nf
<br /> the Praperty is �o�a��d and shali mail cop�e� of such n�tice �n �he m�.nner prescr�bed by A�p��cable Law to
<br /> Borravver and to the a�her persons prescr�bed by Appli�able Law. Af�er �he tim� rec�uired by Appl��abie
<br /> Law, Truste� sha�� gi�e pu�l�c no��ce �f saIe to the persons and in the manner prescribed by Ap�Ii+�ab�e
<br /> Law. '�`rustee, w�thau�demand on Bnrrower, sha��seil �he Proper�y a� pub�i� auction �o �he h�bhes� b�ddQr
<br /> at�he time and plac�and under the�erms des�gnated in �h�no�ice of sale in one or more parce�s and in any
<br /> order Trust�� de��rmines. Trus�ee may po5tpone saIe of all or any parce� of th� Property by pub��c
<br /> announcemen�at��e��me and p�ace�f a�y pre�iously scheduled sale. Lender or�ts des�gnee may purchase
<br /> �he Pr�per�y at ar�y sa�e.
<br /> UPon rec�ipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee �hal� deli�Qr �� �he p�rchaser Trustee's deed con��y�ng
<br /> �he Pr�per�y. The recitals in �h�Trustee's deed shall be prirna facie e��dence of�he tru�h of the state�ments
<br /> mad� therein. Trustee sha�Z apply the proceeds of the sale �n �h� fo�low�nb ard�r: �a} to a�l cos�� and
<br /> expenses of�xerc�s�nb the power of sa�e, �nd the 5a�e, inelud�ng the pa�m�nt �f the Trus�ee's fees actua�ly
<br /> Q 2QQ4-2D1;Compiiance Systems,lnc.9F96-BASD-2413L?.0.72�
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security�nstruxnent DL203G Pa�,;e 4 a�5 ��vww.corr�pliancesyste�ns.com
<br />