<br /> Appl��abze Law. As used �.n th�s Security instrument, the �erm "App�icable Lavv" shal� �-nean all contro�lin�
<br /> applicabie federal, sta�e and �ncal statu�es, re�u�at�ons, ordinances and adminis�rat��e ru�es and flrders �that ha�e
<br /> the effec�of law�as vveli as a��appZ�cable f�nai,non--app�ala�le�ud��ral op�n�ons.
<br /> Charges; Liens. B�rrawer sha�l pay al� tax�s, assess�nents, char�es, fines and imposi��ons at�ributable �o �he
<br /> Prope�-�y �nrhich may at�a�n pr�ority over thzs Security �nstrumen�, and Ieaseho�d payments or�rflund rents, if any.
<br /> At�he re�uest of Lender, Borrawer shal�promptly furn�sl�tfl Lender rece�p�s e�idenci_n�the payments.
<br /> Bor�ov��r sha11 promp�ly d�schar�e any lien which has prior��y over this Secur�ty �ns�rument unless Bor�ow�r: �a}
<br /> a�rees in writin� t� the payment of the obi i�a��on secur�d by �he �i en in a manner acceptable �o Le�de�-; �b}
<br /> contests in �oad fa�th �he �ien by, or defends a�ainst enforcenr�ent of the �l�n 1n, le�a� praceed�n�s v�hich in the
<br /> Lender's opznian op�rate to pre�en� the enforcemen� af the l�en; or (c} secures from �he holder of the lien an
<br /> a�ree�ept satisfac�ory t� Lender subardina��n�the �ien �o �his Securi�y �nstrument. I f Lender determ�n�s tha� any
<br /> par� of the Property �s subj�c� �o a �ien wh�ch may attazn �riori�y o�er this Security �ns��-ument, Lender ma� �i�e
<br /> Borrovver a n.o�ice iden��fy�ng th� ii�n. Borrower sha�� satisfy �he �ien or take �ne nr m�re af the ac�i�ns set far�h
<br /> aba�e within 1�days of�he g�ving�f notice.
<br /> Hazard or Praper�y Insurance. Borrawer shall k�ep the �n�prov�ments pavv existin� �r �ereaf�er e�e�ted �n the
<br /> Pr�perty insured against loss by f re, hazards included wxthin�he t�rm "extended co�era�e" and any��her ha�ards,
<br /> incIuding floads ar f�oadin�, for wh�ch L�nd�r requires �nsurance. This insurance shaI� be main�a�ned in the
<br /> am�unts and far the periods tha�Lender requires. The insu�-ance�arrier providin�the insurance shall be chasen by
<br /> Borrower sub�ect ta Lender's appr��al wh��h shall na� be unreasonabiy withheid. If Borrow�r fails ta mai.nta�n
<br /> cave�ra�e describ�d above, Lender may, a� Lender's �ption, ob�a�n co�era�e ta protect Lender's rx�h�s �n th�
<br /> Property in accordan�e w�th s�ctifln trt�ed Protec��on af Lender's R�gh�s in the PropQrty,
<br /> A�I insurance pol�c�es and renevva�s sha1� be ac�eptab�e �o L�nder and shal� include a s�andard mor��age c�ause,
<br /> Lender shat 1 have�he r��ht��h�Id�he pol�cies and renevvals. If Lender requires, Borrower shal� promp�ly ��ve to
<br /> Lender alI r�ceipts of paid prem�u�rns and renewal r�otices. In the event of�oss, Barrovver shail�ive prnmpt no�ice
<br /> �o the�nsuran�e carrXer and Lender. Lender may make pro�f of Ioss �f not�ade pr�mp�iy hy B�rrQvver.
<br /> Un�ess Ler�der and �3orrower atherwzse a�ree �n wri��n�, insuran�e p�-�ceeds shal I be appl ied to res��ratir�n or
<br /> repa�r of the Pr�perty damaged, if, in Lender's sole dis�retion, the res�ora�ion or r�paxr is economical iy feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's security zs n�� �essened. �f, �n Lender's sfl�e discretion, �he restora�ion or �repa�r is not e�ano�nical�
<br /> Y
<br /> f�as��le flr Lender's secur�ty wouid be Iessen�d,�he insurance proceeds sha�1 be appl�ed to the sums secured b� ���s
<br /> .Y
<br /> Secur��y Ins�rum�nt, whe�her or no� then due, w��h a�y excess paid to Borrower. If Borr�wer abandons the
<br /> Property, or does nat answer withi��he number of days prescr�bed by Appiicable Law as set far�h in a notice fram
<br /> Lender�o Borrower that�he insurance carrie�has offered�o set��e a c�a�m, �hen Lender may c�l�ec�th� �nsu�-ance
<br /> praceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or res�ore the Proper�y or ta pay sums secured by th rs Secur�
<br /> �Y
<br /> Instrument,whether ar nflt�hen due, The per�od of t�me for Borro�ver to answer as set far�h in�he notice wi 1� be�in
<br /> when the notrce is�i�en.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrawer otherwise abre� in �rr�tin�, an� appiicatian of pr�ceeds ta princ�pa� shall nat e:�tend
<br /> or post�flne the due date of the payments du� und�r the �nntrac�or c�an�e the amoun� of the paymen�s. If�ander
<br /> the sec�ian. titl�d Ac�e�erat�on; Remed�es, �he Property is aGquired by Lender, Borrower's righ��o any �nsurance
<br /> p�l�cies and pr�ceeds resultin� from damag� �o the Proper�y pr�or to the acc�uisition sha�1 pass to Lender to the
<br /> extent of the sums secured by�h�s Secur�ty Instru�nent i�nmedia�eiy priox-�o�he ac�uis�ti�n.
<br /> Preser�a��on, Maintenance and Protee�ivn of the Proper�y; S�rrot�er's Loan Application; Leaseho�ds.
<br /> Borrower shal i no� destroy, dama�e ar �mpa�r�he Praperty, all�w the Pr�per�y to deteriara�e, or cor-nm it was�e an
<br /> th� Proper�y. Bo�rower sha�1 be in defauI��f any forfei�ure act��n or proceedin�,whe�her civi� �r cr�minal, is be�un
<br /> �hat in Lend�r's �ood faith�ud�men� could resuIt in f�rfeiture af the Praper�y or �therwise mater�ally impa�r �he
<br /> Iien created b� this Secur�ty �ns�rument ar Lende�'s secur�ty inte�est. Barrower m�ay cure such a defaui� and
<br /> re�nstate, as pro�zded �n se�t�on titied Borrower's Righ� �� Re�nstate, by causing the ac�ian or proceedin�1:o be
<br /> dism�ssed wi�h a ruiin�that, �n Lende�-'s�ood fa�th det�rm�na��on,precludes forfei�ure of the Borrower's interest in
<br /> the Pr�perty or o�her material i.mpairmen� of the 1�en creat�d by �h�s Securi�y �ns�rum�nt �r Lender's sec�r�ty
<br /> interes�. Borrovver shall a�so be in d�fau�t if Borrawer,dur�n�the laan appli�a�ion process,�a�e mater�aily false nr
<br /> inaccura�e infflrnr�at�on or statemen�s to Lender �or failed to pro�ide Lender with any material �nformatxox�� in
<br /> connec��on wzth the loan e��denced by�he Contract. If this Securi�y Instrument is on a �easeho�d, Borrower shalI
<br /> campiy with a11 the pro�isians of the lease. If Borr��ver acqu�res fee title�o the Properfiy,the ieasehold and the fee
<br /> �i�ie sha��not mer�e unIess Lender a�rees�o��e mer�er�n vvritin�.
<br /> Pratect�on of Lender's Rights �n the Proper�y. If Borr�wer fails to perform �he covenants and a�reexx�ents
<br /> conta�ned xn thxs 5ecurity �nstrument, or�her� �s a �e�ai proceed�ng that may si�nif cant�y affect Lender's ribhts �n
<br /> the Proper�y �such as a proceed�n� �n bankrupt�y, probate, for candemnation or farfei�ure ar �o enforc� �aws or
<br /> re�ulatinns}, then Lender may do and pay �'or whate�er is necessary to pratect �he va�ue �f the Proper�y and
<br /> Lender's rx�hts in�he Property. Lender's ac�ions may includ�payin�any su�s se�ured by a lien which has pr�ority
<br /> aver this Security Xnstrument, appear�n�,�n c�urt,payX��reasonab�e a�torneys' fees and enterin�on the Property t�
<br /> make repa�rs.A�thou�h Lender may�ake act�on under�his section, Lender daes n�t ha�e�o do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this sect�on sha�� became addi�iona� debt of Borrflwer se�ured by this
<br /> Security Instrun�ent. Unless Borro�er and Lender agree �o other �er�ns �f payment, these amounts shail bear
<br /> znterest fram the date of disburs�m�ent a� th� same ra�e assess�d �n advances under the Contract and shai� be
<br /> payable,w�th in�erest,upon n�ti�e fram Lend�r�o Bflrr��ve�r requestin�paymen�.
<br /> �?4�4-2�i 3 Con�pliance Systems,tnc.9F9G�8A8❑-2�1�L2.�.72 l
<br /> Cvr�sumer Reai Estate-Sec�rity ir�strunneczt DL2Q3G Pa�e 2 af 5 www.co����iia��cesysten�s,�oi��
<br />