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��14��975 <br /> kn�w�ed�� or consen� gave materially fa�se., m�sleading, o�� inaccurate information or s�atements ta L�ender <br /> (or failed �o pro�ide �ender w��h material i�nf�rmat�or�� in co�nect��n with �he Laan. Ma�eria� <br /> repres�entat�ox�s inc�ude, but are not �ir��ited to, representa.t�a��s concerning Barrawer's accupanc� of the <br /> Praperty as B�rrflv�er's principal residence a.nd Iiens an the Property. <br /> 8. Protection �f Lender's Interest in th� Pr�p�rty and Rights jJnder th�s Security Instrument. <br /> �f�a} B�rrower fa��5 ta perf�rm the �o�enan�s and agreeme nts contai ned in�his Security Instrument�r any <br /> ab�igation that �s sec�r�d by a 1Yen tha� h��s priarizy o�e;r th�s Security I nstrumen�, �b} there is a �ega� <br /> proceeding that n�ight si�nif cantly affect Lender's ir�terest �n the P�-�p�rty andlor r��hts under t�zis Securi�ty <br /> Instrument�such as a proceeding in bar�krupt:cy, probate, far condemna�ion �r f�rfeiture, for e�forcement of <br /> a lien which ma� attain pr�o�ity aver tl�is ����rity �nstru��zent or ta enfarce �aws or regu�ations�, Qr (�) <br /> Barrow�r has abandon�d th� Prop�rty, then Lender ma:,� da and pay for wha�e�er is �-eas�r�a�ie or <br /> appropriate t� prote�t Lende�'s s n�eres� �t� th�P�operty and �rights under t�is Security I nstrurnent, i nc�udi ng <br /> pra�ecting andlar assessing the value of the �'rope�-ty, and securing ar�dl�r repa�r�ng the Praper�y� Lender"s <br /> act�arl5 �ar� in�lud.e, but are not �imited to: ��) paying any =.,ums secured �y a �ien wh�ch has prioriry aver <br /> this Securt�y Instrument; �b} appear�ng rn c�urt; and �c;} paying reasonable attorne�s' fees tfl proteet its <br /> �nterest in the Property andlar rights under this Secur�ty Instt�ument, includ�ng i�s secured pos�tio� �n a <br /> bankrup�c� pr��eeding. Secur�n��h� Pr�pertw �nciudes, but is n�t �imited to, enterin�the Pr�perty to �nake <br /> repairs, change Iocks, replace or board up doars and v�ri�tdows, dr�a�n v�ate�r fr�m p�pe�, el�minate building or <br /> other code violations nr dang�rous copditior�s, and ha�e utilit�es turned �n or off. Alrhough Ler�de� may <br /> �ake actian under this Sec�i�n 8, t,ender doe��+a�have to do���and is not under any duty or ob1 igati�n to do <br /> so. ��is agreed �hat Lender i ncurs na l�abi 1 ity for n��taki ng�iny or al� actions autharized under�his Section <br /> 8. <br /> Any am�unts disbursed by Lender unde� this Sect�on 8 sha�l be�ome add���onai deb� of 8orr��ver <br /> secured by �his Security �nstrumen�. These amounts sha�l bear �n�erest at the ra�e app�icable ta the I]eb� <br /> �nstrument fram time to tin��, from the da�e of d�sbursemer�t and shall be payable, vvith such it�terest, upon <br /> r�ot�ce from Lender to Borrower request�n�payment. <br /> �f�his Security Instrum�nt is an a leaseho�d, Borrower sha�� comply with al� the pro��sXons of�he <br /> �ease. If Barrower acquires fee t�t�e t� the Prc�p�rty, the leasehoid apd the fee titl� sha�l na� merge unl�ss <br /> Lender agr�es t��he merger �n wrlti ng. <br /> 9. Mortgage Insurance. �f �,�nder �-equ�red Mortg;age �nsurance as a canditiar� of making the <br /> Loan, Borr�wer sha�� pay the premiums requi�-ed t� rnainta�n th� MQr�gage �nsuran�e in effect. If, f�r any <br /> reas�n, the Mortgage Insurance coverage requir�d by Lend��r ceases t� be avai�ab�e from the �r�ort�age <br /> insurer �hat pre�ious�y pro�ided such insuran�� and Borro�er �as r�quired to make separate�y des�gnated <br /> payn�ents toward the pr�miums for Mort�ag� insurancey B��CT'�VI��,'r sha�� pay the pre�iums required t� <br /> Qbtain cQverage substantiai�y eq ui�al ent �o the M artgage �nsurance previ ous ly i n effect, a� a c ast <br /> substant�a�ly eQui�a�ent t� the cos� ta Borrow�r of the Mort�;age I nsuran�e previ�us�y i n effect, frorr� an <br /> a�ternate mortgage in�urer se�ected by Lender. If substantiallw equ�valent Mortgage I nsurance c��e�a�e �s <br /> n�t a�a��able, Barro�rer sha�� ��n��nu� �� pay t� Lend�r �he a���aunt �f the separately designated payments <br /> tha�. vvere due when the i nsurance coverage ceased t� be in effe�t. Lend�r vvz�1 a�c�pt, use and retai n th�se <br /> paymen�s as a nan-refu�dabl� l oss reserve i n I ieu of Mort�;age �nsurance. Such 1 ass �-eser�e shal i be non- <br /> refundab�e, natwi�hstanding the fact that the Loan is ultzm��tely paid in fu��, and Lender shail not be <br /> r�quired �o pay Borr�w�r any interes� or earnir�gs on such ��ss reserve. Lender �an n� �or�ger require �oss <br /> reserve payrnents if Ma�tgage �r�surance ca�er�ige �in the amaun� and for the peri�d �hat Lender requires} <br /> prUvided by an insurer se2ected by i.�ender a�;ain becomes ���ai�able, is obtained, an� Lender r�quires <br /> s�pat-ately designated payments toward th�premi uir�s for Mort��age I nsuranc�. i f Lender requi red Mo�-tgage <br /> Insurance as a cond��ion of mak�ng the I�oan and Borr�wer �uas required to mal�e separate�y des�gnated <br /> payments �oward the premiums for Mortgage �nsurance, Boi•rower sha�� pay th pren��u�r�s required �o <br /> � <br /> Bo�•�•o�er�n�tia�s <br /> ���14 Guardian�ocs (page 6 0�13 pa�es� <br /> l�iE�'�osed-End 3unto�•Lien Secu�ity�nstrumznt(1?f 23f?Q i Q j <br /> HC#4829-1 b45-6456 <br /> � � r � � � # � � � <br /> i ■ <br /> i � � � . � <br />
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