<br /> Law pro�ides a time period tl-�at must e�apse befor� certa�n aCtion �an be taken, that time period will be
<br /> deemed �o be reasanab�e for purposes of�h3s paragraph. An�� notice gi�en ta Borrow�r pursuan�to Sec�ion
<br /> 2� and the notice of acceleration gi�en ta B�rrower purs�arit t� Section 17 shatl be deemed to satisfy �he
<br /> notice and opportun��y to take correcti�e ac�i on provis�ons af'thi s Sectinn �9.
<br /> 2U. Hazardous Substances. As use�i in this Secti��n ?Q: �a} "Hazardous Substances" are those
<br /> �ubstances defined as t�xic or hazardous substances, pallu�a:nts, �r wast�s by Environmen�al Law and the
<br /> fall�wing subs�ances: gasoline, kerosene, oth�r f�a�r�mab�e or toxic petroleum produc�s,toxic pesticides and
<br /> herb�c�des, �olatile salvents, ma�erials cantair3ing asbestos or farmaldehyde, and radioacti�e materials; �b}
<br /> "Envir�nmental Law" m�ans federal laws and �aws af the�urisdic�ion where the Property is located that
<br /> relate to h�a�th� safety or en�iranm�ptal protection; �c} "Erl�ironmen�ai �leanup" includes any response
<br /> act�on, remedial action, or remo�a� actian, as def ned in Environmental Lavv; and �d� an "En�i�anmenta�
<br /> �ond�tion" means a cond��ion that can cause, contribute to, or Qtherwise trigger an En�ironmen�a� �leanup.
<br /> Borrovver shall nat cause �r permit the ��resence, use, ciisposa�, storage, flr re�ease of any Hazardflus
<br /> Substances, or threa�en to releas� an� Hazard+�us 5ubstances, op or in the Property. Borrower shall n�� do,
<br /> nar allaw an�one else to do, anything affecting the Property� �ar� that is in �iolation of any Env�ronmenta�
<br /> Law, (b) wh�ch crea�es an En��ronmental Coridit�on, ar�c} whi ch, due to the presence, use, or re�ease af
<br /> a Hazardaus Substance, crea�es a candit�on that ad�erseiy affects the value of th� Property. The prec�din�
<br /> �w� sent�nces sha�l n�t apply to the presence, use, �r stc�rage on �he Pr�pert� �f smal� quantities af
<br /> Hazardous Substances tha� are generally recognized ta be ,�ppropriate �o normaI residen�ial uses and to
<br /> maintenance af the Property�in�luding, but nat limited to, ha:�ardous substances in c�nsumer products}.
<br /> Borr�wer shall promptly gx�e Lender�vrit�en n�tice of���}any investigati�n, claim, demand, �awsuit or
<br /> other action by any go�ernmental ar regulatc�ry agency c�r pr�vate party in�o��ing the Property and any
<br /> Hazard�us Substance flr En�ironmenta� L��w af which B�rrower has actual knowledge, �b� any
<br /> Envi r�nmental �ondi ti on, i nc�udi ng but no� I i�nited to, an_y s����i i ng, leaki ng, di scharge, release or threa� af
<br /> release af any Hazardaus Substar�ce, and �c} any c�ndition caused by the pr�sen�e, use or release of a
<br /> Hazardous Substance whi�h ad�ersely affects the valu� of'the Property. �f Barrower learns, or is n�tif ed
<br /> by any governmental or regulatory authority, c�r any private parry, that any removal or flther remediation of
<br /> any Hazardaus Substance affecti ng �he PrQperty i s n�cessar��, Borrower sha�� prQmpt�y take a�1 necessary
<br /> remedial actians in accordance with Enviran�nental Law. I�fothing herein shal� �reate any abligatifln on
<br /> Lender for an En��ronmenta� Cleanup.
<br /> N�N-UNIF�RM CflVENANTS. Borrfl�ver and Lender further c��enant and agree as foll�ws:
<br /> Z1, Accelera���n; Remedies. Lender shal� gi�e r�vt�c� to Borrvwer prior to acce�eration
<br /> foll�wing Bvrrower's breach of any co�enant or agreement in this Secur�ty In�trument(but n�t privr
<br /> to ac�eleration under Sect�on 17 unless App���ab�e Law pr•v�ides atherwise). The nvtice shal�specify:
<br /> �a) the defaul�; (b} the action requ�red tv cure th� default; {c) a date, n�t less than 30 days from the
<br /> date the notice is given tv Bvrrower, by which the defau�t must be cured; and �d) that failure to cure
<br /> the defaul�Qn or befare the date spe�ifed in the natice may result in acceleration of the sum�se�ured
<br /> by this S�curity In�trument and sale�f the Yroperty. The rnotice shal�further inform Borrower of the
<br /> right to reinstat�after acce�eration and the right to bring �i court aCtion tfl assert the nan-exi�tence of
<br /> a defaul# or any vther defense �f Borrower to acce�eration. and 5ale. If the default is no� cured an vr
<br /> before the date spec�fied in the notice, Lender at its aptivn may require immediate payment in full of
<br /> a�� sums se�ured by th�s Security Instrument withaut furt�her demand and may in�ake the pawer af
<br /> sale and any other remedies permitt�d by Applicable L;�w. Lender shal� be en��tled to �o��eet a�l
<br /> expens�s incurred in pursuing the remed�es pro�ided in th is Sec�ivn 21,f nc�uding, but not limited to,
<br /> reasona�le attvrneys' fe�s and�osts af tit�e eviden�e.
<br /> �
<br /> Borrowet•In i t ia�
<br /> �2014 G uardianDacs ��ag�r r of13 pQ��s�
<br /> NE C�os�d-End Junio�•Li�n Szcurity lns�rument t l 21�312�1 C]}
<br /> HC#4829-�(�45-b45b
<br /> f I r ! 1 � , , � � �
<br /> I ■
<br /> � �! 1 1 I
<br />