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REEL Ro, 20140295E <br />201 402766 <br />Property hereinbefore described, and any and every part <br />thereof, in separate parcels or en masse as the Trustee may <br />elect and in such order as Trustee may determine on the date <br />and at the time and place designated in said Notice of Sale, <br />at public auction to the highest bidder, the purchase price <br />payable in cash in lawful money of the United States at the <br />time of sale. The person conducting the sale may, for any <br />cause he or she deems expedient, postpone the sale from time <br />to time until it shall be completed and, in every such case, <br />notice of postponement shall be given by public declaration <br />thereof by such person at the time and place last appointed <br />for the sale; provided, if the sale is postponed for longer <br />than one (1) day beyond the day designated in the Notice of <br />Sale, notice thereof shall be given in the same manner as the <br />original Notice of sale. Trustee shall execute and deliver to <br />the purchaser its Deed conveying the property so sold, but <br />without any covenant or warranty, express or implied. The <br />recitals in the Deed of any matters or facts shall be conclu- <br />sive proof of the truthfulness thereof. Any person, including <br />without limitation, Beneficiary or Trustee may purchase at the <br />sale. Said sale shall be conducted at the real estate forming <br />a part of the Property or at the court house in the county in <br />which the Property to be sold, or some part thereof, is <br />situated. <br />(b) When Trustee sells pursuant to the powers herein, Trustee <br />shall apply the proceeds of the sale to payment of the costs <br />and expenses of exercising the power of sale and of the sale, <br />including, without limitation, the payment of Trustee's fees <br />incurred, which Trustee's fees shall not in the aggregate <br />exceed the sum of Five Hundred and no /100th Dollars ($500.00) <br />plus 1/2 of 11 of the amount secured hereby and remaining <br />unpaid and then to the items set forth in subparagraph (c) of <br />this paragraph FIFTH in the order therein stated. <br />(c) After paying the items specified in subparagraph (b) of <br />this paragraph FIFTH, if the sale is by Trustee, or the proper <br />court and other costs of foreclosure and sale if sale is <br />pursuant to judicial foreclosure, the proceeds of sale shall <br />be applied in the order stated below to the payment: <br />(1) Cost of any evidence of title procured in connection <br />with such sale and of any revenue required to be paid; <br />(2) All sums then secured hereby; <br />(3) The remainder, if any, to the person or persons <br />legally entitled thereto. <br />Each of the parties to this Deed of Trust hereby requests that a <br />copy of any Notice of Default and a copy of any Notice of Sale <br />provided for hereinabove be mailed to each such party at the <br />party's post office address set forth herein. Upon the occurrence <br />of any default hereunder, Beneficiary shall have the option to <br />foreclose this Deed of Trust in the manner provided by law for the <br />foreclosure of mortgages on real property. <br />SIXTH. Trustor specifically agrees that (a) Trustor, at its <br />expense, will execute and deliver to Beneficiary, promptly upon <br />request, such security instruments as may be required by Beneficia- <br />
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