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��14��937 <br /> fu1� of al� sums secured by �his Security �nstrument. Ho�ve�er, this opt�on sha�l not be e�ercised �� Lender �f <br /> exer�ise is pr�h�bited by federallav�as�f the date�f�his Security Instrumen�. <br /> �f Lender e�erc�ses �his op�ion, Lender shall give Borrovver na��ce of accelera�i�n. The �o�ice sha7� pravide a <br /> periad �f nat �ess than �he minimum number �f days esta��ished by Applicable Lav� from�he da�e the notice is <br /> de�ivered �r mailed wi�hin which Borrower must pay al� sums secured by �his Security �nstrument. If Borrov�er <br /> fails �� pa� �hese sums pri�r tQ �he expira���n of�his period, Lender may inv�ke any remed�es permit�ed by this <br /> Secur�ty Iris�rurn�nt without fur�her natice or demar���n Barrovver. <br /> B�rrower's Righ� ta Reins�ate. If Borro�ver m�ets certa�n condi�i�ns, Bflrr��ver shall have the right to have <br /> enforcement af th�s Security �nstrumen� dis�ant�nued a� any�ime prior to the ear���r�f �a� 5 days ��r such��her <br /> period as App�i�a�ile Law�may specify far reins�ate�r�.ent�before saXe�f�he Praperty pursuant tv any power of sale <br /> contained �n this Secur��y Instrumen�; or �b} entry �f a �udgmen� enforc�ng this Securi�y Instrumen�. Those <br /> canditions are �hat B�rrower: �a} pays Lender al� sums �h�ch then would be due under �his Se�ur��}r Ins�rume�t <br /> and�he C�ntract as if no a�celera�ivn had�c�urred;�b}cures any defau�t of any ather ca�enants or agreemen�s;�c} <br /> pays a�l expenses incurred in�nf�rcing this Securi�y Tns�rument, II�C�UC�1I7�,bu�na�limited�o,reasonab�e at�orneys' <br /> fees t�the ex�ent permitted�y�av�; and�d}takes such a��ion as�ender may reasanably require t� as5ur��hat�he <br /> �ien of�his Security�ns�rumen�, Lender's r�gh�s in the Praperty and Borr�wer's�bl�gativn�o pay�he sums secured <br /> by this Security �ns�rument sha�l �ont�nue un��anged. Upon reinstatemen�by Borrower, th�s Se�urity ��nsl:rument <br /> an� �he ob�igations se�ured hereby sha�� rer�ain fully effective as �f na acc�leration had oc�urred. Howe�er, this <br /> r�ght�a rexns�ate sha��not a�ply in�he case of acc�leration under�he sectian t�t�ed Transfer�f the Pr�perty or a <br /> Ben�f��iai Inter�st in Borro�vv�r. � <br /> Hazardous Su�s�anc�s.Bor�o�v�r sha1�no�cause�r permit the presen�e,use, dispasa�, storage, or re�ease of any <br /> Hazardous Substances on or i��he Property.B�rr�vver shal�not d�,nor all�w anyone e�se to do,an�hing affec��ng <br /> the Property that is �n v�olation of any Environmen�a� Lavv. The pr�c�ding �w� sentences sha�l nat apply to the <br /> presen�e,use,ar storage an the Proper�y of smal�quanti�ies af Hazardous Subs�ances that are genera�ly r��ogn�2ed <br /> to be apprapriate�fl n�rmal resident�a�uses and�a mai��enance of t;he Property. <br /> B�rrower shall promptly g�ve Lender v�ri�en no�ice of any in�estigation,claim,demand,lawsui��r other action by <br /> any g�vern�nental or regulatory agency �r pr�va�e par�y invol�ing th� Pr�per�y and any Hazard�us Substance ar <br /> En�ironmenta� La� af whi�h Borrawer has actual I�nowledge. �f B�rr�v�er learns, ar is nofii�ed by any <br /> govern�menta�or regula�ory authar�ty,tha�an�remflva�or o�her remediation of any Ha�ardQus Substance affec�ing <br /> the Pr�perty �s necessary, Barr�wer shal� promp�Iy take all necessary remedial acti�ns in accordan�e wi�h <br /> Envir�nmen�al Law. <br /> As used in t�is paragraph, "�[azardous Subs�ances" are those subs�ances def�ned as to��c or hazardou� su�sta�nces <br /> by Environmen�ai La�r and �he fullowing substances: gas�l�ne, kerasene, o�her flammable or tox�� p�tr�leum <br /> produc�s, �oxic pes�icides and herbicides, �ola�ile sfl��ents, ma�erials con�aining asbest�s or forma�dehyde, and <br /> rad�flacti�e ma�er�a�s.As used in th�s paragraph, "Environmen�al Lavv"means federal la�vs and�aws of�he state of <br /> Nebraska�ha�relate��heal�h,safefiy�r en�ironmenta�protec���n. <br /> Acceteration; Rem�dies. Lender shall g�ve na�i�e to Borr��er prior t� ac�e�erat�an f�il�wing Borro�ver's <br /> breach�f any co�emant or agreement in this Security�nstrument nr th��ontract under�vh�ch �cceleration <br /> is perm�t�ed �but not prior to acce�erat�fln under the se�tian tit�ed Transfer�f th�Properfy flr a Benef�ciai <br /> In��rest �n Borrnw�r, un1�5s Appl��ab�e Lavv pro�id�s �th�rwisQ�. The natice sha��specify: (a} the defau�t; <br /> (b} the action required �� cure the default; �c} a date, nut �ess than the m�n�mum number of days <br /> es�ablished by Applicable Law from the dat�the n�tice i�given t� Sorruw�ry by which�he defa�it r�ust lbe <br /> cured; and (d} that failur��to cure the d�fault �n or before the date spe�ified in the notice may r�sui� in <br /> accelerati�n of th� sum� secur�d by this Security In�trumer�t and 5ale �f �he Property. To th� ex�ent <br /> permitted by�aw, the notice shal� furth�r inf�r�n Borrower of the r�ght �a reinstate after acc��eratiQn and <br /> the right to bring a�ourt ac�ion �o as�ert�he non-ex�s�ence of a default or amy o�h�r defens�of�orrvwer to <br /> accel�ratian and sa�e. If�he defau�t �s n�t cured nn or befnre �he date specified in th� na�ice, L�nder at ��� <br /> option may requir� �mmediate payme�t in full of a�l sum� secured b� �his Securi�y Instrum�nt wi�hou� <br /> further demand and may in�oke �he power of�aie �nd any o�her remedies permi�ted by Applicable I1aw. <br /> To the extent permit�ed by lavv, Lend�r shal� 1�e entitled tv co�lec� al� expen�es incurred in pursuing th� <br /> remed�es pra��d�d in this Sect�on, �ncluding, but not�i�ni�ed tu, rea�onable attorneys' fees and easts af title <br /> evidence. � <br /> If the power of sa�e is in�oked, Trustee shal� re�ord a no�ice of defauYt in each county�n wh�ch any par�of <br /> the Property is ��cated and shail mail copie�af�uch notice�n �he manner pre5�ribed by App�ic�ble Law to <br /> B�rrov��r and to the o�her persons prescr�bed k�y Appl�ca��e Law. After �he time required by Applicab�e <br /> Law, Trustee shall giWe pub�ic natice of 5ale ta �he persons and in the manner prescribed by Appli�able <br /> La�v. Tru�tee,wi�hout demand on Bnrrodver,5ha�l sell the�'roperty at publ�c auctian to the hig�est bidder <br /> at the time and place and u�der the terms desig�a�ed in the notice af 5ale in one or mare parceis and in any <br /> �rder Trustee �eterrr�in�s. Trustee m�y postpone sa�e of ali or any parc�� �f the Propert� by puhlic <br /> announcemen�at the time and pla�e of a�y pre��vusly s�h�dul�d�a�e.�ender�r i��des�gnee may purchase <br /> the Property at any sale. <br /> i3pon rec�ipt af payment of the price hid, Trust�e sha�l deliv��r ta the purchaser Trustee's deedf con�eying <br /> the Proper�y. T�e rec�tals in �he Trustee's deed �ha�l be prima facie e�iden�e�f the truth�f�he statements <br /> made there�n. Tru�tee shall apply the �ro�eed� of the sale in the following ordQr: �a} to all costs and <br /> expense5 af exercising the power of sale, and the sale, �nc�ud�ng the payment of th� Trustee's f�es actuali� <br /> C�20��-2Q�3 Campliance Systems,Inc.9F96-B949-2D]3L2.d.72 t � <br /> _ Cansur�er Real Es#ate-Security Ins#rurnent DL2036 Page 4 of 5 www,compliancesystems.cgm <br />