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<br /> Home Federal Sa��ngs&Lflan Assnc�a��on of I-��me F�d�ra�Sav�ngs&Loan Assacxation of
<br /> Grand Island Grand Isiand
<br /> 22�. S�uth Lacus�Stree� . Z�1 Sou�h L�cuSt Stree�
<br /> �Space Above This Line For Recording Data}
<br /> L�AN�R�GINATflR NAME: L�sa Mayer .
<br /> NMLS��MPANY�DENT�FIER: 44�443
<br /> NMLS�R��'r�NAT�R�DENT�F�ER: 494�69 �
<br /> D��D �]F '�`RUS�
<br /> _. BY TH�S DE�D UF T�tIJST�
<br /> TH�S I7EED �F TRtJST �"Se�ur�ty �ns�rument"} is made on May 12, ���4. The gran�ors are DEBRA L
<br /> JEFFERS, s�ng�e, and Joseph D. Jeffers, ��ng��, mo�h�r and s�n, vvh�se address is 3�b E l�T� ST,
<br /> �RAND ISLAND, Nebraska G�8�1�-392� , and JUS�PI-� D JE�'FERS, vvhose address �s 31 fi E lUTH ST,
<br /> GRAND �SLAND,Nebras�a 688Q1 �"Borro�er"�. Bar�•ower xs nat ne�essarily the same as�he Person or Persons
<br /> vvho sign �he Hame Equity L�ne �F�r�d�� Agr�ement, da#ed May �.Z, 2��4 �"Cantract"}. The �b�igat�ons of
<br /> Borrowers ,v�rho d�d no� s�gn �he Can�ract are explained further �n �he sec�i�n �itled �uccess�rs and Assigns
<br /> Svund; Join�and Se�era�Liab��ity; Ac�omm�dati�n Signers. The�rustee is Arend R.Baac�,Atforney�hase
<br /> address �s P,Q. �o� 79Q, Grand Is�and, Nebraska �88D2 �{`Trus�ee"�. The benefc�ary �� Home Federa�
<br /> Sa��ngs & Loan Assacxation ❑f Grand Is�and, wh�ch is arganized and existing under the la�s of the United.
<br /> States af Amer�ca and �vhose address is 221 S�uth Lacu�t S�reet, Grand Is�and, Nebraska 688�� �"Lender"}.
<br /> DEBRA L J�FFE�tS has en�ered �nta a �on�ract with Lender as of May 1�, 2��4, under �he terms of wh��h
<br /> Borr�wer�nay, frflm ��me �o ���ne, obta�n advances no� �o e�ceed, a� an���me, a �'��MA�IMUM PRINCIPAL
<br /> AMUUNT �EX�LUDIN� PR�TECTIVE ADVANCES}*�� flf Th�r�� Thausand and UDI10� Dollars �U.S.
<br /> $3D,�QU.UU��"Credi�Limxt"�. An�party�nterested�n the de�ails re�a�ed ta Lender's cant�n,uing ob�iga��an ta make
<br /> ad�ances to Borrower is ad�ised �o consu�t direc�ly vv�th Lender. �f na� pa�d earlier, �he sums awing under
<br /> Borro�uer's Cantrac�w�th Lender v�z11 b�due on May 15,ZU19. Th�s Secur�ty�ns�rument secures�o Lender: �a}�he
<br /> repaymen�of�he de��under the�ontrac�,with interest,inc�ud�n�fu�ure advances,and a�l renewa�s,extens�ons and
<br /> modif ca��ons �f the �an�ract; (b�the payment of all a�her sums, w�th �n�eres�, advanced�o pr�tec�the secur�t�of
<br /> th�s Secur�ty�ns�rument under the prav�s�ons�f�he sectxon��t1ed Prot�c��an of Lender's Righ�s in the Proper�y;
<br /> and�c}�he perfflrman�e of Borr�wer's�fl�enants and agreemen�s under�his Securi�y�ns�rument and the �ontrac�.
<br /> For thxs purpo�e, Borrower, in considera���n �f. �he debt and �he trus� here�n crea�ed, xrr�vocably �ran�s and
<br /> c�nveys �� Trustee, �n trus�, vvi�h power of sale, th� follovving described prflper�y �o�ated �n�he County of Hai�,
<br /> State af Nebras�€a: ' .
<br /> Address:315 E 1�TH ST,GRAND ISLAND,Nebras�a�SS41-39��
<br /> Legal Descrip��on: La� E�ght [8�, B�fl�� thir�y (34�, Russe�� �Vheeler's Add�tinn tn �he �i�y af�raand
<br /> Island,Ha����unty,Nebraska
<br /> � T��ETHER W�TH aI� th� i.mpro�emen�s novv ar hereafter erec�ed on the praperty, and a�� easemen�s,
<br /> appur�enances, and f��tures now flr�ereafter a par� nf�he praper�y. All rep�acements and addi�ions shail a�s� be
<br /> Govered by �his Security Ins�rumen�. A�1 of �he foreg��ng �s referred �fl in �h�s Se�urity �nstrumen� as the
<br /> "Praper�y."
<br /> B�RR��VER CaVENANTS �hat Borro�er is lav�fu�ly se�sed of�he es�a�e hereby con�eyed and has th� right to
<br /> gran.� and Gonvey the Prflp�rty and �ha� .the Froperty �s unen�umbered, except far encumbranc�s af recard.
<br /> Lorrovver v�arran�s and wiXl defend genera�iy �he ti��e to �he Property against all c�a�ms and demands, subject ta
<br /> any encumbrances flf record.
<br /> Barro�er and Lender ca�enant and agree as fo�iov�s: �
<br /> Payment of�rincipa�and Intere�t; t]ther�harg��.Bflrrower shaIl prompt�y pay�hen due the princxpaX of and
<br /> in��rest on�he debt owed under the Contract and la�e�harges or any o�her fe�s and charges due under�he Contra��.
<br /> C�2dQ4-2Q 13 CvmpIiance Sys#erns,Inc.9F96-8949-2�13L2.0.721
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Securi#y Instrument DL2436 �a�e l vf 5 www.cvmpliancesys#ems.carr3
<br />