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��14��9�� <br /> ��; "L�nder" is Home Federa� SaW�ngs and Loan Assn �f Grand Is�and <br /> Lender�s a Sa�i ngs ar�d Loan <br /> argan�z�d ar�d exis�ing under the 1av�s of The State of N�braska . <br /> Lender's ad�ress is ��l South Lacust St �rand I s�and NE �8801 <br /> Lender is the benefi�iary under�his Se�urity�nstrument. <br /> ��]} "Trustee" is Ar�nd R Baack, Att�rney <br /> . <br /> �E� "N vt�" means the promxss�ry note szgn�d by Borrower and dated M ay 1�, �D 14 . The No�e <br /> �tates�hat Barrawer owes Lend�r �NE HUNDRED T�E�ITY S I X TH�USAN❑ E IGNT HUN�RED <br /> A�D Q�110Q <br /> �o��ars �U.S. $l��,8Q Q.��3 }plus znter�st. Barrower has promised to pay this debt in regu�ar <br /> Period�c Paymen�s and to pa�r�he de��in fu�l nat later than June 1, �429 . <br /> �F� "Pr�perty" m�ans th�prap�r��r�hat zs described belaw under th�head�ng "Transfer�f R.�ghts in the <br /> Proper�y." <br /> ��� ff�aan" m�ans the debt evidenced�y�he N��e, plus �n��rest, any prepayment charg�s and latt charge5�ue <br /> under the�T�te, and a�� sums due under thx� S�curzty�n��rument, p�us in��rest. <br /> �H� "fi��ers" m�ans a11 Riders t� �his Securi�y�nstrument�hat are executed by Bnrrower. The fol�o�v�ng R�ders <br /> are�o�e execu�ed by Borro�er ��he�k box as app�ica�le�: <br /> [�Adjustab�e Ra�e R�d�r 0 C�ndominium Rid�r [� Second Home Rider <br /> 0 Ballaon Rider � Planned Un�t Devel�pm�nt Rider 0 �w4 Farnily Rider <br /> 0 VA Rider �Biweekly Paymen�R�der � �th�r�s} [spec�fy] <br /> 41} "App�icab�e Law'r means all can�ro��ing appl�cab�e federa�, state and local statutes, regula��ons, ord�nanc�s <br /> and administra�i�e rules and ord�rs �that have�he�ffect�f�aw} as we�� as al� applica��e final, n�n-appea�able <br /> judi��a� opin��ns. <br /> �J� "Cammunity Ass�ciativn Duesr Fees, and Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessmen�s and o�her <br /> charges that ar�imposed on Borr�w�r or�he Pr�per��by a c�ndominium associatian, home�wners <br /> assoc�a��nn or simi�ar�rga�aizat�on. <br /> �K� "E[ectron�� Funds Transfer" means any transfer of funds, other than a traxasac��on or�gina�ed by ch�ck, <br /> draft, or sim.ilar paper instrurn�n�, v�h�ch is initia�ed thr�ugh an electronic t�rm�nal, �elephonic instrument, <br /> computer, or rr�agne��c�ape so as to arder, instruc�, or auth�riz�a financial inst�tution to debi�or cred��an <br /> ac�oun�. �uch�erm inc�ud�s, but is no���rnui�ed t�, poxnt-of-sale transfers, aut�mated tel�er machine <br /> transac�ions, transfers init�ated by t�l�ph�n�, �v�re tra.�.sfers, and automated clearinghaus��ransfers. <br /> �L� "Escrow Items" means �hase�tems that are described in Sectian 3, <br /> ��� rr Misce��anevus Proceeds" m�ans ar�y compensa�i�n, settlement, award of damages, �r proceeds paid by <br /> any�hird part� �other than�nsurance proc��ds pa�d under the co�erag�s described in Se�t�on 5} f�r: ��} <br /> damage to, nr des�ru���an of, th�Praper�y; �i�} cand�mnat�an or o�her ta�ing af all or any par�of�h� <br /> Proper�.y; �iii}c�nweya��e in lieu�f condemnatian; ar�iv}misrepresentatiflns of, or orn.issi�ns as�o, �h� <br /> �a�ue andlor canditian�f�he Pro ert , <br /> NEBRASKA-5in�le Famiiy-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT Farm 3�28�l01 <br /> VMP� VMPfitNEI 4130�j <br /> Walters Kluwer�inancial Ser�ic�s Page 2 af 17 <br />