<br /> in�he Proper�� and�ights under this S�cur�ty �nstrument; and �d} �akes such action as Lender may
<br /> reas�nably require�o assur��hat L�nder's interes�in�he Pr�perty and r�ghts unde�r th�s Securi�y �ns�rum.ent,
<br /> and Borr��rer's obliga�ion ta pay the suza�s s�cur�d�y�his Securi�y �ns�rum�n�, sha�i con�inue unchanged.
<br /> Lender ma�requ�r�that Barrav�e�r pay such r�xns�atemen�surns and expenses in one or more of the f���ow�ng
<br /> formss as select�d by Lender: �a} �ash; �b} money order; �c}certified check, bank check, treasurer's c��ck or
<br /> cash�er's check, pro�ided an� such ch�ck is drawn upon an�nstitution v�rh�se dep�sits are znsured��a
<br /> federa� ag�r��y, �nstrumental�ty or ent�t�; �r�d} Elec�ran��Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatement by Borrower,
<br /> �h�s Security Ins�rument and obligati�ns secur�d hereb� sha�� remain fully effec�i�ve as if no acce�eratian had
<br /> �ccurred. �3�we�er, �hx�r�g�.t to r�ins�ate�ha��not app���n the case af acceiera��on under Sec�ion 18.
<br /> 2�. Sale of N�te; Change of Loan S�rvicer; Nat�ce of �rier►ance. The No�e�r a par�ial �nteres��n�he
<br /> No�e�tagether wX�h�his Secur��y�nstrument}can be sold one or more times wi�haut priar notice to
<br /> Borrower. A saie might resu�t in a��ange in the�ntity �knov�n as�he "Loan S`ervicer"}�hat collects Per�od�c
<br /> Pa�ments due under the Note and this Secur���r�nstrument and perfarms o�her martgage�oan ser�ic�ng
<br /> ob��ga�xans under the No�e, this Security Ins�rumen�, and Appl�cab�e Law. There also might be on�or mare
<br /> changes of the Loa�Servi�er unre�ated�v a sale of��ae Nflt�. �f�here�s a change vf�he Loan Servicer,
<br /> Borrower wi11 be gi�en wri��en no�ice of�he change v�hich wi�l state the name and address�f the new Loan
<br /> Servicer, �he address�a which payments shauld be made and any o�her�nfarmat�on RESPA requires �n
<br /> �onrzect�on wi�h a nati��of transfer nf servicing. �f�he No�e xs sold and�hereafter the Loan�s serviced by a
<br /> Laan Serv�cer o�.her�han�he purchaser of�h�N��e, �he mortgage laan s�rv�c�n�nb�igation��o B�rrower wi11
<br /> remain with the Loan Ser�icer or be transferred ta a successor Loan Servicer and are no�assum.ed by�he
<br /> N��e purchaser un�ess otherwise pro�ided by�he���e purchaser.
<br /> Nei�her Borrower nor i..ender may commence,�o�n, �r b�,�oined�� any�udicial ac�ion�as ei�her an
<br /> individua� �i�igan�or�he member�f a c�ass}�ha�ar��es from the o�her par�y's ac�ians pursuant ta�his
<br /> Secur�ty �nstrument or that a�leges�ha��he o�h�r par��r has breached any pravis�on of, or any duty owed b�
<br /> reason af, this Secur��y�nstrumen�, until such B�rrovver or Lend�r has not�fied�he ath�r par�y (wi�h such
<br /> notice given in campl�an��wi�h�he requ�remen�s�f Se��ion I5}�f such alleged br�eac�.ar�d aff�rded�he
<br /> other party hereta a reasonabl�p�r�od after the gi�ri�.g of su�h n��ice�o�ake correct�ve act�an. �f App��ca��e
<br /> Lavv pro�r�des a��me per�od vvh�ch mus�.elapse before�er�ain ac��on can be taken, �ha�time peri�d v�i��be
<br /> deemed��be reasonable far purpases of�h�s paragraph. The no�ice of accelera�ion and oppor�un�ty to cure
<br /> gi�en to Borrower pursuant to Secti�n 22 and the notice of a�celera�ion g�v�n t�Borrower pursuan���
<br /> Sect��n I8 sha��be deemed�o satisfy�he no��ce and�ppor�unity to take correc��ve aG��an pro��si�ns of�his
<br /> Sec�ion��.
<br /> ��. Hazardvus Substances. As us�d in��.is Sec��on 21: �a} "I�a�ard�us Substances"are those suhs�ances
<br /> de�ned as�a�ic ar hazardaus substances, pol�utants, or was�es b�Environmental La�r and the fo��owing
<br /> subs�ances: �asQ�xne, kerosene, other f�ammabi�or tox�c petraleum products, �oxic pest�c�des and herbicide�,
<br /> �o�at�le s��vents, materia�s conta�ning asbest�s or f��maldehyde, and radioac�i�e materiais; ��}
<br /> "Environmenta�L.a�"means f�dera� laws and laws of the jurisd�c��an v�here the Proper�y is ��cated that
<br /> relate to health, safety or environm�ntal pratec��on; �c} "�nvironrnentar Creanup"inc�udes an�r response
<br /> action, remed�al action, �r remo�al ac�ion, as defined �n Envir�nmen�ax Law; and�d� an "Environmental
<br /> ��r�dition"means a condition�hat can cause, contribute��, or otherwise trxgger an En�ironmental��eanup.
<br /> Barrower shall no�cause or perm�.t the pres�nce, use, disposa�, storage, ar re��ase�f an� Ha.zardaus
<br /> Substances, or thr�at�n ta release any�a�ardou� Subs�ances, on or�n�he Proper�y. Borr�wer sha11 not da,
<br /> nor a���w anyone else to do, any�hing affect�ng�he Pr�per�y �a} �ha� �s in vioiat�on of any En��ronmen�a�
<br /> Law, ��}wh�ch creates an Environm�ntal Condi�ion, or��}v�rh�ch, due�o�he pres�nce, use, or re�ease of a
<br /> �azardous Substance, crea�es a cond�tian that adverse�y affec�s th��alue of the Property. The preced�n��wo
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac LINIFORM INSTRfJM�NT Form 342$11�'�
<br /> VMP p VMPGtNEf[13�23
<br /> Walters Kl�rwer Fir�ancia�Ser�iGes Page 13 of 17
<br />