<br /> satisfaGti�n, pr��ided tha�such inspection sha�I be und�rrak�n pramptly. Lend�r rnay pay for the repairs
<br /> and r�s�orat�on�n a singl�disbur�em�n�or zn a ser�es�f progress pa�ments as th��vork is�omplet�d.
<br /> Unless an agreement is made in writ�ng ar Applicab�e La�v r�quir�s int�rest��be paid�n such
<br /> M�scellaneous Proceeds, Lender sha�� not b�r�qu�r�d to pay B�rrower any int�rest or earn�ng�on su�h
<br /> Miscellan�ous Proceeds. If the res�aration�r repa�r�s not��on�mically feasi�le�r Lender's secur�ty wou��i
<br /> be less�ned, the Miscelian�aus Proceed�shall be app���d�o th�sums secur�d hy this�ecur�ty Inst�umen�,
<br /> v�he�her or not then due, �ith the exc�ss, �f any, paid��Barr�wer. Such Misce��ar�e�us Prac�ed� sha�� be
<br /> app��ed iri the order prov�ded for in Section�.
<br /> �n�he even�af a t��a1 �a.��ng, �estruc�iar�, �r I�ss �n�a�ue flf�h�Pr�per�y, �he Mzsce��an�ous Pr�ceeds sha��
<br /> be app�ied�o�he sums secured by this Security�nstrum�nt, whe�her�r nnt then.due, w��h the excess, �f any,
<br /> pa�d�o Borrawer.
<br /> In the event�f a par��al tak�ng, destructzon, or�oss in value of the Praperty in v�hich the fair market value of
<br /> �he Proper�y �mmediately b�fore the par��a� �aking, destruction, or loss in value is equal to or gr�ater than the
<br /> am�unt of the sums secured by thzs S�cur�ty Xnstrument�mmedia�el�b�fore the partia� taking, de��ruc�inn, or
<br /> �oss in va�ue, unless Borr�wer and Lender o�herw�se agree in v�ri�ing, the sums secur�d by this�ecurity
<br /> �ns�rument shall be reduce�by�he amoun�af the N�isce��ane�us Pro�eeds mu�t�plied b�th�f��lawing
<br /> frac���n: �a}�he t�tal amoun��f�he sums s�cur�d irn�med�a�e�y before th�part�a�tak�ng, destruct�on, or�oss
<br /> zn va�ue d��vided by �b}�he fa�r market�alue of th� Proper�y�mmed�a�e�y before the part�a� tak�ng,
<br /> destruct�on, �r�oss in value. Any balance shall be paid t�Borrower.
<br /> �n the��en�of a par�ia� tak�ng, destruct��n, �r�oss in value of the Proper�y in�vh�ch th�fair marke�va�ue of
<br /> the Pr�p�r�y ixnmed�a���y bef�re the par�zal�ak�ng, d�stru�tion, �r�ass �n�aiue is less than the amount�f the
<br /> sums secured immed�ate�y��fore the partial tak�ng, destruc�ion, or�oss in�a�ue, un�ess B�rrower and
<br /> Lender�therwise agree in wrxt�ng, �he Miscellane�us Proc�eds sha�l be app��ed�o th�sums secur�d�y this
<br /> S�cur�ty �ns�rument whether or na�the�ums ar�the�due.
<br /> If the Property is abar�d�ned��Borr�wer, or zf, after�.ntice by Len�ier�a B�rrower��at the�pposing Party
<br /> �as defined in�he n�xt s��a�enc���ffer���rnake a.n award t� se�t�e a claim for damages, B�rrawer fa��s to
<br /> respond�o Lender wi�hin 30 days after the da�e�he no�ice�s g�v�n, Lender�s author�zed�o co��ec�and apply
<br /> �he Misce��anenus Proc�eds either to res�ara��an or repair of the Proper�y or to the surns secured by this
<br /> S�cur�ty Instrument, wheth�r ar no�then due. "�Ppos�ng Par��" m�ans th�third party �hat ovves Borrower
<br /> N.��sce�Xan��us Proceeds or th�party against wham B�rrower has a r�ght nf ac���n�n r�gar�to M�sce��ane�us
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Barrower shaX�be in defau���f an�r a��z�n Qr pr�ceed��g, whether c�vil or�rimina�, is begun tha�, in L�n��r's
<br /> judgment, could resu��in f�rfeiture af the Praper�y�r other mattr�al irnpairment of L�nder's interest in the
<br /> Proper�y or r�ghts under�his Securi�y�nstru.ment. ��rr�wer ca.n cure such a defau�t and, if a�ce�era��on has
<br /> fl�curred, reinstat�as pro��ded in Sec�ian �9, by causing the acti�n�r proceed�ng to be d�sm�ssed with a
<br /> ru�ing�ha�, ��.Lender's�udgment, precludes forfeit�re of the Proper��ar o�her m�a�erial impairment af
<br /> Lender's in�er�s�in th�Proper�y or rzghts under this Security In�trument. The proceed�of any au�ard or
<br /> claim for damag�s�hat are a�tri�utab�e tn�he�mpairment of L�nder's interest in�he Property are hereby
<br /> assigned and sha��b�paid t� Lender.
<br /> A�� N.��sc�llaneous Proceeds�hat are no�app�ied�o rest�rat�on�r repair af the Pro�erty sha�I b�app��ed in�he
<br /> ord�r pr�v�d�d for�n Section�.
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingl��ami(y-Fannis MaelFreddi�Mac tJNIFOftM iNSTRUM�NT Farm 3D28�14'E
<br /> VMP� VMP6{NEy[13a��
<br /> Wa�€ers KI�€w�r�inanCial 5er�ices Page 1�of 17
<br />