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��14��574 <br /> disbursement was rnade,r�gardless of�he ac�ual date of an� d�sbursement. The a�nount secured by this <br /> Security znstrumen�shai� ir�c�ude a�� direct paymen�s b� Lender�o Borro�ver and all other��an advances <br /> permi�ted by th�s Securi�y �nstrum�nt for any purpose. This lien prxor�ty sha�l apply na��vi�hstanding any <br /> S�a�e cons�itu�ian, �aw or regulation, excep��hat this�ien pr�ority shal�not affect the priori�y of any liens <br /> for unpaid Stat��r local go�ernmen�al uni�spec�a� assessme�ts ar taxes. <br /> 22.Adjusta��e-Rate Feature. Under the Note,�he znitia� s�a�ed�nt�rest rate of 2.9����0�hich a�crues <br /> an the unpaid princ�pal ba�ance�"�n�t�al Interest Rate"�is subjec�ta change, as descr�b�d be�o�. 'Vl�hen <br /> �he interes�rate changes,�h�new adjusted in�erest rate�vi�l b�applied�o the total au�standing principat <br /> ba�ance. Each ad�ustment��ti�e in�erest rate�vill be based upon�he a�erage�f interbank offered rates <br /> far one-mont� t�.S. dol�ar denomxna�ed dep�s��s�n the L�ndon Market�"L�BaR"�, as publ�shed�n The <br /> Wal� Stree�J�urna� �"Zndex"),raunded to three digits to�he right of the decimal point, plus a margin. If <br /> the�ndex is no longer a�a�lab�e, Lend�r wi�I be required to use any index prescri�b�d by�he Depar�men� <br /> �f Housing and Urban Deveiapmen�. Lender vvill give Borrov�er notic�af nev�inde�. <br /> Lender v►rill perfarm���e calcula�ions descr�bed be�ow to determine the new adjus�ed�nteres�ra�e. The <br /> inter�st rate may change on J��ne 1,��14 and or� the f�st�ay af ea��su��eedang rna�th. "�hange <br /> Date" m�ans each da�e in�hich�he interest rate could change. <br /> The value af the Inde�.will be determined, using the mos�recen�Index f gure a�ailabl�th�r�y�34�days <br /> befare the�hange Date�"�urr�n��nde�"). Before each�hange Dat�,the nev�r interest ra�e w��l be <br /> cal�ula�ed by adding a margin t�the�urrent Index. The sum of the margin plus the�urrent Index w�ll <br /> be called the"�alculated�n�erest Rate" for each�hange Date. The Calculated�n�erest Rate will be <br /> compared to�he interest rate in effec�immediatel�pr�or to the current�hange Da�e �the"Ex�s�ing <br /> Z nterest Rate"}. <br /> The�a�culated�n�eres�Rate wil�never increase abo�e �.2.�J�Z°�o <br /> The Calcu�ated Ir��erest Rat�will be adj us�ed�f nec�ssary�o camply with�he rate I�mita�i�n�s}descr�bed <br /> a�ove and vvill be rn effe��un�i�the nex��hange Date. A�any change date, �f the CalCulated Interest <br /> Rate equal s�he E�.i sting Interest Rate,the interest rate wi�� not change. <br /> 23.Reconve�ance. Up�n payment of a�� sums secured by this Securi�y �nstrument, Lender shall r�ques� <br /> Trustee��re-con�ey the Pr�perty and shall surr�nder th�s Secur�t� Ins�rument and al� notes e�idenc�ng <br /> debt secured by�his Secur�ty Znstrumen�ta Trustee. Trustee sha�I reconvey the Property without <br /> warran�}��o the persan or persons �egally en�tit�ed to it. Such person nr persons shai l pa�any r�corda�ion <br /> costs. Lender may charge such persan�r persons a fe�f�r r�c�n�eying the Proper�y,but only if�he fee <br /> is paid to a third par�� [such as the Trus�ee�for ser�ices r�nder�d and the charging of�h�fee is p�rmitted <br /> under appl�cabi�lavv. <br /> 24. Subst�tut�Trustee. Lender,a�its opt�on, may from t�me�o time remo�e Trustee and appoin�a <br /> successor trustee to any Trustee appainted hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in�vh�ch <br /> this S�curi�y Ins�ru�men���recorded. �Vithout c�nv�yance af the Prop�r�y,the successor trustee sha�i <br /> succeed to a��the t���e,power and duties conferred upon Trustee herein and�y applicable iaw. <br /> �5.Request far Not�ces. B�RR��VER HEREBY RE�UESTS T�AT,UNLESS DTHER�VISE <br /> PRES�R�BED BY LAVI�,A C�PY�F ANY N�TI�E �F DEFAULT�R N�TI�E�F SALE <br /> PURSUANT T�THE N�NJtJDICIAL F�RECL�SURE�F TH�S DEED t7F TRLJST BE MA�LED <br /> T�B�RR��TITER AT B�RR�VL��R.'S MAZLING ADDRESS SET F�RTH HEREIN. <br /> Page 9 c�f�2 HECM First IJ�ed C3f Trust <br />