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<br /> Ret�:�.r�.Adtlress:
<br /> Eq�.a.itabl� �aral�
<br /> �'� �3vx 1�a
<br /> G�r��at� Islari�,, 11T���8��
<br /> �IT��7C'I'T'�TI�1!� �� TRU�'T�� Al�TD D E�� �F �E��1NV��AlIT�E
<br /> 1. �.bstitutior� �f Trustee. �quitabl� Bank, of P.�. Bo� 1�D, �rar�d Island, NE
<br /> �BS��, is hereby appointe� Succe�sar'I`rustee under the Deed of Trust e�eet�ted.by I]a�v�d �
<br /> ��vsic amd. I�at1�].e�n A �oosic, Hu��and. ancl �Tife, as Trustor, ir�.whieh Equ�tab�.e Barnk, is
<br /> named as the Beneficiary ax�.d Arer�d R. Baack, Attorney, as Trust�e, dated 1111ay 1�, ���4� arzd
<br /> recorded 111Ia��r ��, ���4, in the �ffiee of the Register of De�ds of�Iall Caunty, Nebraska as
<br /> Ir�.strument N�. ����4�5��� re�ardirng the real e�tate descri��d in paragraph 3 bel:ow.
<br /> �. I�e��._o��e�o�v�yan�e, The�nclebtedness secur�d by the Deed �f`I`rust ��ecut�cl
<br /> by David L �ra�s�c anel I�athleen A���si�, Husband an�. �Tife, as trustor, to�-en�l R. B�a�k,
<br /> Attflrney, as Trust�e, for the ber�ef�t �f Equitab�.e Barik as Senef�iary, dated 1Vgay 1�, 2���,
<br /> and recard�c��:r�the aff'ice of t�e Reg.�ster of�e�ds of Hall County, N�:b�-asl�a as L7ocument No.
<br /> ��Q�4���5�, l�.as been paid, and the Be�.ef�c�a�y has requeste� in wrYting tl-��t t,h,�.s Deed �f
<br /> Recor�:veyance �be e�e�uted and d�li�r�recl as co�f'Yrmec� by�ts �ndorsement��lov�.
<br /> In coris�d�ratian af such�a�ment and in accardanc�wzth the request of the �ene�ciary,
<br /> the Su�as-t�tute T`rustee re�onveys to the person or persons entit�ed thereto all the right title a��
<br /> inter�st ar�d cla�m a�quired by the Trustee pursuar�.t to the D�ed of Trust�n the real estate
<br /> des�ribed �n paragraph 3 b�law.
<br /> 3. Descriptiom. of real �state,.a��ali�abl� tv �at�._,Substituti�n of..'T�r�.�t�e
<br /> a�.d I]eed. of.,Reconveyarace. ..� �._ .._. ,_,_ �
<br /> �.ot�e� �1��, in,�l6Testwvo� Park Se�ortd �u�divisi��., ar�. t�.i� City o���and. Islaa�.d,
<br /> I�all ��ua�,ty, 11T�braska
<br /> � � �
<br /> Y
<br /> Thomas E. �-�.owski, ��i�ef��ecutive ff ce�
<br /> �'�C'.AT]E �F N��3RA�K.�. }
<br /> ���
<br /> C�U�T� �F I�A]G�. �
<br /> The fare�oin�Substaitut�on of Trustee and De�d. af]��conveyance was acl�nowledged
<br /> before me t�is � Day�f , ��� , by Thom.as �. Cxdowsk�i, �hief
<br /> �xecutive �f-�'i�er, Equ�tabl� I3ank, nefic�iary a nd�ubstitute Trustee.
<br /> �
<br /> 1V�tary b�c
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<br /> f��� ��� ���L7f1Gi
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