<br /> full of ail sums secured by �his Se�ur�� �nstrurnent. Havve�er, �h�s op�ion sha}1 no� be ex�rc�sed by Lender �f
<br /> ex�rcxse �s proh�b��ed by federa��aw as of th�date af�hxs Secu��ty�nstrument.
<br /> If Lender exerc�ses �his op�ion, Lender shal� ��ve Borrovver no��ce af accelerat�on. The natic� shall provide a
<br /> period �f n�� less than �he m�nimum number flf days es�abl�shed by Applicable Lavv from �he date the notice is
<br /> delivered or ma�led wi�hin wh�ch Bflrrawer must pay al� surns secured by this Secur�ty Ins�rument. �f Borrow�r
<br /> fa�ls to pay �hese sums �rior t� �he exp�rat�on of th�s period, Lender may inWoke any remedies perm��tted l�y this
<br /> Security�nstrument wx�hout fur�her na�ice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> BorrowerTs Right tn Re�ns�ate. If B�rrower mee�s cer�a�n condit�ons, B�rrower sha�� have �he ri�ht to ha�e
<br /> enforcemen� of this Security Instrumen� dxs�ontinued a� any t�me przor�o the earlier af �a� S days �or such o�her
<br /> ' periad as App��cable Law may specify f�r reins�a�emen��before sa�e of the Property pursuant�o any povver of sale
<br /> con�ained in th�s S��urity �ns�rument; or �b} entry of a jud�m�.ent enforc�n� this Secur�ty Instrurnent. Those
<br /> condi�ians are.that Barrov�er: �a� pays Lender a�� sums Wvhich then v�au�d be due unde�- this Security Ins�rume��
<br /> and�he Co�trac�as if no acceleratian had�ccurred;�b}cures any defau��af any ather coWenan�s or a�reements; �c�
<br /> pays aIl expenses �ncurred zn enforc�n�this Security Ins�rument, �nc�udin�,bu�not lim�i�ed t�,reasonab�e at�orneys'
<br /> fees�o the exten�permitted by tavv; and �d} takes such action as Lender may �-eas�nabIy requ�re to assur��ha��he
<br /> lien of this Security �nstru�nent, Lender's rights in the Prope�-ty and Bo�-rawer's abl��at�on�o pay th� sums secured
<br /> by this Se�urity �nstru�nent sha�l con�inue unchan�ed..C]pon rei.nstate�-n�nt by B�rrower, this Secur�ty �nstrument
<br /> and the ob�ibatians secured hereby shall remain fully effecti�e as if p� acce�era��an had occurred. Hflwe�er, this
<br /> ri�h�to re�ns�ate shaZ� not appl� in the case of ac�eleration under the sec�i�n��tied Transfer of�he Propert� or a
<br /> Benef�cial�n��rest�n Borrnwer.
<br /> Hazardous Subs�anees. Barrawer sha�i not cause ar permi��he presence, use, disposal, st�ra�e, or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Subs�anc�s on or in�he Proper�y. Borr�wer shali n�t do, nar al�ow anyone els�to do, anyth���affect�ng
<br /> the Proper�y �hat is in violat�on of any En�ironmenta� Law. Th� precedin� twa sen�ences sha�l not apply �to the
<br /> presence, use,or s�orabe on the Pro�er�y of smaI1 quantities of Ha�ardous Substances�hat a�-e�eneral�y reco�nized
<br /> �fl be appropr�ate to norma�residen�ial uses and�o maintenan�e of the P��aper�y.
<br /> Barrower sha�l promptly�i�e Lender written n�tice of any�n�estigatzon,c�a�m, demand, lawsuit or ath�r action by
<br /> any �o�ernm.�n�al or re�u�at�ry agency �r pri�a�e par�y �n�o��ing the Property and any Hazard�us Subs�ance ar
<br /> Environmenta� Law of whzch Borr�wer has actual knov�led�e. �f Borrawer learns, or is not�fed by any
<br /> �overnmen�al or regula��ry author��,tha�any rem�o�aI �r other remed ia�ion of any Hazardous Substan�e affe�tin�
<br /> the Property is necessary, Borr�wer shai� pran�ptly take all necessary re�media� actions �n accordance wv�th
<br /> Environmenta�Lav�.
<br /> As used in�h�s para�raph, "Hazardous Substances" are �hose substances defined as t�x�c �r hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by Environ.men�al Law and �he f��lowin� substances: �asol�ne, ker�sene, oth�r fiammab�e or toxi� petr�leu�x�
<br /> products, �o�ic pesticides and herb�czdes, �o�atile sa��en�s, ma�erials containing asbes�os ar f�rmald�hyd�, and
<br /> radiaactive ma�er�als. As used�n this paragraph, "En�i�onmenta� Law" means federal �aws and laws of�he state af
<br /> Nebraska that re�ate��hea�th, safety or en�ironmen�a�protecti�n.
<br /> Accelerat�any Remed�es. Lender sha�I g��e noticQ to Barrower prior to acceleration fol�owing Borr�wer's
<br /> breach of any co�venant ar agreemen��n this Securi�y �nstrument or the�or��ract under wnich acce�era��on
<br /> is permi��ed �bu� nat priflr to a�celera��on under �h�sec�i�n �xt�ed Transfer of th� Praperty or a �enefic�ai
<br /> Zn�ere5t in �orrower, unless App��cable I..aw pra�id�s o�herwise}. The not�ce sha�� specify: �a} the default;
<br /> (b} the ac��on requ�red to cure �he defau��; �c� a date, nat less �han �he min�mum numb�r of days
<br /> establ�shed by App�fcab�e Law fr�m the da�e�he n���c� �s g���n to Barrower, b�v�h�ch �h�defau�t mus� be
<br /> cured; and �d� �ha� fa�Iure to curQ �he defau�t �� or befare �he da�e specif�ed xn the no��ce ma� resu�t in
<br /> accelera��on of �he sums secured by this �ecur��y �nstrument and sale of �he Property. To �he ex�en�
<br /> permitted by �aw, the no��ce sha�l fur�h�r inforna Barrower of�he righ� �o r�instate after acce�e�-at�on and
<br /> �he right�o bring a cour�ac�ion �o assert the non�exxstence of a defaul�or any o�her defense of Barrower to
<br /> acc�lera�ivn and sa�e. If�he d�fauIt xs na� cUred an ar before the date specified in the no��c�, Lender a� i�s
<br /> apt�on may require �mmedia�e paymen� in ful� of a�l sum� secured b� this Secur�ty Ins�rument w�thout
<br /> further demand and may invake �he povv�r vf�a�e and any other remed�es permi�ted by Appli�abie Law.
<br /> To the exten� permitted by law, Lend�r 5ha�� be enti��ed �o co�lec� aIl exp�nses incurred �n pur5uing �h�
<br /> remed�es prov�ded in th�s Sectiony xnc�udin�, bu� na� Iim�ted to, reasonable attorne�s' fees and cas�s of�itle
<br /> e�id�nce.
<br /> If�he power of sa�e is in�oked,Trus�ee sha�� record a nv�ice of defau�t in each cflunty �n ►�vhich any par� of
<br /> the Property is Iocated and shaZ� mail cop�es of such no�ice in the manner prescr�bed by App�icab�e Law�o
<br /> Borrower and �a �he other person� �rescr�bed by App�icab�e Law. After the t�me requ�red by App�icable
<br /> Law, Trustee shali gi�e pub�ic no��ce af sale �o the per�ons and in �he ma��.er prescribed by Appl�cabie
<br /> Law. Trus�ee,without demand on g�rrower, shall se�l the Pro�er�y a�pu�lic auct�an �a the hibhes� l�idder
<br /> at the�ime and p�ace and under�he term5 desibna�ed �n�he notice�f sa�e in one or more parce�s and in any
<br /> arder Trustee determ�nes. Trusfe� may postpone sale of a�l or any parcex �f �he Property by pubZ�c
<br /> annour�cQmen�a�the time and p�ace of an� pre���usiy scheduled sale. Lend�r�r�ts designee may purchase
<br /> �he Property a�any sa�e.
<br /> Upon receip� of paymen� of the pr�ce bid, Trustee shali deli�er to the purchaser Tru�tee's deed conveying
<br /> �he Proper�y. Th� rec��ais in the Trustee's deed sha�� be prima fac�e e��d�ne�of�he tru�h of the��a�ements
<br /> made there�n. Trust�e shaIl app�y the proceeds of the sale in the fol�ow�ng order: �a} to at� costs and
<br /> expen�es of exerc�sxng the povver of sale, and the sa�e, inc�uding �he payme�t of the Trus�eets fe�s ac�ualiy
<br /> �?404-201�Camp�iance Systems,Inc.9F9G-85SB-2�13L2.�.721
<br /> C�nsumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2�3 G Pa.�e 4 of 5 www.compiiancesystems.com
<br />